
October 8, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Adopting Clementine- Guest Post by Xavier Heydt

Xavier & Clementine

Xavier & Clementine

Within the first week I welcomed Clementine, a young rescued King Pigeon, into my home, she (we think she’s female, time will tell) had already become so much a part of my life that I can’t imagine her not being a part of it. Clem was pulled by Elizabeth Young (the ever-diligent founding director of MickaCoo) from San Francisco Animal Care and Control (where she had been taken after being found wandering aimlessly around Hunters Point in San Francisco). Only four-weeks old, Clementine had most likely been purchased at a live-meat market and “set free” by well-meaning but sadly uninformed people who were not aware of how totally unsuited to “wild life” King Pigeons (or indeed any domesticated animal) are. Being the lucky bird that she is, Clementine managed to escape the tragic fate that befalls most of these “freed” birds, but ended up in a still dire situation- an always full shelter.

Although I was actively looking to adopt a King Pigeon at the time, Clementine was not listed on the SFACC’s website (likely because of how recently she’d arrived) and although she’s turned out to be an absolutely perfect match for me, I most likely would’ve never found out about her had Elizabeth not helped me in my search. Despite her busy schedule, she found the time to look for a pigeon that would be a good fit for me (I’d never kept a bird as a pet previously) and as soon as she sent me photographs of Clementine she’d taken while visiting her, I knew we’d found “the one”. I conveyed my excitement to Elizabeth, she helped me find a large, comfortable cage for Clementine, brought her to my house and stayed to teach me about “Basic Pigeon Care 101” (although I still plan to learn much more) and provided the medications she’d need to resolve her respiratory infection plus a baggie of the recommended high-quality pigeon feed, probiotics and an anti-parasitic. Even though I’d done my fair share of online research and thinking about how to set up a healthy, safe home environment for an adopted bird, the amount of personalized advice and equipment that Elizabeth provided has already proved invaluable in ensuring a speedy recovery for Clementine and helping me handle the stresses of first-time bird ownership. Strangely enough, we both ended up having the same name in mind: Clementine. Whether through bird-to-human telepathy or simple coincidence, the name stuck immediately.

As far as Clementine herself, she’s already a bundle of charm and personality at only five-and-a-half weeks old. From the first moment I met her, we got along famously. She’s become very comfortable and is making great progress. Her favorite activities including perching on my shoulder, sitting in her wicker basket, hopping in and out of her cage using a ramp I made, preening herself at breakneck speeds, mistaking freckles for seeds and squeaking with excitement whenever presented with food or water. Though she can be feisty, she’s been extremely friendly, easy going and constantly entertaining for all those around her. Though my girlfriend Kimberley, and I had initially been hesitant to adopt any sort of bird as a pet due to their (often undeserved) reputation for loudness, destructiveness (which may lead to nasty bites with hard-billed birds) and demanding nature, King Pigeons (all pigeons) are an exception to many of those concerns. Being soft-billed, they are incapable of causing injuries to humans (their beaks aren’t capable of breaking the flesh and when they nibble at you it’s more endearing and entertaining than frightening), pigeons are also very quiet, with young pigeons (“squeakers”) like Clementine squeaking and adults making a calming “cooing” sound. I’m shocked that pigeons and doves are not more popular amongst bird-lovers than they are.

Adopting Clementine has been one of the most positive experiences I can remember and although caring for a pigeon shouldn’t be taken lightly (as in the case of any animal), it’s brought me, my girlfriend and all others who’ve met Clementine in the short time I’ve had her great happiness and satisfaction. Although Clementine’s story has taken a sharp turn for the best there are still many, many other pigeons that deserve a caring home out there. In addition to the relationship I’ve had with MickaCoo as an adopter, I also do volunteer work (including my own freelance string-foot pigeon rescue work) for them and I can say without a doubt that they work diligently to improve the lives of pigeons throughout the Bay Area (and even in more far-away places!) and find homes for amazing but under-served creatures like Clementine. If you decide that you want to make a difference for the pigeons and doves of the Bay Area, be it through adoption, fostering or donation, you’re very lucky to have an organization as incredible as MickaCoo so close to home. Visit www.PigeonRescue.org to learn more!

Clementine by Xavier 091314 3-10

Clementine is very charming

Clementine long cage IMG_6654

Clementine has a long cage as her home base


Clementine is very happy

 Adopting Clementine is also featured in the Mickaboo Bird Rescue Companion Newsletter


September 19, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Partnering with Humane Society of Silicon Valley

It’s quite extraordinary when you think about it. MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue has saved more than 600 pigeons and doves’ lives, all without the benefit of a facility. We have to work extra hard to engage the public from the homes and backyard aviaries of our incredibly dedicated volunteers and via outreach events. Imagine what we could do if we had our own site? We’re not there yet but I am extremely excited to introduce you to our latest partnership, our MickaCoo-HSSV Lobby Pigeon Project! Thank you, HSSV, for welcoming MickaCoo into your big, beautiful adoption center and extra special thanks to VP of Community Alliances Beth Ward for championing this collaboration and to Volunteer Programs Manager Kris Gunderson for helping to implement it! (Please click on the photos to view full size.)


September 19, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Please Welcome MickaCoo Chairperson Clare

Clare Malone Prichard, a founding member of MickaCoo’s Advisory Committee and strong, steady presence, has generously accepted the role of Chair.

Clare writes, “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as Chair of MickaCoo’s Advisory Committee.

In the coming year, the Advisory Committee will be working closely with our Executive Director to establish goals and objectives to strengthen our little organization so that we can maintain and even expand our impact in the community.

MickaCoo has rescued hundreds of birds already.  With the help of our robust and dedicated volunteer network, we’ll focus on our core purpose of rescuing innocent domestic pigeons and doves in need, placing them in forever homes and providing life-saving interventions.”

 Please join me in warmly welcoming Clare to this leadership role.

Clare & Corinna

Clare & Corinna


September 19, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Please Join Me in Thanking Cheryl

Please Join Me in Thanking Cheryl

Please join me in thanking Cheryl Dickinson for serving as MickaCoo’s first ever Advisory Committee Chair from 2011 through 2014. Cheryl has helped MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue in countless ways and, while she has resigned from her post as Chair, her compassion-inspiring, life-saving impact continues.

Cheryl & Littie in her aviary

Cheryl & Littie in her aviary

Cheryl & Super Dovee- the pigeon who brought Cheryl to MickaCoo

Cheryl & Super Dovee- the pigeon who brought Cheryl to MickaCoo

And I’ll write here what I shared privately with Cheryl-

Cheryl, We will miss you! You were SUCH a powerhouse for us for so long! Cheryl, you’ve given WAAAAYYY more than anybody could ever ask and so, while I will miss you, I can’t complain. You have shaped MickaCoo and this effort in amazing ways. I’ll never be able to fully express my gratitude for all that you have given, done & brought to this work. I hope you feel it.

And for all that you are still doing, too! I so appreciate your ongoing Ritz Carlton fostering of a whole flock of pigeons, your generous donations of all kinds, your help with special cases and of your patiently continuing to serve as Acting Chair for nearly a year. Thank you!

Thank you, Cheryl, for serving as MickaCoo’s first Advisory Commission Chair. Thank you for being such a strong friend for the birds and the people who love them. Thank you for being a creator of compassion. (And thank you, Super Dovee, for bringing Cheryl to MickaCoo!)

Welcoming Clare as our new Advisory Committee Chair


September 19, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Woot! There He Is! Guest Post by Janice Lipsky

Woot! There He Is! Guest Post by Janice Lipsky

While I love animals in general, I’ve always been most passionate about all creatures feline. For the last 20 years or so, my husband and I have always had three rescued cats at any given time. When one cat passes away, we rescue another from a shelter or the street. When I can remember, I fill a bird feeder in our backyard for my own enjoyment, but also for our cats’ entertainment.

One afternoon a couple of months ago, I noticed a lone pigeon among the groups of quails, doves, and cactus wren who eat at our feeder. I thought to myself, “that’s odd; I’ve not seen a pigeon in our area of Scottsdale before.” The pigeon looked like the kind we’d see in the streets of NYC, but more robust with glossier feathers. I forgot about him and went about my business. When he showed up over two consecutive days, my curiosity increased. I went out to get a better look and noticed a green band around his little leg. That piqued my interest! I did an Internet search of “pigeon green band leg” and all of this information about the sport of racing pigeons cropped up. I’d never even heard of such a thing. Well, I educated myself quickly, learning that it was somewhat controversial among animal welfare groups, but that the people who engaged in the sport purported to fancy pigeons as well. We continued to feed the bird (who we named “Woot” because of the noise he’d make when we approached him) and established a routine. Like clockwork he would show up between 2 and 3pm for his little dish of food and to take a drink from our pool.

Pigeon racing survivor Woot chose a new family

Pigeon racing survivor Woot chose a new family

When we went on vacation we asked our cat sitter to feed him outdoors and she told us that when he saw her through the glass he’d peck at it to get her attention. Eventually my husband was able to get close enough to Woot to write down the numbers that appeared on the leg band. Those numbers led me to a contact person at the local pigeon racing club who in turn provided me with the name and phone number of the owner. The owner told me that Woot didn’t come back after his race six months ago, although his sister did. We speculated that Woot had an injured wing, because his flying had declined over the last couple of days. I realized that I didn’t want to give Woot back. If he wasn’t a good racer, and had an injured wing, what kind of life would he have at the loft? Also, to be honest, he touched my heart with his intelligence and vulnerability. With not a small amount of trepidation about what we’d be getting into, I asked the owner if we could keep Woot. He agreed. My husband captured him and put him in our cat carrier. As we knew nothing about pigeons, I relied heavily on Elizabeth at MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue and the people in Arizona she put me in touch with. One woman recommended a vet not far from where I work, so thinking Woot might have a broken wing I took him for a check- up while my husband scrambled to find a more suitable housing space. Other than a few lice, Woot checked out fine at the vet and moved into a 2’ X 2’ X 3′  hutch my husband found on Craigslist. We knew this would not be enough space for a healthy racing pigeon in the long term. For us, having him inside with the cats while we worked all day didn’t make sense either. So I learned from MickaCoo that the other option was an aviary.

Many cages are poorly designed and unsafe for the animals housed in them

Many cages are poorly designed and unsafe for the animals housed in them

Woot's temporary hutch required modification to keep predators' talons & paws out

Woot’s temporary hutch required modification to keep predators’ talons & paws out

Well, how can I explain what happened next? I’m not fully clear on it myself. It’s sort of like making a leap of faith, or taking a plunge and making a commitment. One suppresses the trepidation and goes for the greater good. Woot really inspired us. An out of place pigeon, selectively bred for a sport he didn’t choose, trying to survive on his own…we decided to help him and that it would be both cool and joyous to have an outdoor aviary. We decided to build it.  Fortunately, one of us is very handy (not me) and was up for the challenge. We studied the plans on the links provided by MickaCoo, as well as on other sites. We spent every day of the long Labor Day weekend making trips to Home Depot and creating the aviary. We actually enjoyed the project…a shared experience, something both challenging and productive. For Woot, after spending one week in the smaller hutch, he had a new 8’ X 4′ X 8’ home. We are bonding with him a bit more every day, and after allowing him further adjustment time, we plan to get a female companion pigeon. We will use wooden eggs as birth control, because we are not interested in breeding pigeons. Now, after a lifetime of admiring felines, I’ve apparently broadened my fancy to pigeons. I’m immensely grateful to Elizabeth and her colleagues for their amazing support and advocacy for these beautiful birds.

Clever self-rescuer Woot has inspired his family to adopt another pigeon too. To be continued…

The aviary rescued Woot inspired

The beautiful and safe aviary rescued Woot inspired

Woot relaxing with his friend in the mirror

Woot relaxing with his friend in the mirror

Editor’s note: Pigeon racing kills pigeons. Every year, thousand of pigeons are bred for racing. They are taken hundreds of miles from home and tossed (as it’s called) to their fate. All will try to fly home but only a fraction will survive. They are not racing- they are just trying to get back to their family and home. Woot is extremely lucky. You can learn more about pigeon racing here.



August 18, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Global Giving PHOTO CONTEST 2014!

OFFICIAL CONTEST RESULTS: After an extensive audit of votes, the final results are in and MickaCoo’s photo of Homing pigeon Gracie rescued from a lab placed 7th out of of 75 stunning entries. So the bad news is we didn’t win. The good news is, we were honored as finalists in this contest; highlighted the worthiness of pigeons amongst so many inspiring projects; mobilized tremendous support (I’m still feeling energized by all the love shared!) and we have made many new friends for the pigeons. Thank you all very much and special thanks to Cheryl for sharing her beloved Gracie and to photographer Elisabeth Millay for the gift of this timeless image.

Amazing photos, worthy causes

Amazing photos, worthy causes

August 29 Update: Voting has ended. Preliminary results show Gracie’s photo in 6th place. Thank you for all of your votes, shares and great support! See Gracie’s rescue story here and please make a donation to support this life-saving, culture-changing work. Thank you!

Please vote for Gracie and help win compassion, honor and funds for pigeons & doves!

Beautiful white homing pigeon in loving adopter's hands

Homing pigeon Gracie was rescued from life as a test subject in a lab

We don’t always see the truth. In our culture, too many people see pigeons as somehow less than worthy of our respect and compassion. Beautiful pigeon Gracie, shown here in her adopter Cheryl’s loving hands, was bred to be used for “dove releases”. She was then purchased to be used in lab testing. Finally- she was rescued. Now she is safe, unexploited, cherished. This photo, shot by photographer and MickaCoo volunteer Elisabeth Millay, has been chosen as a finalist in the GlobalGiving Photo Contest 2014. Please help us help people to see who pigeons really are. Help us win this contest, the $1000 prize, the recognition and the honor. Please vote (once per person, email and verification required) and please- share this link and ask others to vote- http://www.globalgiving.org/poll/vote/?pollOptionId=756. We will need to inspire lots of voters between now and Friday August 29th to win this for the pigeons.

Read about Gracie’s rescue here: Lab Pigeons Can Count

Read the story of Cheryl & Super Dovee

See more of Elisabeth Millay’s MickaCoo photos

Thank you for helping MickaCoo to help save the lives of pigeons & doves.

Cheryl at home with pet pigeon

Volunteer & adopter Cheryl


Volunteer & photographer Elisabeth Millay with Opal

Please remember to vote and share!



August 16, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo @ Sonoma County VegFest 2014

We all, MickaCoo volunteers, pigeons & Lily the dove, had an awesome time at the Sonoma County VegFest 2014 on Saturday! We made lots of wonderful new friends & caught up with some old ones. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the plight & potential of pigeons. We love coming together to make this world more compassionate. (Please sign & share our Pledge to Say No to Squab!)


August 13, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Top Rated Great Nonprofit 2014!

Top Rated Great Nonprofit 2014!

Thank you! Thank you for supporting and powering and enabling MickaCoo to be a great nonprofit! And thank you for endorsing our life-saving, culture-changing work with your five star reviews and earning MickaCoo, for the third year in a row, the distinction of being a “Top-Rated Nonprofit”! Great Nonprofits writes, “Think of the program like a people’s choice awards where volunteers, donors and people served by the great work of each and every nonprofit can cast their vote in the form of a review to express their appreciation and potentially win nonprofits a spot on the List…This is a great honor, given less than 10% of eligible nonprofits have received this distinction.”

Rescued King pigeon Clyde tells MickaCoo volunteer Cheryl how he feels

MickaCoo volunteer Cheryl listening to what rescued King pigeon Clyde has to say

The birds can’t write reviews for our work. We thank you for doing so on their behalf!

Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 1.02.05 PM

Some of our reviews:

“MickaCoo truly serves the welfare and rights of domestic pigeons, a bird too often maligned. I’m often surprised by the dedication and compassion of their staff, volunteers and supporters by how they go to great lengths to rescue pigeons found lost outdoors or in shelters and needing medical care. MickaCoo addresses all aspects of this issue, not just rescuing and caring for these birds, but doing adoptions, education on how great pjs are, and classes on caretaking. They partner with local groups and agencies to offer these services. I don’t have much money for donations, but always feel that some must go to this organization. 7/29/14”

“The MickaCoo organization is truly exceptional in that its volunteers go above and beyond in order to secure safe, happy homes that are specifically appropriate to each individual bird. After rescuing a wounded baby dove last summer, I was at a loss for what to do with the little guy. I ended up raising him myself, as one of his legs was permanently crippled and he could not be released into the wild. I searched for months trying to find a home for him, only to be met with closed doors and negative reactions. After stumbling upon the MickaCoo website during one of my searches, I immediately emailed the organization. MickaCoo began the process of pairing my dove with suitable partners (both human and dove). I was touched by their concern for the welfare of this tiny creature. When the time came to give “Tweet” up, I was confident he was in good hands. The work MickaCoo does is invaluable, and gives precious, oft overlooked birds, a chance at a healthy, happy life! 4/7/14″

“MickaCoo had my heart at the word “pigeon.” An organization that rescues, rehabilitates and champions animals who so often get the short shrift in our world earns my affection and respect for that endeavor alone. But MickaCoo transcends even that valuable role. They exceed all expectations of compassion when it comes to interpersonal advocacy. 

Several years ago, my husband and I found ourselves with a lost and unwanted racing pigeon, no outdoor space, and no real guidance on how to care for our new rescue. Even as a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator, I had precious few contacts in terms helping domestic pigeons. 

Despite an always overwhelming case load, MickaCoo stepped up to offer us counsel and resources. It was through MickaCoo that we learned how to properly house, feed and care for our wayward bird. MickaCoo came in to help when we encountered a rescue situation that was beyond our capacities to handle. And it is entirely because of MickaCoo — and the deep care they showed for the birds and for us — that we ourselves, became allies and advocates for the well-being of pigeons. 

It’s difficult to assign a value to the tireless work of animal rescue and advocacy groups. No quantification can possibly capture the totality of what they do. But I can think of no greater measure of an organization than its ability to change hearts and minds. MickaCoo and its volunteers, through their own passions and commitments, did just that. They engendered in us a deep ethic of care for these birds — and they continuously create a lasting legacy of compassion, one by one, bird by bird. 3/25/14″

You can see all our reviews here.

2014 TR Badge Hi-Res




August 3, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo @ Nihonmachi Street Fair 2014

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue volunteers and birds staffed a booth at the Nihonmachi Street Fair in Japantown on Sunday and we made lots of new friends for pigeons! Thank you all so much for helping us to spread the word- birds need rescue too!


July 31, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Awesome Blossom, Guest Post by Alice Finney

Awesome Blossom, Guest Post by Alice Finney

Awesome Blossom

Awesome Blossom

Blossom came to my house by way of suggestion from MickaCoo volunteer Cheryl Dickinson. See, one of my pet pigeons, Mr. Stinker, whom I love very much, had been without a mate and very sad and lonely since his girlfriend, Pearl, a large Show King pigeon, passed away. I was looking for a special needs female pigeon to hopefully bond with Mr. Stinker and Cheryl thought Blossom might be the one.

I brought Blossom home and she and Mr. Stinker instantly became a couple. They followed each other everywhere, hooting and kissing away. I was so thrilled. I must tell you at this point, Blossom seemed to hate people. She got a certain look in her eye like Joan Crawford and would growl, bite, and slap if a human got too close. Although she was quite formidable and had no interest in me, she won my heart even so.

Blossom came in with painful swollen feet and I worked with my vet to treat her. You could tell by the way she was walking that she was in a lot of discomfort. We put her on antibiotics. They cleared up her feet issue but then she got a bump at her wing joint, though still on the antibiotics. (Blossom had paratyphoid.) We switched her onto different antibiotics to take care of the wing but a few days into the new medications she began to act sluggish. A few days later I noticed she wasn’t really pooping and she had a lump on her belly that seemed to grow. I had a real bad feeling about this and couldn’t sleep Sunday night. Monday morning I got out of bed and was trying to find help to get her to the vet while I went to work. The more I stuck around trying to find help, the more Blossom seemed to be fading. I skipped work and the wonderful leader of the rescue group MickaCoo, Elizabeth Young, ditched all her chores for the day and drove us out to Oakley to the Medical Center for Birds.

It was the first time Blossom and I had been there (I took Mr. Stinker too because he was so worried). They were fantastic. We got a terrific vet named Dr. Brenna Fitzgerald. She poked and prodded and xrayed and puzzled over Blossom. There were so many things it could be. Finally with a sonogram, Dr Fitzgerald saw the evidence that this was a strangulated intestine poking through a hernia. We admitted Blossom into the hospital and they performed life-saving surgery the next day. Dr. Fitzgerald was able to untie Blossom’s knotted bowel, restore function to her GI tract and repair the hernia. Blossom had to stay at the hospital for a few days but when she came home she was joyous.

She is recovered now. She had to stay away from Mr. Stinker until she healed but she is a happy girl. The bird that used to growl at me now gives me kisses when I give her medicine and makes happy rhythmic grunting noises, sort of like purring, when I scratch her head. I love her and have the adoption papers in the mail so that she can stay with us forever.

I’m telling you this story to make you aware of the wonderful work MickaCoo does and the great pets available for adoption. I took a special needs bird with health issues but there are plenty of loving healthy birds that have been rescued from certain death that need a home. If you aren’t able to adopt, please think about making a tax deductible donation.

Blossom & Mr. Stinker

Blossom & Mr. Stinker


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