
November 30, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Art Auction to Benefit MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue

Artist Ashley Dietrich by James Gibbard 1114

Thanks to the talent and generosity of Tulsa artist, bird rescuer and MickaCoo supporter Ashley Dietrich, you can bring the exquisite beauty of these portraits into your home while also helping the birds they honor.

We are offering these signed originals on canvas for auction. All proceeds benefit MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue! (auction ends Saturday 12/6 at 8 PM PST).

To bid, use the “Leave a Reply” box below, tell us which painting your bid is for, your email address and your bid amount and click “Post Comment”. Check back often. Highest bid at 8 PM PST this Saturday, December 6th will win.


Jacob: 8×10 inches – retail $60 – minimum starting bid $30
8x10 Jacob by Ashley Dietrich

Jacob was 22 years old when he was rescued by MickaCoo. He is a Capuchin Pigeon and was a cherished member of his family’s flock. Heartbreakingly, due to health reasons, the birds all had to be rehomed. Jacob, blind and arthritic, was the last in need of rescue. Despite his frailties, he has adjusted very well to his foster home and is married to a big, beautiful, and much younger pigeon named Hester.


Aurora: 4×4 inches each –  retail $30 –  minimum starting bid $15
4x4 Aurora by Ashley Dietrich

Pigeon racing survivor Aurora suffered a catastrophic crash that left her with two broken legs. The family that found her caged and fed her but did not seek vet care and, when MickaCoo was contacted on July 4th, 2014, a volunteer dropped everything to rush to her rescue. Aurora was crippled and in pain, suffering from one leg that had healed facing backwards and infected pressure sores in the other. She needed extensive vet care including surgery to break and reset her mishealed leg. She has made an incredible recovery and inspires all that meet her. (Read more about Aurora’s story.)


Dylan: 4×4 inches each –  retail $30 – minimum starting bid $15
4x4 Dylan by Ashley Dietrich

Dylan, a King Pigeon bred to be meat (squab), was sold at the age of just three and a half weeks from a live poultry market and “released” to the streets of San Francisco. She was lucky to survive long enough to be taken to the shelter but, too young to self-feed, nearly starved before being taken into MickaCoo’s foster care. She has recovered and is an excellent ambassador. (Read more about Dylan’s story.)

Each is a signed original painted on canvas, varnished.  Sides are 3/4″ deep and finished in black, ready to hang frameless or display on a shelf.

About the Artist Ashley Dietrich

I hold BFAs in Studio Art and Art History, and painting is my passion as well as my livelihood. Birds are each unique individuals with their own personalities, and I am honored to be part of so many little lives. Capturing their gestures and the complexity of feathers is a fulfilling technical challenge, but I especially enjoy creating portraits and getting to know who I’m painting. I also work as a volunteer wild bird rehabilitator, specializing in doves and pigeons. Painting allows me to work with wild birds as well as spend time with my own little flock. I share my studio with my parrot Penelope.

My painting website is www.BirdsinHand.etsy.com
My art page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ashley-Dietrich-Art/150390098346245

Ashley Dietrich with rescued pigeon by James Gibbard

Auction Rules:

  • Auction winner will be given payment instructions after the auction closes.
  • Payment is expected in three calendar days after the auction closes.
  • If payment is not received, the next highest bid will become the auction winner.
  • To bid, use the “Leave a Reply” box below, tell us which painting your bid is for, your email address and your bid amount and click “Post Comment”. Check back often.
  • Minimum bids are Jacob $30, Aurora $15, Dylan $15; each subsequent bid must be at least $2.00 higher than the prior one.
  • Auction closes on 8 pm PST on Saturday December 6th, 2014.

All proceeds benefit MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue!


November 27, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Baby Athena Has Something to Say

Baby King Pigeon Athena was found as a stray on November 11th at Church & 18th streets in San Francisco. She was three and a half weeks old, too young to even self-feed, and as a domestic bird, completely unequipped to survive on her own. We know that she was bred and sold to be “squab”. We don’t know why she was dyed pink (though many we find are dyed). We don’t know why she was found helpless and alone on the edge of Dolores Park but most likely she was mistakenly “set free” by someone who thought she could survive in the park or used in a ceremony (to honor veterans?). She was very lucky to be found by a nice person rather than be killed by a dog, hawk, gull, raven, cat or raccoon. She was taken to San Francisco Animal Care & Control and they contacted us, MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue, to help her.

Together, we- all of us- the volunteers and supporters and partners of MickaCoo, saved this sweet baby. We made sure that she got the care she needed while in the shelter, we got her into a special foster home, we consulted on her care and transition from being tube-fed to self-feeding. Together, we saved baby Athena. This year, we’ve saved more than 200 lives – each as precious as Athena’s. Each of us plays a role in this rescue and whether your role is large or small, please know that it matters. YOU make a difference. And baby Athena has something to say: Thank you.

Foster volunteer Xavier reassures baby Athena

Foster volunteer Xavier reassures baby Athena

Xavier's pet Apollo & foster Athena relaxing after a bath

Xavier’s pet Apollo & foster Athena relaxing after a bath

Sleepy Athena

Sleepy Athena

Athena & Apollo sharing a snack

Athena & Apollo sharing a snack

Athena thanks you for saving her!

Athena thanks you for saving her!

Thank you very, very much for all that you do in support of MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue. We are grateful for your compassion and kindness. We are grateful for you.


November 21, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Order Your 2015 Palomacy Calendars Here!

2015-Calendar-Promo- sold out

Our all new 2015 Wall Calendar – introducing Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions- is here. (See What Is Palomacy? for more info about our name change.)

It is our best ever! Each month features a special inspiring rescue story about one (or more) of our birds helped in 2014. While supplies last, you can order:

Wall Calendar ($20 for 1, $36 for 2, plus $3 shipping in the US) SOLD OUT!


Desk Calendar ($15 for 1, $26 for 2, plus $2 shipping in the US) SOLD OUT!

Desk Calendars SOLD OUT IMG_2461

To order yours, please email Elizabeth and include the quantity and your shipping address. We will be accepting payment via our donation system (half of the price benefits the birds!) and can accept credit cards, PayPal and checks (see link for details).

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your compassion. We look forward to helping a lot of birds and the people who love them in the coming year.


November 18, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo’s Name Is Changing!

What’s a MickaCoo?


In 2007, I met a beautiful, tame, smart and very trusting King pigeon named Gurumina at the San Francisco animal shelter who, for lack of an adopter, was at risk of being killed. I knew she could be saved. I reached out to Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue and asked if they would help me help her. (Mickaboo is the biggest bird rescue in the Bay Area and serves hundreds of parrots (mostly) each year. They said yes and thanks to their help and network, Gurumina found her home.


Gurumina and Shaf

But Gurumina was one of many. Domestic pigeons and doves were being routinely killed in Bay Area shelters for lack of adopters or rescues. Shelters didn’t know what to do with them or how to help them, the general public didn’t know they existed, the breeders and hobbyists didn’t care. Domestic pigeon and doves were the only animals in the San Francisco Bay Area animal welfare community that didn’t have a rescue. Everybody else- the dogs and cats, rabbits and rodents, parrots and farmed animals, reptiles and wildlife- all had at least a hope of rescue- everybody except the domestic pigeons and doves.

Shelters get in lots of domestic pigeons and doves

Shelters get in lots of domestic pigeons and doves

When I started doing this, I had no intention of becoming a rescuer nor of creating a rescue but I’ve not been able to figure out how to walk away. And so I stayed. And Mickaboo (named after the co-founders’ cockatiels, Mick and Aboo), allowed me to create a department within their rescue that we called MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue… because pigeons and doves coo. (I tease that when they start rescuing owls, they will need to create MickaHoo and MickaMoo if they rescue cowbirds!)

Fledging the Nest

In 2011, in pursuit of sustainability, MickaCoo transitioned from being a self-supporting department within Mickaboo to being a project of Community Initiatives (CI). As our fiscal agent, CI provides oversight and their nonprofit status extends to us. (We want to have our own nonprofit status someday but we will need volunteers dedicated to managing the application, record keeping and tax responsibilities.) Mickaboo was very generous as we “fledged the nest” and gave us their blessing to keep our name, MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue for as long as we chose. (You can read more here- Sustainability & MickaCoo’s Next Steps: Fledging from the Nest)

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Ever since, we have considered and explored the name issue. There is a lot of fondness for our original name and advantages to keeping it. There are also disadvantages. We’ve brainstormed, surveyed and pondered. Finally, after three years, we have decide to make the change to a new name.

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Our last survey was in February 2014

Our New Name Is…

We will be announcing our new name on December 6th at our shared-with-Mickaboo Holiday Party (you’re invited!) and implementing the change effective January 1st, 2015. 

While our name is changing, our mission continues.

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue saves the lives of birds that are otherwise killed by helping San Francisco Bay Area shelters and finders. We provide guidance, referrals, education, long-term foster care, avian vet treatment and adoption services. Thanks to the support of our many volunteers, donors and partners, we have saved the lives of more than 600 birds since we began in 2007 and helped countless others.

Thank you for all of your support for this special work we do.


Elizabeth Young, Founder & Director MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue



November 12, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Holly’s Story- Guest Post by Candy Cross

Holly post-bath by Candy Cross 20141112_134711-2


Holly’s story starts in the home that I share with my husband, three cats and two dogs. My name is Candy and I can honestly say that prior to this event, I had no strong emotions for pigeons…

Charly is our oldest dog, a bishi-poo that we so luckily found at a rescue three years ago. Charly woke us up one night around 2 AM and was acting like he wanted to go out into the back yard which was odd. He typically sleeps though the night and we go out first thing in the morning. Not sure what he wanted, I reluctantly got out of bed to take him. Once outside, he ran over to the side of our house and was looking up to the roof. I shined my flashlight up there and saw nothing and thought, What is he doing? He obviously wasn’t out there to potty so I told him, Come on we are going back to bed.

First thing that morning, just as we always do, I took Charly and Chloe (our six month old puppy) out to the back yard to potty. Again before relieving himself, Charly ran to the side of the house and was looking up to the roof. This time, I looked up to the roof and this is what I see.

White pigeon on the roof

A strange bird on the roof

Not thinking much about it I came back in and told my husband that Charly wanted to go out in the middle of the night to check on a bird that was on our roof. Now, every time I took the dogs out to the backyard, Charly would immediately run to that same area of the house and look up to see if the bird was there and sure enough over the next few days, the bird would be there. I thought this strange because you don’t typically see the same bird in your yard. Then a few days later, I was surprised when I went out to see this.

White homing pigeon dyed pink, obviously lost and weak, trying to hide in a bush

Lost homing pigeon- dyed pink and weak

I thought, What a pretty bird. I had never seen a pink bird. My husband and I were both out taking pictures and we could get fairly close and it didn’t fly away… I was really fascinated by this pretty bird and wondered why it was staying in our yard. We wondered, Did it belong to someone in the neighborhood? I started sending out its picture, asking neighbors and strangers if they knew what type of bird this was. Everyone was amazed at its pink color. Over the next week, I noticed it would leave around noon and I felt kind of sad not knowing if it would come back or not but, sure enough round 5 PM, I would go out and there it was back in our yard. One night it slept on a branch of our Oleander tree. I told my husband that I felt sorry for the bird and that we should bring it inside. My husband laughed at me and told me we were not bringing the bird inside as we have three cats… I started really wondering about this bird and what we could do to keep it safe. (We had noticed a cat snooping around our back yard that didn’t belong to us, our cats are all indoor cats.) Luckily, while searching on line for information about doves and pigeons, as we weren’t sure which this was, I came across your website MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue. I emailed you the picture and asked about the bird, not knowing if I would hear back or not. Almost immediately I received a response from  you, Elizabeth, telling me this was a domestic pigeon that someone had dyed pink, possibly to be released during a wedding, and that we needed to catch this bird ASAP or, lacking survival skills, it would most likely be killed. I rushed home from work that day and told my husband that we needed to catch the bird. He told me, We are not catching the bird. I showed him your email and told him I was going to catch the bird. So out into the back yard I go to see where the bird was and there it was on our brick fence separating us from our neighbor’s back yard. I tried luring her down with some bird feed I had picked up from the grocery store but no, she was not coming down from the fence. So I tried sneaking up on it and it looked up at me and flew into our neighbor’s yard. As I was waiting for it to come back, I received an email from you asking if we had caught the bird yet and I responded not yet but I was trying. I climbed up one of our Oleander trees to peek into the neighbor’s yard to see if it was there and sure enough she was there eating off a bench in the neighbor’s backyard. This made me wonder if it was their bird so I went next door (we didn’t know these neighbors very well) and asked if it was their bird. Kelly, our neighbor, responded No but they had noticed it was hanging around for a couple of weeks so they had bought some bird feed for it. That’s when I realized where it was probably going every afternoon, over to those nice neighbors that had put bird feed out in their back yard. After talking with Kelly, who I got to know so much better than I had before, Rick, my husband called me wondering where I was as it was after dark now and I hadn’t told him I was going next door.

Upon returning home, we went out to our back yard and this is where we found the bird.

Weak white pigeon trying to hide in bushes hide at night

At risk but trying to hide

It appeared to be trying to hide for the night on the fence behind one of the Oleander trees… I then received an email from Janice, a new-to-bird-rescue person  who also lives in Arizona that you referred to us. She said if we could catch the pigeon she would come pick it up on Thursday. I then emailed you a picture of the pigeon on the fence and told you we were unable to reach it and what should we do. I then received a text from Jennifer, another Arizona rescue person who told me she and her husband were ready to drive down from Tucson to help us catch the bird. It was now 8 PM and Tucson is a two hour drive… I told my husband that there were people in Tucson who were willing to drive down that night to help catch this bird. I could not believe the dedication that these people had to helping this bird so I called her as I wanted to talk with her about what to do. I was on the phone with Jennifer when my husband came into the house and informed me he had caught the bird and it was now in Chloe’s old crate.

Rescued homing pigeon resting safely indoors

Safe at last and already looking happier

We were all so relieved that this bird was no longer in danger of being prey to some predator. When I informed my husband that someone would be coming on Thursday to pick up the bird he replied, What if we want to keep it? Something I had been secretly thinking about as I felt some type of connection with this bird that had found our backyard as a safe refuge from whatever had happened prior to it coming to us… I started looking for a larger bird cage as this small one did not seem large enough and luckily I found an ad on Craigslist for a bird cage and a bonus, they would deliver. The next day they delivered the bird cage and I informed Janice that we would like to try fostering the bird to see how it would be having a pet pigeon. We now enjoy providing a safe haven for Holly. (We named her Holly as it was around Halloween that she found us and we are not sure if she is a she or a he but since she is pink, we call her Holly.)

This is Holly enjoying the sunshine in her safe haven, with Charly, the dog that helped save her from predators. Luckily the cage has wheels and we wheel her into the sunshine once the sun comes out and other times she is visible to our family room where our cats and dogs can view her without risk of any harm. We wonder now about how to keep her warm in the winter and cool in the summer, any advice would be appreciated. Thank you so much for your guidance and helpfulness with this pretty bird that chose us to care for… I could tell by the way she would look down from the roof that she needed help.


Rick & Candy


Rescued pigeon sunbathing in her new cage with Charly the dog nearby

Holly with her special friend Charly

A note from Elizabeth- Every day selectively inbred domestic pigeons like Holly are exposed to the risks of the wild by hobbyists, racers and “dove release” people. They are gambling with the lives of the innocent birds who have no choice in the matter. Holly was very lucky to survive her time on her own. Many birds do not. Thank you to Candy & Rick for saving this one. (Learn more- Never Buy & Release Birds!)


October 31, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Reaching Out

Dylan rocking pumpkin pigeon pants!

Dylan rocking pumpkin pigeon pants!

In order to find great homes for domestic pigeons, we have to get the word out about them. When we started helping pigeons get adopted, there was no awareness that these birds were even in the shelters, let alone how smart and personable they were. We’ve done a lot of outreach since 2007. Lots more needs to be done. These beautiful birds still need more advocates, more adopters, more rescuers- more compassion. Here’s a gallery of photos from the Halloween events we attended at three shelters. We’d love to have you join us. It’s fun! Help us to save the lives of birds that can’t be released but that can be wonderful pets. Volunteer. AdoptCreate an aviary. Donate. Thank you!


October 19, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo at Wildlife Education Day 2014

Pigeons are very exciting to meet

Pigeons are very exciting to meet

I had the pleasure of spending my Saturday with MickaCoo volunteers Lisa and Faye at the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society’s Wildlife Education Day in Cupertino. Together, with the help of ambassador pigeons Amelio, Dylan and Pat and Ringneck dove Gem, we made a couple hundred new friends for the birds.

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Pigeons are the wildlife most people see most often and yet they are very misunderstood. Most of what people think they know about pigeons is actually wrong! (They aren’t dirty, they don’t spread disease, they don’t displace native birds, they ARE intelligent, emotional, loyal, amazing!) And the domestic (unreleasable) pigeons make great pets! Would you like to volunteer and help MickaCoo create compassion for these birds? We need your help (volunteer application)! Click on photos to see full size. 




October 15, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo (is Not Alone) at the Bay Area Pet Fair & Adoptathon!


Rebecca & Annika fell in love!

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue had a wonderful weekend at the Bay Area Pet Fair & Adoptathon sponsored by Pet Food Express! We spent two days introducing lots of animal lovers to the joys of pigeons as pets. We had great support from our volunteers- Claudia & Jim and Natalia, Misha & Jorge- thank you! We answered lots of questions and made lots of new friends (welcome!) and the very most exciting thing of all- we had lots of company advocating for the pigeons! Peninsula Humane Society (the first shelter to start including pigeons at adoption events several years ago) brought seven of their pigeons this weekend! (PHS leads the Bay Area shelters in pigeon & dove adoptions!) AND San Francisco Animal Care & Control brought pigeons and a dove along with their many other available animals! AND, for the first time ever, the Marin Humane Society brought a pair of their pigeons along to the adoptathon!

Let me restate: This weekend, three animal shelters included pigeons in the adoptable pets they promoted to thousands of adoptathon attendees.

This is incredibly wonderful, unprecedented and clear proof that we are making progress!

Seven years ago, domestic pigeons & doves were the animals in the Bay Area shelters least likely to be adopted and most likely to be euthanized. They weren’t named, promoted on websites nor included in events. They were the only animals in the shelter that had no rescue to help them when they were out of time. These smart, gentle, wonderful birds didn’t have a chance. Times are changing.

Thank you for all that you do to support MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue. Together we are creating compassion and we are saving lives.

Please click on the photos to see full size.


Dylan’s Story

October 13, 2014 by Elizabeth | Comments Off on Dylan’s Story



Usually squab producers “harvest” the nestling pigeons at 28 days old. I think Dylan must have hatched a little late or been pulled from the nest a little early because when I met her, she was still very young.

Rather than being butchered as most squab are, Dylan was sold live and “released” (either in a misguided effort to save her or ceremoniously). She was lucky to be found by a nice person who called San Francisco Animal Care & Control. They picked her up at the intersection of Cameron & Nichols before she was killed by a hawk, gull, raven, dog, cat, raccoon or a mean person.

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Found stray & helpless in San Francisco


Lucky to get to the shelter

She arrived at the shelter on September 12th. Unbeknownst to the staff, she was too young to self-feed. I was contacted on September 16th and she was starving when I picked her up that night- only feather and bone. When I opened her cage door, Dylan begged me to feed her as if I was her pigeon parent. (Baby pigeons are called squeakers because they squeak begging to be fed.)

Overfull with more than 100 birds in our foster care already, I had not planned on taking this baby in to MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue. But I couldn’t leave her. I rushed her home and started tube-feeding frequent, small watery meals to restart her GI system. She responded ecstatically- now sure that I was a momma bird.


Sleepy with a full crop

Soon Dylan was feeling better and she was determined to learn to self-feed.


Ready to learn the art of self-feeding

Dylan’s ordeal has had an impact. She has been a much more needy, clingy youngster than is typical. Even once able to self-feed, she was constantly begging and acted hungry all the time. I keep her close and spoil her with attention.


Dylan supervising my work


Dylan decides to bathe with the dirty dishes

While I’m already feeling beyond stretched with twenty foster pigeons and eleven pets (eight adopted pigeons, a parrot, a dove and my dog), I’m not sure I’ll be able to part with Dylan. Luckily, she’s a really wonderful, hard-working little pigeon ambassador and has already made lots of special friends. (Click on the photos to enlarge)

And she’s been recognized for her artistic talent as well, thanks to the Paws for Love Foundation!

I’m very thankful that we were able to save Dylan. She is, as they all are, a very special soul.



Please help MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue to help birds like Dylan. We are a volunteer-powered, donation-supported nonprofit project of Community Initiatives. Thank you!



October 9, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Aurora’s Triumph

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora is a young survivor of pigeon racing who was found with two broken legs. Her finders kept her in a small, unsafe cage and didn’t seek any vet care for her. When MickaCoo learned of her plight a couple of months later, we picked her up the same day- the fourth of July. (See Aurora’s rescue story.)  Her “good” leg had mended on its own but was swollen, constricted by her leg band and infected with painful bumble foot. Her bad leg had fused backwards. Jill, the volunteer who dropped everything on a holiday to rescue Aurora, shot this heartbreaking video of her condition on intake.

Crippled with a backward leg

Crippled with a backward leg

Aurora was taken to the Medical Center for Birds the next day and, after treatment to heal her good leg, she underwent corrective surgery on the backwards leg July 9th. Her mis-healed leg was surgically re-broken, carefully rotated and stabilized with an external fixator in an effort to restore her ability to walk.


Surgery nearly finished


Aurora proved herself to be a perfect patient

Once home from the hospital, Aurora was lovingly cared for by her foster mom Jill. Aurora was confined to a small crate for over a month to increase the chances for a successful healing.


Dark-eyed beauty watching the world outside her crate


Aurora never complained

Jill transported Aurora back to Medical Center for Birds for periodic rechecks.

Aurora 20140805_154147

In expert hands

Aurora’s recovery had a setback in August when she developed an infection. She was rehospitalized for three days.


An infection set her back but both feet are facing forward!


Aurora loves Jill’s loving

By the end of August, Aurora was healed and had her fixator out and bandages off! Here she is luxuriating in her first bath in months!


Happy, molting and soaking Aurora


“Please, a little privacy?”

And here’s Aurora showing off her ever improving walking skills!

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Walk therapy

On September 16th, Aurora celebrated her transformation by moving outside to join the flock in Jill’s aviary!

Jill writes, It was such an honor helping Aurora blossom. It’s even more exciting to see her thrive among her own kind, outside in the aviary. She deserved this chance at a normal, healthy life. I’m grateful that MickaCoo considers these wonderful birds worthy of this level of care. Aurora is a very young pigeon. She is grateful for a second chance at living her life- this time not used as a tool for somebody’s hobby but rather protected and cherished as a member of a flock family.

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Aurora: Restored!

Ultimately, even with multiple, generous discounts applied, Aurora’s medical care cost $2087.93.

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We could never have rescued Aurora nor Indy, Clementine, Ash, Guru, Dylan or any of the many others we’re helping without you. Thank you!

Thank you for supporting the work we do to help these beautiful, intelligent, forgiving birds.

Please help us to continue. Make a donation today. Every dollar helps! Every life matters!


Aurora: Proud to be standing tall!

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora: Triumphant!


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