Palomacy relies on your donations to rescue & rehome birds
Palomacy is a tax exempt, nonprofit public charity. Our EIN# is 87-2836252
Donate online to Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions
Support Palomacy as a monthly donor (receive a gorgeous Palomacy calendar every year as our thank you!)
Send a check: Palomacy, P.O. Box 24585, San Francisco, CA 94124

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Palomacy’s Recommended Amazon Products (Click & shop & Palomacy earns a commission.)
Order Palomacy PIGEONRESCUE.ORG Leg Bands for Your Birds

Donate items to Community Thrift Store in SF in Palomacy’s name (#46)

Text GIVE 9380 to 80100 to donate $10 to Palomacy. (Message & data rates may apply)
Promote Palomacy with one of our awesome bumper stickers! Email your address, tell us blue or grey & volunteer/creator Ellie will send to you! (Make an optional donation here if desired.)

Rescued Baby King Pigeon Athena Thanks You