
November 20, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Buy MickaCoo 2014 Calendars & Help Birds!

MickaCoo 2014 Calendar V1

MickaCoo 2014 Calendar V1

We had a wonderful year knowing 32 of our supporters had their MickaCoo 2013 Calendar proudly displayed in locations all around the world! We’d love to sell 100 this year! Cost is $20 each (plus postage for shipping) and $10 from each supports MickaCoo and helps saves birds’ lives!

We have two versions. (They are very similar!) Version 1 features Bathing Leo on the cover and includes 24 photos! Version 2 features rescued ex-racing pigeon Clive on the cover and has 27 photos (including Angel!) and slightly longer captions on some pages. SPECIAL OFFER: ONE OF EACH FOR $35!

To order, please email Elizabeth at AdoptKings@gmail.com and include which version(s) you want, the quantity and your shipping address. Payment of $20 per calendar plus shipping from zip code 94124 can be made via credit card or check at our Donation Page or via PayPal (to AdoptKings@gmail.com). Thank you!

Calendar Version #1

Calendar Version #1

Calendar Version #2

Calendar Version #2

Version 1 Cover

Version 1 Cover

Version 1 June

Version 1 June

Version 1 August

Version 1 August

Version 1 November

Version 1 November

Version 2 Cover

Version 2 Cover

Version 2 January

Version 2 January

Version 2 May

Version 2 May

Version 2 December

Version 2 December


November 12, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Help Design MickaCoo’s 2014 Calendar!

Please select your favorite 13 photos (only) by clicking on and then commenting on your favorite photos in this album!

And please- share YOUR great photos of rescued pigeons & doves to be considered as well! Hurry! The deadline is this Friday 11/15/13 but the sooner the better! (Send to Elizabeth at AdoptKings@gmail.com) Thank you!!!


November 8, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo Earns Top Rated Great Nonprofit Award 2013

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue is extremely proud to have earned Great Nonprofits’ Top-Rated Award again for 2013 (fewer than 1% of nonprofits nationwide are eligible). Thank you for making our work possible, for endorsing our efforts and for adding your voice in support of the birds.

MickaCoo is proud to be recognized as a Top-Rated Great Nonprofit again in 2013

MickaCoo is proud to be recognized as a Top-Rated Great Nonprofit again in 2013

Here are excerpts from a few of our 52 reviews. Visit our page at Great Nonprofits to see them all.

“Such a worthwhile organization doing fantastic work! I’m inspired to spread the word and hope to work with wineries in Sonoma and Napa counties as potential aviary builders and pigeon adopters!! So many need permanent homes.” (Read more)

“In addition to directly rescuing and rehabilitating the birds, they also spend a great deal of time educating people from all walks of life about pigeons and doves and what great birds they are, as well as the may dangers they face and abuse they needlessly suffer. They encourage people to adopt, not breed, these birds (so many need homes!)….and they promote kindness and compassion toward these sometimes misunderstood creatures (and in doing so, they help create a kinder, gentler, more compassionate world). MickaCoo’s work is 24/7 and they do an amazing job!!” (Read more)

 “Donors can be absolutely confident in their donations being used wisely and efficiently for the MickaCoo pigeons and doves. I know this as I have been consulting ton nonprofits for over 10 years and I am very picky with the public’s money and how it is spent.” (Read more)

“Sadly, it never occurred to me that pigeons needed rescue. The creation and growth of MickaCoo has made the plight of homeless, abused, abandoned, and neglected racing pigeons, King pigeons, homing pigeons, “fancy” pigeons, and the hybridized domestic/wild birds a vivid and worthwhile object of philanthropy. The dedication and passion brought to the care of these birds and the care taken to characterize their beauty, gentle nature, and positive characteristics makes it very clear why we as human beings have a responsibility to protect them.” (Read more)




November 8, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo Chosen a 2013 Top SF Charity!

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue works hard to save the lives of domestic (unreleasable) birds that would otherwise be killed in shelters for lack of adopters and it takes a lot of “palomacy” to bring the plight and potential of these gentle creatures into the public’s awareness. So, imagine how excited and proud we are to be included in 7×7’s Top 49 San Francisco Charities for 2013! And, with your votes, we hope to win a cash prize as one of the Top 7!

MickaCoo is honored to be chosen one of San Francisco's Top 49 Charities of 2013

MickaCoo is honored to be chosen one of San Francisco’s Top 49 Charities of 2013

7×7, (“a San Francisco-living-focused fashion, lifestyle, food, culture, opinion and entertainment digital, print, mobile, social, commerce and events platform”) writes, “After a few thousand emails passionately nominating an astounding array of San Francisco’s hard-working charities, we’ve arrived at the Top 49 finalists. From those that support abandoned animals to creators of homeless outreach programs and help for at-risk youth, we’ve got top-notch contenders this year. It’s time to rally the troops like never before and start voting, because that $10,000 grand prize (and $2,000 each to the six runners-up) furnished by the philanthropic-minded folks at PG&E looms large as a major way for the winners to take their work to new levels.”

Many of you are already voting for us every day- thank you! Please continue to do so and, if you’re not already, there’s still time! To vote, click here, scroll down (we’re the last listed) and select MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue from the “Additional Community Vitality” category.

Scroll down to the bottom and select MickaCoo

Scroll down to the bottom and select MickaCoo

It’s your time and energy and generosity and help that enables MickaCoo to save lives and change minds. Rescued King pigeon Zel and all the many others thank you for your compassion and support.

Photo by Connie Pugh

Photo by Connie Pugh


October 27, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo @ SF Pet Pride Day 2013

MickaCoo had a great time at the 20th Annual SF Pet Pride Day sponsored by SF ACC. BIG thanks to volunteers Cheryl, Amaryllis, Tracey & Viviana for their help!

Click to see more photos!


October 23, 2013
by Elizabeth
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Angel: Standing Tall

On September 26th, I received this Email: “Hello, My name is Dr. VanGilder and I have a patient named “Angel” presented to me at Four Seasons Animal Hospital who is in need of your help. She is a wonderful, bright, spunky bird who has an angular limb deformity of the left leg, limiting her mobility. Her owner loves her very much but doesn’t feel that she can provide the care she deserves.  We are left with the choice between humane euthanasia and rehoming. I am hopeful that you can help us find a fostering/adoption situation that will give this pigeon a second lease on life.”  MickaCoo is struggling to stay aloft with never enough funding and always more birds than capacity to help them and so taking responsibility for Angel was not the easy choice it should have been. She couldn’t stand, walk or fly and would need expensive corrective surgery and lots of supportive care if she was to have any chance for a full life. Here’s her story. Please make a donation towards her care if you can. (Click on the first photo to see the images full size.)

See Angel’s Update


October 14, 2013
by Elizabeth
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SF Walk for Farm Animals (King Pigeons Are Farmed Animals)

MickaCoo was thrilled to have the opportunity to table at the SF Walk for Farm Animals on October 5th, 2013. We made lots of new friends and helped raise awareness about the plight of King pigeons, factory-farmed and butchered at the age of 4 weeks as squab. We want to help Farm Sanctuaries include a few King pigeons among their rescues for humane education and to reduce demand for this cruel “delicacy”.  Want to help? Please contact Elizabeth.

Pledge to Not Eat Baby Pigeons! Say No to Squab!

Gentle Birds Need Help to Escape Cruel Fate

Squab Production: Another Cruel Delicacy


October 14, 2013
by Elizabeth
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The Story of SUPER Dovee!

Do you know the legend of SUPER Dovee?

Cheryl was new to birds but committed to helping Dovee

Cheryl was new to birds but committed to helping Dovee

In 2009, I received an email seeking help. It said, “I’m trying to find a loving home for Dovee, a white pigeon I have in my bathtub in Pacifica, CA.” And that is how the story of Cheryl and SUPER Dovee began.

Cheryl was new to birds but a lover of animals and she was determined to help this stray King pigeon that had been hanging around a neighborhood shopping center. She had initially found him a home but he had been returned and needed another. MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue was full up and the best we could offer at the time was coaching about how to care for him and a spot on our waiting list.

Cheryl was a quick study and took wonderful care of Dovee while he waited for an opening with MickaCoo. Cheryl began volunteering with us at outreach events all over the Bay Area, helping to inspire support for these smart, gentle birds that are so under-served and overlooked. And she continued to foster Dovee until the day someone inquired about adopting him- that’s when she realized that Dovee was already home- with her, and on October 4th, 2009, Cheryl officially adopted Dovee.

I call Dovee “SUPER Dovee” not because he is so special and charismatic (which he is) nor because he looks so good in his SUPER Dovee Pigeon Pants, complete with cape (which he does) but because he brought with him Cheryl- an incredibly amazing supporter for MickaCoo. Cheryl has invested thousands of hours of her time as a volunteer these past four years and donated thousands of dollars. She has lovingly fostered more than 100 pigeons and doves in her five-star aviary and bird room. Cheryl has introduced thousands of event-goers to the plight and potential of these birds; logged thousands of miles on the road; donated nearly a ton of pigeon feed and hosted five $1K Garage Sale Fundraisers for MickaCoo. Cheryl has braved heartbreaking rescues including saving homing pigeons used for testing in a university lab and 216 Persian High Flyers abandoned in filthy sheds. Cheryl serves as the Chair of MickaCoo’s Advisory Committee and our Financial Coordinator and inspires all of us every day with her big, strong heart.

SUPER Dovee & SUPER Cheryl!

SUPER Dovee & SUPER Cheryl!


SUPER Dovee painting by Alina Kremer


Photo by Kira Stackhouse

It retroactively scares me to death when I think that, if MickaCoo had been able to foster Dovee right away, Cheryl might not have joined us in this daunting work at which she is so effective. Since SUPER Dovee, there have been other birds that have brought us amazing people and they too earn the title “Super” for their outstanding volunteer development skills. Thanks to racing pigeon Super Elinor, we have volunteer Jill. Thanks to Ringneck dove Super Tutti, we have volunteers Janelle & JJ. Self-rescuing Super Polka Dot brought us Laurie and so on… but there is only one SUPER Dovee and thank goodness, he brought us SUPER Cheryl.

DSCF5111 2010_06190069Cheryl_Mandee 2010_08140044 DSCF1385

By Elizabeth Young, founding executive director of MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue


October 14, 2013
by Elizabeth
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The Difference a Grant Makes

Humane Education in action

MickaCoo’s Susan & Little Cloud: Humane Education in action, Photo by Megan Wolfe

Last winter, “in celebration of National Bird Day and in support of those organizations providing sanctuary or rescuing and re-homing homeless pet birds”  the ASPCA issued a call for proposals to improve the welfare of birds at risk and to save more lives. The ASPCA awarded a total of $30,000 in avian rescue grants nationwide and MickaCoo was extremely honored and proud to receive $5,000 to Rehabilitate & Rehome 20 Domestic Pigeons & Doves that would have otherwise been killed in shelters.

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 11.17.31 AM

Here is our final Grant Report on this effort.

I’m having a very difficult time separating out the impact that this grant made on our efforts but I will do my best! I can definitively say that we succeeded in our promise to Rehabilitate & Rehome 20 Domestic Pigeons and Doves That Would Be Euthanized in Shelters

The first impact of the ASPCA grant was to strongly encourage us in our efforts to help these birds that are so typically overlooked and underserved. We are so proud to have been honored with this grant! We were very aware that a great many wonderful bird rescues were vying for a limited amount of funds and to have $5,000 of the $30,000 award invested in our little grass-roots rescue means a great deal to us. Thank you! The validation we gained from your grant is priceless.

The second impact was to provide a cash balance with which to sustain our work as we pursue and generate additional support. Your grant literally helped to keep our rescue alive. Thank you! We are in a time of challenging transition and, while we’ve more than doubled our donations from individuals, it is still not yet enough to cover our costs and so receiving a check for $5000 (10% of our total revenue for this FY, 8% of our costs) meant a lot in our ability to continue.

The third impact was that we were able to do the work that we are doing and which no one else in this area is and, in so doing, during the period of this grant (February through August of this year) we saved the lives of 56 domestic/unreleasable pigeons and doves that otherwise would have been killed for lack of homes and/or vet care, by bringing them into our foster care network!


Charlie (deceased)
Lovie (adopted)
Bobby (deceased)
Snowflower (fostered, bonded with Moonshine)
Tesla (adopted)
Pidge (deceased)
Clover (adopted)
Ed (fostered, bonded with Uno)
Carlie (fostered, bonded with Buster)
Amity (adopted)
George (adopted)
Sally (adopted)
Honky (adopted)
Rambo (fostered, Special Needs)
Rocky 2 (fostered, bonded with Snow)
Tweedle (adopted)
Juliet (fostered)
Madalyn (fostered, bonded with Elsa)
Muriel (adopted, bonded to Beethoven)
Charlotte (fostered, bonded with Chanel)
Fred (fostered, bonded with Freckles)
Beethoven (adopted, bonded to Muriel)
Melvin (deceased)
Moby (fostered)
Moonshine (fostered, bonded with Snowflower)
Mr. & Mrs. Blue (adopted)
Mr. & Mrs. Green (adopted)
Persian High Flyer Flock (9, fostered)
Raquel (fostered, bonded with Ace)
Sam & Lana (fostered)
Pedro (adopted)
Buzz (adopted)
Elsa (fostered, bonded with Madalyn)
Dusty (fostered)
Slick (fostered)
Meulin (fostered, bonded with Jitsu)
Saraphin (fostered, Special Needs)
Gemini (fostered)
Mighty (fosterd, bonded with Minnie)
Minnie (fostered, bonded with Mighty)

During that same period, 46 pigeons & doves (not necessarily the same ones- some of our birds are fostered for many months before being adopted) were placed by MickaCoo into carefully screened, educated and supported non-breeding, non-sporting forever homes!

Buzz (Dove) on 2013-08-31
Lulu (bonded with Sprite) (Pigeon) on 2013-08-22
Sprite (bonded with Lulu) (Pigeon) on 2013-08-22
Cookie (Pigeon) on 2013-08-22
George (Pigeon) on 2013-08-22
Feathers (Pigeon) on 2013-08-19
Lovie (Pigeon) on 2013-08-17
Robbie (bonded with Stanley) (Pigeon) on 2013-08-10
Mr. & Mrs. Blue (Pigeon) on 2013-08-07
Mr. & Mrs. Green (Pigeon) on 2013-08-07
Lopez (bonded with Dot) (Pigeon) on 2013-07-27
Dot (bonded with Lopez) (Pigeon) on 2013-07-27
Ed (bonded with Lulu) (Pigeon) on 2013-07-14
Muriel (bonded to Beethoven) (Dove) on 2013-07-14
Beethoven (bonded to Muriel) (Dove) on 2013-07-14
Honky (Dove) on 2013-05-09
Opal (bonded with Pretzel) (Pigeon) on 2013-04-28
Pretzel (Pigeon) on 2013-04-28
Sugar Pea (bonded with Pretzel) (Pigeon) on 2013-04-22
Pretzel (bonded with Sugar Pea) (Pigeon) on 2013-04-22
Tweedle (Pigeon) on 2013-04-20
Sasha (friends with Sissy) (Dove) on 2013-04-14
Sissy (friends with Sasha) (Dove) on 2013-04-14
Sally (Dove) on 2013-04-14
Kishu (bonded with Miso) (Dove) on 2013-04-13
Miso (bonded with Kishu) (Dove) on 2013-04-13
Monty & Thomy (Dove) on 2013-04-13
Cosmo (Pigeon) on 2013-04-06
Amity (Pigeon) on 2013-04-06
Clyde (Pigeon) on 2013-03-04
Faye (Pigeon) on 2013-02-17
Tex (Pigeon) on 2013-02-17
Tesla (Pigeon) on 2013-02-16
Robin (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Frankie (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Melody (bonded with Junior) (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Summer (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Junior (bonded with Melody) (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Sweets (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Walker (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Chester (Pigeon) on 2013-02-15
Avery (Dove) on 2013-02-15
Faith (Dove) on 2013-02-01

And, while those new birds were being taken into our care and the adoptions were being developed, we sustained high quality, personal care of our ongoing foster case load (approximately 100 birds at any given time). During that time, we also participated in approximately 35 in-person & bird outreach and humane education events, connecting with many hundreds of people on behalf of pigeons and doves plus we also reached many thousands through the magic of social media and the internet. Additionally, we counseled and provided referrals, resources, introductions and care coaching for a great many other birds all over the country (and some outside of the US).

Part of the challenge in assessing your grant’s impact is how to measure it. This grant provided for 10% of a year’s revenue, covered 8% of a year’s expenses and spanned 7 months of the year… I believe that any way in which it is considered, the grant’s impact was profound and successful.

Our expenses are fairly simple- we spend about 60% of our revenue on salary & benefits for 1 full time director, 30% for avian vet care and supplies and 10% to our fiscal agent for general & administrative expense.

We tell our donors- You are giving a lot more than money when you support MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue. You are creating an alchemy wherein a donation becomes a hotline to coach a Good Samaritan through what to do when they’ve found an injured pigeon crouching on the sidewalk. You’re organizing teams of volunteers who, every weekend, will introduce hundreds of people to who pigeons really are. You’re helping MickaCoo to provide 365 day a year care to more than 100 foster pigeons and doves that would otherwise have been killed. You’re supporting humane education, adoption development and support, trainings for shelter staff and volunteers and a whole lot more. Together, we are reducing cruelty and increasing compassion. Thank you!



Foundation funds for animal rescue are scarce and grants for birds even more so. MickaCoo welcomes referrals to potential foundation partners with which to do this life-saving, culture-changing work.



September 30, 2013
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo @ MHS Woofstock 2013

Thank you VERY much to the Marin Humane Society for including us in their great Woofstock Benefit Concert event and HUGE thanks to our fantastic team of volunteers- Patty, Claudia, Jim, Vince, David and Jazelle!

It was a beautiful day and we definitely made some new friends for pigeons and doves!


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