Injured King pigeon fledgling hiding under a car, needing rescue

Grounded pigeon racing survivor asking for help

Abandoned Fantail pigeons in need of rescue
If you find a pigeon or dove that appears to need help (weak, hurt, out of place, tame, domestic, etc.), they probably do.
The first step is to pick up or catch the bird & bring them indoors to safety. (They won’t hurt you & you won’t hurt them as much as the predators will.) There are not many rescue organizations who help pigeons & doves so you’ll have to assist the bird. (If left unprotected, the bird will be killed by cats, rats, raccoons, hawks, gulls, ravens, owls, coyotes, etc.)
Once the bird is safely indoors, read this how to help article. And despite the urge, do not insert food or water into the bird’s mouth! Doing so can cause lots more harm than good. You can hold a small dish of water right up to the beak & invite (but don’t force) them to take a drink. Read this for more info on the subject.
If the bird has a leg band, please read this to understand the true implications.
If the bird has a band that says: PIGEONRESCUE.ORG on it (as shown above), please notify us immediately by joining & posting to our Palomacy Help Group or calling 415 851-5948.
Please do NOT re-release a rescued bird without getting assistance from an expert. If someone tells you to “just let them go”, without knowing the bird’s condition (weight, strength, age, wild or domestic, etc.) they are giving you bad advice. And domestic birds can never be released. They need homes.
Reach out to find pigeon/dove-friendly expert assistance. The quickest, best way to get help from Palomacy is by joining & posting to Palomacy’s Help Group. You can also check our Rescue Map, search wildlife rehabbers, avian vets, bird rescues, animal shelters, etc.
Make sure & ask whomever you find what their policy is towards pigeons/doves. Many will not help them (“non native”) or will offer nothing better than euthanasia. Continue your search until you find someone who will help!
Please understand that anyone who does help pigeons is overwhelmed with the number of birds in need. There are only a couple hundred pigeon rescuers in the US while there are many thousands of people who are breeding, using & endangering millions of these domestic pigeons for their businesses, hobbies & sports every year. Tragically these highly intelligent, deeply emotional birds are used as if they are disposable. Those lucky enough to be rescued alive need a good, non-exploitive home indoors with the family or outside in a predator & rodent-proof aviary with other unreleasable pigeons. There are far more birds in need of homes than there are adopters or sanctuaries. (Learn more What Is Palomacy?)
Injured/sick pigeons/doves deserve compassion & care just as all animals do. Euthanasia is not a substitute for care. Palomacy recommends against euthanasia except in those cases where there is no chance of relief. (Pigeons/doves can recover from & thrive despite catastrophic injuries.) #WeDontHaveToStartWithEuthanasia
Need help? We’re here for you!
THANK YOU for your compassion!