


  • Tue

    National Bird Day



    Palomacy Supports & Celebrates National Bird Day!

    As part of the 14th Annual National Bird Day on January 5, 2016, Born Free USA, in conjunction with Avian Welfare Coalition, is asking popular websites and the public to stop sharing online videos of birds in captivity. While possibly entertaining to some, videos of captive parrots, parakeets, cockatoos, and others inadvertently promote the myth that birds are domesticated pets. The reality is that birds are wild, intelligent animals with emotional and physical needs that cannot be met in captivity.

    While we have enacted laws to protect our native birds—such as blue jays, cardinals, and crows—from commercial exploitation, we fail to recognize the inconsistency in allowing the pet industry to exploit the bird species native to other countries. Even when bred in captivity, exotic birds are not domesticated animals, and all their inherent behavioral and physical needs remain intact. Sadly, when it comes to birds, deprivation of their natural behaviors (to fly and flock, for example) is an inescapable component of their captivity.

    Each year, thousands of birds are sold into the pet trade to individuals who are under the mistaken impression that a bird will make a perfect pet, and online videos featuring captive birds further promote this misconception. Eventually, after fully realizing how difficult it is to provide proper care to wild birds, many people attempt to rid themselves of the responsibility. Unfortunately, few of these birds will find a loving, forever home, and most will spend their days isolated and confined to their cages. Others will bounce from home to home as their caretakers tire of them; some are abandoned at local shelters and birds rescues; some are set free to fend for themselves; and some are euthanized.


  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Amazing Pet Expo

    10 AM - 6 PM

    Indoors,  Santa Clara County Fairgrounds

    Tully Road, San Jose, CA, United States



    BIG EVENT!!! YOUR HELP NEEDED! Or just come and meet some beautiful birds! (Please email Elizabeth at AdoptKings@gmail.com for details.) The Bay Area Pet Expo is coming to the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds and Palomacy will be there! This is the only event we invest money for a booth – because there are 10,000 + attendees and LOTS of potential exposure. ADMISSION IS FREE

    Each Pet Expo is uniquely structured to create an indoor PLAY, LEARN, SHOP AND ADOPT environment suitable for every type of pet lover! From dogs to cats, ferrets to lizards, birds to horses, snakes to pigs, there is literally something for everybody.

  • Sat

    Palomacy for the Love of Doves (& Pigeons!)

    2-5 PM

    Leftovers Home Consignment

    1350 Van Ness Ave (at Bush), SF CA

    Palomacy Valentine 2 by Meg G and Ashley DPalomacy volunteers will be serving champage & yummy vegan treats & introducing the loveable joys of pigeons & doves as pets at this amazing store full of treasures. We’d love for you to volunteer! Come browse & enjoy!


  • Thu

    Celebrate World Wildlife Day

    Celebrate wildlife and support Palomacy's work on behalf of the birds in honor of Palomacy founder Elizabeth's 3/3 birthday here!



    World Wildlife Day was established by the United Nations to increase the world’s appreciation for all wild flora and fauna and to raise awareness of the many benefits of nature conservation.

    Palomacy is pigeon diplomacy and we help not only the domestic pigeons and doves but also the wild pigeons that so need kindess and respect. Elizabeth calls it “trickle up compassion” and every day works to mobilize life-saving, culture-changing rescues for birds in trouble.



  • Wed

    GlobalGiving Bonus Match Day!

    6 AM - 9 PM PT

    Online at Global Giving for Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

    GlobalGiving Bonus Match Day graphicPlease mark your calendars and set your alarm clocks! Starting at 6 AM PT on Wednesday, March 16th, donations made to Palomacy through GlobalGiving will earn a pro-rated Bonus Match until the event ends at 9 PM PT.

    This Bonus Day, GlobalGiving is matching donations up to $1,000 per donor at a pro-rated amount so every donation will earn a bonus! They’re offering a $1,000 bonus award for the project with most individual donors and another for the most money raised. Matching begins at 6 am PT!

    Plus a Very Special Commander Holly Event!

    Commander Holly Helps the Birbs 031616 Bonus Match

  • Sat

    UPC's Conscious Eating Conference 2016

    10AM - 6PM

    David Brower Center 
    2150 Allston Way 
    Berkeley, CA 94704 
    Near the UC Berkeley Campus

    Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 11.17.58 AMPalomacy will be tabling on behalf of squab and in support of all. United Poultry Concerns’ Conscious Eating Conference brings expert speakers to Berkeley, California Saturday March 19th to explore the ethics of eating and the effect that each food choice has, and why it matters.

    Don’t miss this exciting day of information exchange and advocacy support!

  • Sat

    Palomacy @ The 2016 Spring Plant Exchange


    4500 Lincoln Ave, Oakland CA

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    Palomacy will be at the Oakland 2016 Spring Plant Exchange introducing pigeons and doves as pets! (Volunteer ambassadors needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help out. Newbies welcome!) Held rain or shine, join hundreds of your neighbors and fellow plant enthusiasts for the great semi-annual Oalkand tradition. Bring seeds, seedlings, cuttings, plant divisions, bulbs… Go home with bird netting, pots gardening books, bulbs, seedllings, a fist full of mystery succulents, a tree maybe… Get some advice, make some friends, grab a bite and enjoy the music. Go to www.theplantexchange.com for more information



  • Sat

    Palomacy @ UC Davis Picnic Day!

    10AM - 3PM

    Hutchison Field (between La Rue Road & Dairy Road)
    UC Davis



    We love participating in this BIG fun event at UC Davis! There will be 100K visitors! Please help make LOTS of new friends for pigeons & doves! (Volunteer ambassadors needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help out. Newbies welcome!) 






  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Berkeley Bay Festival

    11 AM - 4 PM

    Shorebird Park in front of the Strawbale Nature Center at 160 University Ave., Berkeley Marina, CA, 94710

    483553_512420992153714_2132158690_nPalomacy will be here making new friends for pigeons and doves!  The Berkeley Bay Festival has been an (almost) annual event at the Berkeley Marina since 1937. The Festival provides a beautiful outdoor venue opportunity to learn, explore and be inspired!

    This wonderful FREE event  first happened 79 years ago when  the Marina first opened in 1937. The Bay Festival now showcases activities and environmental education that are available here at the Marina and all around the region. Come celebrate the Earth and our Bay by listening to music, eating wonderful food, and enjoying a day by the Bay. 

  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Earth Day 2016 Oakland Zoo

    10AM - 3PM

    9777 Golf Links Road
    (off Highway 580)
    Oakland, CA

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    Palomacy volunteers will bring pigeons and doves for you to meet and answer all your questions about these sweet, smart, amazing birds. Plus- there will be pigeons in pants! (We need helpers- please volunteer with us!)



  • Wed

    Palomacy @ ASPCA Paws for Celebration


    North Steps of the State Capitol  (L and 11th Streets Side) Sacramento, CA 95814


    IMG_6477 We have a great time meeting leaders and raising awareness and inspiring compassion for the pigeons and doves and are looking forward to being at the State Capitol. If you’re in the area, please come and meet pigeons in pants. We can help answer all your questions about pigeons- those bird we see so often but that so many misunderstand. (See photos & our TV interview from 2014 here.)  (Volunteer ambassadors needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help out. Newbies welcome!)IMG_6140

  • Sun

    Palomacy @ SF Sunday Streets


    Bayview & Dogpatch Sunday Streets at Third Street & Kirkwood, San Francisco, CA

    Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions will be bringing the bird love to Sunday Streets! Sunday Streets are events that encourage recreation, community activities and fun in San Francisco. Sunday Streets closes stretches of city streets to automobile traffic, and opens them to people for several hours on a various Sundays throughout the year, so participants can enjoy a large, temporary, public space where they can bike, walk, run, dance, do yoga, or do any other physical activity. Non-profit and health organizations offer free activities and share information about their services during the event.Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 6.57.01 PM Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 6.57.23 PM Elizabeth Valiant 060113



  • Fri

    Palomacy @ SF SPCA Cocktail Party

    6PM - 9PM

    SF SPCA 201 Alabama Street, SF, CA

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    Palomacy will be bringing the pigeons in pants to this awesome party! *Free adoptions* *Cocktail & Wine Bar* *Vegetarian & Vegan Food Trucks* *Live Music by Taxes & Double Duchess* To volunteer with Palomacy, please contact Elizabeth. To attend the party, please RSVP!

  • Sat

    WingDing Family Festival a Celebration of Spring and All Things Winged!


    Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve (north entrance - approx 1 mile south of the Page Mill/Alpine Rd/Skyline Blvd junction) DIRECTIONS


    A springtime celebration of all things winged! Join Palomacy and meet pigeons in pants! (We need volunteer helpers!) The Wingding Family Fest is a community event celebrating the spring and all things winged and all things bird-y. We offer bird and nature hikes, a bird cache walk, bird arts and crafts, bird games, and bird science to event attendees in a fun format. The event is free though parking is limited. DIRECTIONS


  • Sat

    Palomacy @ SF SPCA Mane of Thrones Adoptathon

    10 AM - 5 PM

    SF SPCA Mission Campus

    Rescue Row, 201 Alabama Street between 15th & 16th streets

    San Francisco, CA 94103

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    Join Palomacy as we bring the pigeons & doves to the kingdoms at the SF SPCA’s Mane of Thrones Adoptathon! We need volunteers to help us & newbies are welcome. Please contact Elizabeth for more info or to RSVP.




  • Sat

    Mural Painting @ Palomacy Ploughshares Foster Aviary

    10 AM - 4 PM

    Palomacy Aviary inside Ploughshares Nursery 2701 Main Street Alameda, CA 94501

    Help us paint a beautiful pigeon-promoting mural on two sides of our newest foster aviary located in the beautiful Ploughshares Nursery! Volunteers are needed. Please contact Elizabeth to participate.

    We Need a Mural Here IMG_9792



  • Mon

    Pigeon Appreciation Day!

    Join the Pigeon Appreciation Day Fun!



    We appreciate pigeons every day- for their gentleness, their loyalty, their courage. Let’s share our love of these birds with everybody on Pigeon Appreciation Day 2016! Artists are invited to share your Pigeon Appreciation imagery & graphics with us and we will help others to share them far and wide. See our 2016 gallery! Pigeons are the angels among us and they deserve a lot more appreciation than they get! You can make a donation in support of pigeon rescue here.

  • Wed

    Bonus Match GlobalGiving Donations Earn +50%!

    6 AM - 10 AM PST

    Only Online at GlobalGiving for Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

    Sunshine says Sunshine and calendar 061516 image-3 copy

    GlobalGiving Bonus Match Please Donate

    Starting at 6 AM PT on Wednesday 6/15, donations made to Palomacy through GlobalGiving will earn a +50% Bonus Match (!!!) until funds run out (usually before 10 AM). Please donate now!

    This Bonus Day, GlobalGiving is matching donations up to $1,000 per donor at 50%! They’re offering a $1,000 bonus award for the project with most individual donors and another for the most money raised. Matching begins at 6 am PST and lasts until funds run out (which happens early)!

  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Berkeley Humane Bark (& Meow) Around the Block

    10 AM - 4 PM


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    Come out and meet lots of beautiful, amazing, charming & adoptable domestic (unreleasable) pigeons & doves at the 4th Annual Berkeley Humane Bark (& Meow) Around the Block Adopt-a-thon & Street Fair! Volunteers needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help! More details about the event here.


  • Sun

    Nihonmachi Street Fair

    11AM - 6PM

    Post & Buchanan in Japantown San Francisco, California


    Join us! Come out & meet pigeons in pants & learn all about Palomacy! We need volunteers & birds too, for all or part of the day. It’s fun! Please RSVP here.

    Join us at this summer’s San Francisco Nihonmachi Street Fair, Sunday, August 7th in SF’s Japantown (Post & Buchanan). The festival and outreach event will have a “Doggie World” area featuring local pet rescue agencies, pet care resources, and vendors.

    The festival attracts thousands of people over two days and is heavily advertised…on MUNI buses and MUNI kiosks throughout the City, on radio, and on digital ads at SFO International Airport. It’s a great opportunity to introduce the joys of pigeons to a large number of people. You can read more about the festival on its website: http://www.nihonmachistreetfair.org.


  • Sun

    Palomacy @ City Horse Kids' Carnival


    Golden Gate Fields, Buchanan Entrance, 1100 East Shore Hwy, Berkeley CA

     Come out in support of City Horse & get to know some of Palomacy’s rescued & adoptable pigeons & doves!

    City Horse carnival-flyer-2016-small_orig


  • Sat

    Palomacy @ the Sonoma County VegFest

    10AM - 5PM

    Luther Burbank Center for the Arts (formally known as the Wells Fargo Center) 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa, CA.

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    We need volunteers & birds, for all or part of the day. It’s fun! Please RSVP here.

    The Sonoma County VegFest was conceived by a small group of compassionate SoCo vegans that wanted to share with their beloved county how wonderful living free of animal products can be. The VegFest will bring together vendors, natural foods stores, restaurants, nutritionists, professional cooks, and other knowledgeable people — including Palomacy volunteers with pigeons in pants! — to share their expertise with us. Come and learn, eat, share and have fun!

    For more information, visit the VegFest website.

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  • Sat

    East Bay SPCA Adoptathon

    10AM - 2PM

    Jack London Square
    Oakland, CA

    Screen Shot 2014-06-13 at 11.10.47 AMThe East Bay SPCA Adoptathon is coming up soon and Palomacy will be there with pigeons in pants! Please join us as a volunteer or stop by to say Hello!

    Join us Saturday, August 27th from 10 am – 2 pm in Jack London Square for the East Bay SPCA’s annual Adopt-a-thon!!! This adopt-a-thon and pet fair will feature more than 350 adoptable animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, and reptiles!

    Not looking to adopt? That’s okay! We also encourage members of the public to:
    -Browse vendor booths
    -Watch canine demonstrations
    -Bring their dog for a $10 microchip
    -Sign up to foster
    -Bring your kids down for activities and fun!


  • Sun

    Palomacy @ The Solano Stroll

    10 AM - 5 PM

    We will be with Berkeley Animal Care Services on Solano Avenue in Berkeley

    Be a part of our Pigeon Diplomacy Team! This is one of our biggest events! We need volunteers & birds, for all or part of the day. It’s fun! Please RSVP here. (Check out our photo album and see the event website.)

    The Solano Stroll is an annual street fair held every September, a week after Labor Day, on the Solano Avenue shopping district of Albany and Berkeley, California. Stretching close to 2 miles long and bringing between 250,000 and 300,000 attendees in a single day, it has been called the oldest and largest street festival in the San Francisco Bay Area and the “world’s biggest block party”!

    Solano Stroll through Berkeley & Albany

    Over five hundred vendors, non-profit organizations, food booths and entertainers. Begins at 10 am with the opening of Solano Avenue businesses and Stroll booths and the kick-off is the theme parade with about 100 groups. After the parade, you can visit one of 50 entertainers, 50 food booths, 150 juried arts and crafters, state of the art mechanical rides, and 150 community non-profit and government organizations, not to mention the unique and popular professional services, restaurants, and shops already here on Solano Avenue. You will hear the best in local music, dance and other performances and absolutely stunning costumes from all over the globe! This is a family event featuring a special area set aside just for kids that offer giant slides, carnival games, clowns, jugglers, stilt walkers, face painters, magicians and more!



  • Wed

    Bonus Match GlobalGiving Donations Earn +30%!

    9 AM PT (Sharp!)

    Only Online at GlobalGiving for Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

    GlobalGiving Bonus Match Please Donate

    Starting at 9 AM PT on Wednesday 9/21, donations made to Palomacy through GlobalGiving will earn a +30% Bonus Match (!!!) until funds run out (in minutes). Please mark your calendars now & set your reminder alarm!

    This Bonus Day, GlobalGiving is matching donations up to $1,000 per donor at 30%! They’re offering a $1,000 bonus award for the project with most individual donors and another for the most money raised. Matching begins at 9 am PST and lasts until funds run out (which happens very fast)! Night owls: There is also an earlier bonus match opportunity at 3 AM PT if that’s when you’re available!


  • Fri

    Palomacy @ SF SPCA Whiskers & Whiskey Party

    6PM - 9PM

    San Francisco SPCA - 201 Alabama Street, San Francisco, CA 94103


    Join Palomacy and pigeons in pants as special guests at the San Francisco SPCA’s Whiskers & Whiskey party!

    It is time for our annual tattoo party – SF’s finest tattoo artists will be here to decorate you with the finest flash art during our cocktail party.  Come meet all the kitties and pups available for adoption – more cuteness than you can handle without a cocktail in your hand.   Take home your four-legged cuddle buddy for free on Friday (9/23) and Saturday (9/24). Stop in at our selfie-station but not before you primp yourself at our cosmetic touch up bar. Delicious food, adorable animals, open bar, what more could you ask for?  See you on the 23rd! Tell your friends! Please RSVP for the party or contact Elizabeth to volunteer with Palomacy!



  • Fri

    Palomacy @ The 2016 Fall Plant Exchange


    Ability Now Bay Area, 4500 Lincoln Ave, Oakland CA  (Just down hill from the Mormon Temple, ample free parking)



    Palomacy will be at the Oakland 2016 Fall Plant Exchange introducing adoptable pigeons and doves as pets! (Volunteer ambassadors needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help out. Newbies welcome!) Held rain or shine, join hundreds of your neighbors and fellow plant enthusiasts for the great semi-annual Oalkand tradition. Bring seeds, seedlings, cuttings, plant divisions, bulbs… Go home with bird netting, pots gardening books, bulbs, seedllings, a fist full of mystery succulents, a tree maybe… Get some advice, make some friends, grab a bite and enjoy the music. Go to www.theplantexchange.com for more information



  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Animal Fest

    11 AM - 3 PM

    Christ the Lord Episcopal Church
    592 Tennent Avenue
    Pinole, California


    Chinchillas! Rabbits! Reptiles! Dogs! Parrots! Cats! Wildlife Ambassadors! Chickens! Pigeons in Pants!

    This is a wonderful, fun event! Easy parking, lots of cool exhibits and presentations and you’ll meet some pigeons in pants!

    Animal Fest seeks to facilitate interaction with animals, educate our community and neighbors about respecting and protecting wildlife, to increase appreciation of and respect for animals in our community, facilitate improved lives and outcomes for animals in our community and to facilitate adoption of animals.

  • Sun

    Palomacy @ MHS Woofstock Adoptathon & Concert

    12 PM - 5 PM

    Marin Humane Society 151 Bel Marin Keys Blvd. Novato, CA



    Please come help us in our Palomacy! Every year Woofstock attendees, human, furry & feathered, hang loose for a fun-filled afternoon of dancing, food and groovy times! This is a wonderful event in primo pigeon & dove adoption territory! We need volunteers & birds, for all or part of the day. It’s fun! Please RSVP here(Palomacy will train people & loan demo birds if needed)


  • Thu

    Palomacy @ The Exploratorium: After Hours - Super Powers

    6 PM - 10 PM

    The Exploratorium, Pier 15 (Embarcadero at Green Street)
    San Francisco, CA

    Costumed Coosaders 
    With Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Rescue
    6:30–9:30 p.m.| East Gallery Corridor

    Pal around with pigeons wearing pants and learn about their special powers of vision, hearing, homing, and devotion. Get a new perspective on these gentle and intelligent birds.

    Get your tickets

  • Sat

    Palomacy @ The 2016 Fall Plant Exchange


    4500 Lincoln Ave, Oakland CA



    Palomacy will be at the Oakland 2016 Fall Plant Exchange introducing pigeons and doves as pets! (Volunteer ambassadors needed! Please contact Elizabeth to help out. Newbies welcome!) Join hundreds of your neighbors and fellow plant enthusiasts for the great semi-annual Oalkand tradition. Bring seeds, seedlings, cuttings, plant divisions, bulbs… Go home with pots, gardening books, bulbs, seedllings, a fist full of mystery succulents, a tree maybe… Get some advice, make some friends, grab a bite and enjoy the music. Go to www.theplantexchange.com for more information




  • Sat

    Bay Area Pet Fair, San Rafael

    10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Marin Center
    10 Avenue of the Flags
    San Rafael, CA  94903


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    The Bay Area Pet Fair, sponsored by our special friends Pet Food Express, is a two-day adoption event packed with activities and resources for pets and their people, with a special focus on adoption and rescue of pets. The event includes more than 100 exhibitors (including Palomacy!) offering products, services and resources for all types of indoor pets– dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs and more! Parking and admission are free!

    We need volunteers for this event; please contact us if you can help out!

  • Sat

    Palomacy @ Ploughshares Nursery Harvest Festival


    Ploughshares Nursery, 2701 Main Street 
    Alameda, CA 94501



    Palomacy volunteers will be on hand to introduce you to the wonders of rescued pigeons as pets! Learn all about them, meet the birds & learn about how to create a safe & beautiful aviary of your own!

    Twinkle Lulu by Liese Hunter 082716 IMG_9083


  • Sun

    Palomacy @ Our Oath in Action


    Central Park, 401 C St Davis, CA 95618

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    Come out and meet beautiful, smart, loving, adoptable pigeons and doves! Snuggle them, look into their eyes and see what you’ve been missing! Volunteer ambassadors are always needed and newbies are welcome. Contact Elizabeth to RSVP.


  • Sun

    **MOVED INDOORS** SFACC Pet Pride Day!

    12 - 5




    MOVED INDOORS DUE TO RAIN! Palomacy will be bringing the pigeons in pants to join the San Francisco Animal Care & Control in celebration of the fluffiest-tail-wagging-feathered-scaled-finned citizens in San Francisco and the people that love them. Come visit Palomacy or join us as a volunteer.



  • Sun

    CANCELLED Palomacy @ Sunday Streets Embarcadero


    SF Embarcadero from Sansome St to King St and King St to 3rd St. (Pier 27 to Willie Mays Plaza, at ATT Park)

    screen-shot-2016-11-07-at-2-57-05-pmSorry but Palomacy won’t be participating on Sunday. We’ll be strolling next year at the Sunday Streets 2017.

  • Tue

    Giving Tuesday!

    You can support Palomacy from anywhere



    Please help the pigeons & doves on GivingTuesday! Your support makes a life saving difference. Make a donation here #GivingTuesday

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has generously provided $500,000 in matching funds for #GivingTuesday!

    There will be an unprecedented 50% matching for #GivingTuesday donations up to the first $1 million raisedThis is the largest amount of matching funds GlobalGiving has ever had in one day in order to match more donations than ever before! 

    In addition to this huge matching opportunity, all new recurring donations made from #GivingTuesday through December 31st will be matched at 200% up to $100, on the fourth donation!

    On November 29th, please make a gift to Palomacy here. Matching applies starting at 9PM PT on Monday 11/28 & continues until 9 PM Tuesday 11/29 or till the matching funds run out. Thank You!

     Giving Tuesday 2015

  • Sat

    HOLIDAY PARTY FOR BIRD PEOPLE! (Palomacy @ Mickaboo Holiday Party)

    5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

    Eagles Hall, 2305 Alameda Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

    Santa Chanel by Jill

    Join Palomacy & our BFFs Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue! It’s a HOLIDAY PARTY FOR BIRD PEOPLE! 

    Featuring: silent auctions, raffles, homemade desserts, delicious buffet, good company and holiday cheer and MORE!

    Cover Charge: $25/Adult, $40/Couple.  (Proceeds benefit our host Mickaboo’s parrot rescue) Click here for info & to RSVP.

    Want to Help with the Party?  Good! We need you! Contact Elizabeth to sign up.



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