
May 1, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo Thanks You for Your Generous Support

We are deeply touched by the kindness and generosity so many of you have shown in response to our financial challenge. Thank you for supporting MickaCoo and this work that we do. We’re still a couple thousand dollars shy of meeting our $6K goal by May 1 but we are encouraged and hopeful and working hard to stay aloft. Thank you all for supporting us in so many ways- thank you.

To give in support of pigeon and dove rescue, please visit our Donate Page

The birds that need our help have no place else to turn and we are all very grateful to be able, bird by bird, to say yes.

On behalf of all the birds you are helping and the entire MickaCoo family, thank you.


Elizabeth Young, founder & executive director

Juliet- rescued from SJACS

Juliet- rescued from SJACS

Lonely Nun gets a BFF and a shelter Nun gets a home

Lonely Nun gets a BFF and a shelter Nun gets a home

Stranded racer Blue taken into foster care

Stranded racer Blue taken into foster care

Sally, Sissy & Sasha- adopted

Lonely widowed dove gets three new lady friends

Lonely widowed dove gets three new lady friends

Pretzel marries widowed Opal and both are adopted

Pretzel marries widowed Opal and both are adopted


April 30, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Pigeon Self-Rescues Through the Cat Door

Polka Dot the self-rescuing racer

Polka Dot the self-rescuing racer

Last October, an exhausted racing pigeon limped into Laurie’s kitchen through her cat door. Laurie was quite surprised to find him there. But Laurie is an animal lover who rescues cats and has volunteered with wildlife rescue and she knew that this brave little bird needed help. She delivered him to WildCare (who kindly took him in despite his being domestic) but fretted knowing that once he healed up, if not claimed, he’d be transferred to a shelter and perhaps killed for lack of an adopter. Coincidentally, Laurie had just met Linda, one of MickaCoo’s volunteers, and the flock that she fosters in her beautiful backyard aviary. Laurie reached out to Linda and Linda put Laurie and I in touch.

Of course, MickaCoo was full with a waiting list so taking Laurie’s self-rescuing pigeon into our care wouldn’t be easy but I gladly talked with Laurie about how she could provide a home for the racer when he was ready to leave WildCare.

By mid-November, the self-rescuing racer was doing well and Laurie had decided that she just might want to create an aviary for him. I had the pleasure of doing a home visit with her in December. I brought along rescued King Pigeon Olivia to assist and we talked about all kinds of lovely aviary possibilities that could be created.

Laurie Meets Olivia

Laurie Meets Olivia

Gary & Olivia making friends

Gary & Olivia making friends

Gary & Laurie in the spot that will become Polka Dot's aviary

Gary & Laurie in the spot that will become Polka Dot’s aviary

As things often do, it took a little longer than planned but by January 30th, Laurie’s beautiful new aviary was ready and she went to WildCare to pick up not only her self-rescuing racer, but also a little Birmingham Roller that had bonded with him through their cage bars. She named them Polka Dot and Pansy.

I was there to help introduce them to their new home (!!!) and it was an amazing afternoon. Polka Dot, the racer, is male and Pansy, the roller, is female and they were married within their first hour together in their incredible new aviary.


A beautiful, safe home


Polka Dot & Pansy fell in love while healing at WildCare

Pansy, rescued thanks to Polka Dot

Pansy, rescued thanks to Polka Dot

I call it the Aviary that Polka Dot Built. Not only did he rescue himself by walking into exactly the right cat door, but he also rescued Pansy! And his amazing feats continue! On April 13th, Laurie spent her first day as a MickaCoo volunteer doing Pigeon Diplomacy with Jill at the Berkeley Bay Festival.


Shadow showing off her Pigeon Diplomacy


Laurie is a natural Pigeon Ambassador

And Laurie is an award-winning artisanal perfumer and the owner of Velvet & Sweet Pea’s Purrfumery. She’s writing about Polka Dot and pigeon rescue in her blog!

Laurie's story

Laurie’s story

And she is donating a Custom Perfumery Experience to benefit MickaCoo (more details to come soon)!

Custom Perfume Adventure

Custom Perfume Adventure

AND Laurie has opened her heart and home to foster two of MickaCoo’s pigeons, Lulu & Ed, in her beautiful patio aviary!

Foster pigeons Ed & Lulu

Foster pigeons Ed & Lulu

The good life

The good life

Jill & Laurie- MickaCoo friendships flourish

Jill & Laurie- MickaCoo friendships flourish

Self-rescuing pigeon Polka Dot is what we call a SUPER Bird! He makes me smile just thinking about him. And he has a perfect view of that fateful cat door and his beloved Laurie from his aviary. I think that makes him smile.

SUPER Polka Dot!

SUPER Polka Dot!

Laurie (with Olivia) at the cat door

Laurie (with Olivia) at the cat door

Thank you Polka Dot & Laurie! MickaCoo is so lucky to have you in the family.

Readers- please help support MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue: Donate, Shop, Sponsor a bird.


April 30, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Introducing MickaCoo’s New Bird Health Care Coordinator!

Rescued pigeon perched on Zoe's head

Zoe and Slayer

It is with great pride and happiness that I introduce MickaCoo’s volunteer Bird Health Coordinator Zoe Martell (pictured here with her rescued friend Slayer)! While, and because, most shelters still consider euthanasia as the first choice for injured and/or ill pigeons and doves, MickaCoo prioritizes rescuing and caring for these most vulnerable of birds. MickaCoo works closely with Bay Area avian vets and we benefit greatly from their expertise and generous support. Zoe’s extensive rescue and rehab experience as well as her in-depth study of avian health care have made her an invaluable partner in this work- from intake assessment through treatment and long-term follow-up care. Zoe has been working hard these past months helping MickaCoo to save our most at-risk birds and we are so pleased that she has agreed to officially be our Bird Health Care Coordinator. Thank you, Zoe! 

Zoe Martell is a lecturer in Psychology at San Francisco State University.  She earned an M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 2003, and in 2013 she completed a dual degree program at San Francisco Art Institute. (M.A. in the History and Theory of Contemporary Art, Master of Fine Arts in Painting.)  She has always had a strong personal interest in biology and medicine. 

 In 2005, she rescued two baby feral pigeons, and became involved with the local SF Bay Area community of independent pigeon rescuers, as well as several online rescue forums.  She was fortunate to meet very experienced individuals who mentored her in learning the basics of diagnosis and rehabilitation of pigeons and doves, and she has since dedicated herself to learning as much as possible about pigeon and dove health. A self-proclaimed science nerd and ‘crazy pigeon lady,’ she reads avian medical textbooks and articles for fun.  She still has the two feral rescues that began her pigeon odyssey, and has added 15 more pigeons and 6 doves to the mix, not including the pigeons and doves she fosters for MickaCoo.


April 30, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Mendocino Weekend Getaway- Bid Now! Auction Ends Sunday 5/5 at 9 PM PST

Spend a wonderful (discounted!) weekend in a gorgeous home on the cliffs of the spectacular Mendocino Coast AND all proceeds benefit MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue! Details and bidding here (auction ends Sunday 5/5 at 9 PM PST).


View from Roman Tub

La Puerta del Mar is reminiscent of a Moorish coastal home with white walls and lots of tile. Walk through the front door of this 3 bedroom/2 bath home and be greeted by an ocean vista through the floor to ceiling “doors” that open completely to make the tiled living room and patio one large living space. On a clear day you can view the Pacific coastline from the Navarro Beach to Pt. Arena. The master bedroom with an antique Chinese king-sized bed includes its own fireplace, large flat screen TV, bathroom with bidet, a deep Roman tub with an ocean-view, and a large steam sauna and walk-in shower. At the other end of the house is the 2nd bedroom containing a grand, king-sized bed, full bathroom, and an added bonus room with a queen sofa bed and large flat-screen TV. The third bedroom, off the living room, contains a lovely antique, full-sized bed and touts a broadly-stocked library.  The living room includes its own large fireplace and flat -screen TV that is centrally located. An open dining room and fully equipped gourmet kitchen makes this setting ideal. A private, luxurious vacation getaway, located within 5 minutes of The Ledford House and Albion River Inn Restaurants–two well known eating establishments on the coast.


March 13, 2013
by Elizabeth
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The Difference MickaCoo Makes

Most shelters are very dog and cat focused and birds and other “exotic” companion animals often don’t receive the same level of care nor see the same rate of adoptions. Despite being over-stretched ourselves, we knew that saying no to these three birds would mean they would be killed. The shelter had already extended their time and there were no other options available. We had one potential adopter lined up and got creative to figure out foster care possibilities and said yes, yes we would take on the responsibility for saving these three birds lives. We are so glad. These three little former orphans- flightless Roller George, super sweet Sally and tame unreleasable feral pigeon Amity are thriving, grateful to be alive. Thank you for helping MickaCoo to help birds like these.


February 21, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo Advisory Committee Welcomes Susan Gilbert

Susan fell in love with and adopted foster homer Little Cloud

I am honored and thrilled to say that Susan Gilbert has accepted our invitation to join the MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue Advisory Committee.

Susan has a wide range of animal experience ranging from koalas to elephants to newborn kittens (with lots in between) and has been a great asset to MickaCoo from her first accidental volunteering when she saved baby king pigeon Carmine and brought him to MickaCoo in 2011. Among many other things, she’s coordinated our last two auctions, is currently helping us to apply for much needed foundation grants and will leading an effort to develop our volunteer coordination.

I couldn’t introduce Susan any better than she has here so allow me to introduce Susan in her own words:

 My involvement with animals began in 1990 in Australia when I volunteered at an animal park. I learned a great deal about Australian animals and wound up raising orphaned kangaroo joeys in my home and teaching Aussies that koalas are not bears.

The interest was established, so when we returned to the United States, I started volunteering with the Animal Management Department at the Oakland Zoo. I did that for 4 years working with parrots, snakes, eland, gazelle, giraffes, quail, and chinchillas. The second year I was there, I also went through Docent training. I served in both capacities for 3 years, then just stayed active with the docents. During the 16 years I was a docent, I did Wildlife Theater (educational presentations, not shows), guided tours, stations (mostly elephant since my husband was an elephant keeper), taught docent training, held several positions on the Docent Council Board, served on many committees, and was the Oakland Zoo delegate for 5 years to the Association of Zoo and Aquarium Docents (AZAD) conferences, and presented a paper one year. I was voted Docent of the Year once. As a paid employee, I took out the ZooMobile for children’s birthday parties.

Since my husband was (and still is) a zookeeper, I have been privy to doing things with the animals that are beyond the scope of docent. I have been an allo mother to an African elephant baby, done elephant over-night observations recording on various ethograms, helped build an enclosure for baby chimps, etc.

I volunteered 4 years at Sulphur Creek Nature Center during baby bird seasons and worked for the East Bay SPCA for a while during which time I created and conducted a Humane Education Program. I am considered a local authority on bottle-baby kittens having fostered hundreds of them over many years.

And now I am passionate about MickaCoo and serving the pigeons and doves. I have taken an active role in fundraising, specifically taking charge of auctions and sales, and am currently working on grant proposals. I am, also, interested in organizing the volunteers to better enable MickaCoo to grow and prosper. I have been adopted by 1 homing pigeon, Little Cloud, who is the love of my life. He and I go to schools and events to draw attention to and teach about the plight of domestic pigeons and doves. I provide transportation to the vet, foster birds on a temporary basis, do home visits, attend several events, and whatever is needed. I am currently owned by 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 pigeon.

It is an honor to be asked to be on the Advisory Committee and will do all I can to contribute to this wonderful organization.

Welcome, Susan!  We are SO glad to have you with us!


February 1, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Palomacy Added to Community Thrift Store of SF Charities!

Community Thrift Store in SF, CA

Donations made to the Community Thrift Store of SF in Palomacy’s name earn funding for pigeon & dove rescue!

After nearly a year on the highly competitive waiting list, Palomacy (formerly MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue) made it on to the roster of charities supported by Community Thrift Store in San Francisco. Donations of clean, gently used items made in the name of PALOMACY PIGEON & DOVE ADOPTIONS (#46) will benefit Palomacy when sold.

That means that you and all your friends and family and colleagues and neighbors can support Palomacy when donating to the Community Thrift Store located in the Mission at 623 Valencia Street (at 17th) in SF. (Furniture pick-up is available in San Francisco Sunday-Thursday. Call (415) 861-4910 to make an appointment. Please note they usually book about 1-2 weeks in advance.)

Each item donated is credited to the charity of the donor’s choice and so, if you and your friends donate stuff on behalf of Palomacy (#46), we will receive a portion of the sale price. (We need to generate $200/month of sales to stay in the program.)

Just in time for spring cleaning!

Thank you for supporting Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions!

January 27, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Chanel enjoying a visit with his reflection in the mirror

On August 31st, 2012, MickaCoo was asked to rescue a domestic pigeon from the shelter where he would otherwise be euthanized for lack of an adopter. A MickaCoo volunteer (whose dining table was already co-opted by a pair of foster pigeons) cleared off her coffee table to make room for him. She named him Chanel. Chanel is a fancy little domestic breed called a Trumpeter whose genetic heritage includes relentless selective (in)breeding. He has way more feathers than a pigeon is supposed to, including long, primary flight-size wing feathers growing painfully out of his poor little tender feet as well as the crest around his head that, while cute, restricts his peripheral vision. Of course, inbreeding has other costs as well and fancy pigeons like Chanel are prone to all kinds of troubles that hardy feral pigeons have beat (by way of natural selection). People changed Chanel’s destiny from being one of the most successful birds in the world to being a frail and helpless one. And, without a home, Chanel was doomed. But Chanel got lucky and was rescued by MickaCoo.

Once in our care, it became clear that little Chanel was under the weather. His long feet feathers restricted his mobility and so they were trimmed. When a space became available, he was transferred to the special gentle-birds-only aviary of another foster volunteer. He’s done OK but kept to himself and sulked more than thrived. Recently we learned that hidden under Chanel’s many feathers was a fast-growing mass. His vet, Dr. Fitzgerald, tried to save he and MickaCoo the impacts of surgery by devitalizing the mass via ligature (tying off) and that worked for a portion of it but eventually, surgery was required and, on 1/28/13, was performed.

Chanel’s heart beat was erratic while under anesthesia but the surgery team finessed him through and he is home and recovering well. Dr. Fitzgerald is hopeful that she was able to remove all traces of the mass. She’d like to biopsy the removed tissue but that would cost another $170 above and beyond Chanel’s (generously discounted) vet bill of $1500. MickaCoo needs help to cover these costs. We have been generously awarded a $500 grant from the ASPCA and generous donors have already contributed almost $300 but a large balance remains.

MickaCoo never knows what a rescue will cost and rather than triaging them out, we prioritize caring for the sick and injured. We do our utmost (and drive our poor avian vet partners crazy) to keep expenses as low as possible but the reality is that avian medical care, just like canine, feline and human medical care, is costly. Chanel didn’t ask to be in this situation but he wants to live. Please help us to continue saving the lives of birds that no one else is while we simultaneously increase compassion and reduce suffering for innocent creatures. If you can, please make a tax-deductible donation today. I can virtually guarantee you that your donation will make a life-saving difference. Thank you.

2/11/13 Update from Chanel’s foster mom Jill: Chanel continues to improve after surgery and loves being back in the aviary with his friends. He has even surprised me by flying a short distance! I had never seen him take wing prior to surgery.  I think he’s feeling much better now that he can act more like a pigeon in a flock with his friends. He will always need to have his feet feathers trimmed but other than that he’s a happy-go-lucky guy who just needs a wife and a home to call his own.


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