
February 25, 2015
by Elizabeth
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Thank You, Craig!

Craig loves birds

Craig, founder of craigslist, loves birds

I am so happy to tell you that we are the proud recipients of a $10,000 grant from the craigslist Charitable Fund!

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This grant helps us so much! Every month, despite the generous support of our donors and our extreme frugality, we teeter on the edge of being in the red. Every bird we help requires a tremendous leap of faith because we never have money in the bank… we struggle with financial insecurity as a constant threat to the work that we do.

And we are doing very important work! We are the only rescue in Northern California dedicated to helping domestic pigeons and doves. We may be the only one in the country! The work that we are doing is so unprecedented that we had to create a new word for it- palomacy.

We struggle every day to keep up with all that needs doing. We care for 100 pigeons and doves in our foster homes; we respond to the constant requests to help at-risk birds in shelters and found as strays; we counsel people with birds on how to care for them, keep them, do right by them… We work to promote awareness about homeless birds; to develop and coordinate adoptions; to provide humane education about these most common and yet completely misunderstood birds; to inspire compassion. And, while doing all of that, we have to fundraise too.

I asked Craig for a few words about why he chooses to support Palomacy so generously and he said, “I’d like to say that I love pigeons and doves, they’re plucky survivors, and after all, they’re God’s creatures. Plus, they dance well, and help feed our hawks…. and I need some way to be a little eccentric.”

So a grant like this- our largest ever – is extremely wonderful news! One of our volunteers asked what if any special plans I had for this grant. I said, Yes, I plan to exhale!

You can see more about Craig’s support for our work here.

Thank you, Craig & craigslist Charitable Fund!

Thank you, Craig & craigslist Charitable Fund!


February 9, 2015
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Jimmy- Feral Ringneck Dove with Head Trauma

Jimmy- Feral Ringneck Dove with Head Trauma

Jimmy 1/30/15

Jimmy Friday 1/30/15

On Friday, January 30th, animal lover and Palomacy supporter Charlene found a dove grounded and helpless in the gutter. His panic at being handled and the flocks of feral Ringnecks living wild in the area suggest he was living free rather than anyone’s pet. That evening his cocked head turned into full blown torticollis (a neurological movement disorder characterized by a twisted neck) that frightened Charlene who rushed him to me. (We are overfull and I was trying to find an alternate placement but accepted him when his condition turned critical.)

Charlene rescued Jimmy

Charlene rescued Jimmy

He has a scrape on his chest and another on his head from some violent impact (no punctures found). I started him on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.

Jimmy Friday night

Jimmy Friday night

There are many potential causes of torticollis including brain trauma, poisoning, spinal damage, vitamin deficiency, viruses, bacterial infection, tumors, etc. but in Jimmy’s case, I think he is suffering from brain trauma that has been exacerbated by a stroke.

He was in better condition on Saturday, January 31st, able to self-feed and with mostly normal posture. Sunday, February 1st was good too.



Self-feeding 1/31/15


On Monday, February 2, his condition took a sharp turn for the worse. I think maybe a blood clot broke loose and caused a stroke.



He had a bad day on Tuesday, February 3 and another on Wednesday. He couldn’t stand properly and didn’t even try to self-feed. He spooked frequently. I supported him with tube-feeding. He fears handling and struggled pathetically, unable to control his body movements.



Wednesday night, for the first time, it occurred to me that the only mercy I might be able to offer Jimmy could turn out to be euthanasia. He was fearful, panic-prone, inconsolable, helpless, unable to eat. While Bell, another dove with severe neurological problems, finds joy every day, Jimmy appeared to me to be suffering. We have rescued more than 600 birds and only euthanized four. It is, to me, truly a last resort, saved for when a bird has no hope for improvement or relief. We have cared for many very seriously compromised birds- we prioritize helping those most ill and injured. Some have made incredible recoveries. Some have died in our or our vets’ care. If we can keep a bird comfortable, we provide hospice rather than euthanasia but, in the rare case we cannot comfort or ease the suffering of a bird, we have them euthanized. (See the story of Joy’s Death.)

On Thursday, February 5th, Jimmy resumed trying to self-feed- a sign that perhaps there was hope for him.

Friday, February 6th





Today is Monday, February 9th. Jimmy’s condition seems worse because, over the past couple of days, he makes pretty much no effort to self-feed. But today, for the first time in a while, he can stand (though his head rests on the floor of his crate) and so perhaps that is an improvement… He seems less panicky but I’m not sure if that is because my efforts to soothe and reassure him are working or if it is a sign of increasing weakness. He seems to be coping for the moment and if he wants time, I’ll gladly give that to him.

Standing 2/9/15

Standing 2/9/15

We’re seeing the doctors at Medical Center for Birds tomorrow. On the positive side, his GI system is working great and so far his respiratory system remains healthy (always a worry with a neurologically impaired, sedentary and/or tube-fed bird). We’re taking things one day at a time and I’m doing my best to keep him as comfortable as I can. We have seen amazing recoveries… I’m not yet sure what the future holds for Jimmy. Just know that he is loved.


Bundled safe while I fix his breakfast


My pet dove Lily checks our patient


Jimmy 2/9/15

UPDATE February 11, 2015

Jimmy’s condition started to slip on the evening of Monday 2/9.

Monday Evening 2/9/15

Monday Evening 2/9/15

By morning, his digestion was slow, his breathing starting to labor and his unblinking eyes were losing moistness. Late morning, he vomited and I knew he wasn’t going to recover.

Tuesday Morning 2/10/15

Tuesday Morning 2/10/15

We had a 2:30 appointment for him in Oakley at Medical Center for Birds that day but by 12:30, it was clear that he was uncomfortable and needed immediate relief. I dropped everything and rushed him to All Pets Hospital where he was euthanized. It is very difficult sometimes to know when death will be the greatest kindness. I never want to quit on a bird too early but they suffer if you wait too long. I wish I had the ability to euthanize at home. Jimmy’s last hour was one too many.

People from all over the world expressed their support for him on our Facebook page. He was loved. He is missed.

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Please make a donation in support of our work if you can. Palomacy is the only rescue devoted to helping domestic (unreleasable) pigeons and doves in Northern California.


February 9, 2015
by Elizabeth
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Aubrey & Hedwig- Guest Post by Sarah Wilson

Aubrey 010515 cropped


When I first found Aubrey, she was shivering, hungry and scared, trapped by some neighbors beneath a laundry basket. It was a warm Wednesday evening in Downtown Los Angeles and my roommate and I were on our way to pick up a few groceries at the store below our apartment complex when we came across them all in the hallway. When I asked them what was going on they told me that the bird had been hopping around up and down the hallway all day and nobody knew where it came from. From the way it allowed them to approach it and the band around its ankle they assumed it was domestic and caught it in hopes of contacting its owner. With that, my neighbors lost their inclination to help and went on with their evenings. Seeing how helpless the bird looked, I knew I couldn’t leave her in the hallway to starve so I scooped her up and took her home to my apartment, naming her Aubrey. After speaking to several animal rescues and doing a little online research, I knew Aubrey’s options were limited and I decided to adopt my first ever pigeon.

My three roommates were less than thrilled at the idea of keeping a pigeon inside the apartment at first, even a little grossed out. All of them had previously come from large cities, like Chicago, and considered them dirty. However, After living with Aubrey for a few days, one by one they began to fall for her charm. We let Aubrey have free reign of the living room and kitchen area during the day as there was usually always someone home to keep an eye on her. She quickly adapted to the rules of the house and even found a favorite lamp to perch on next to the window where she could enjoy her 8th floor view. For the next several months, Aubrey enjoyed her days looking at her reflection in mirrors, preening her feathers, bathing, and snacking on seeds. I quickly grew very attached to Aubrey and slowly gained her trust and affection.

Unfortunately, that January we were all to start our first semester at USC and I knew i would now be able to dedicate as much time to Aubrey as she needed. Thankfully, my family agreed to take care of Aubrey while I’m busy with school and even suggested adopting a second pigeon as a mate to keep her from getting lonely. After emailing back and forth with Elizabeth from Palomacy, we arranged to bring Aubrey to SF Animal Care and Control to meet with two other bachelor pigeons. There, she took a liking to a Birmingham roller named Hedwig, who we took home that very day. At first Aubrey seemed a little unsure but after a few days of being together I discovered Aubrey and Hedwig preening each others feathers and knew that they had bonded.

Aubrey's loving family

Aubrey’s loving family

Aubrey and Hedwig now live happy lives in my family’s home in the Bay Area where my mother and sisters take care of them. Although I miss Aubrey’s company here in LA, I know she’s living a much happier, spacious life and is waiting for me when I come home for break! Until meeting Aubrey, I never would have considered a bird for a pet or discovered how intelligent, and lovable a pigeon could be! They are beautiful, peaceful animals that have been unfairly stigmatized and deserve a shot at loving homes.

Aubrey & Hedwig

Aubrey & Hedwig

Hedwig & Aubrey

Hedwig & Aubrey


January 26, 2015
by Elizabeth
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Palomacy Loves My Mutt Poster Program!

Donate $250 to Palomacy and Pet Food Express’ My Mutt Program will send a pro to photograph your pet and display the poster!

Super Dovee My Mutt Adopted 100409

Pet Food Express, with 54 stores located throughout California, is one of the country’s leading independent pet food and supply retailers. As part of their commitment to animal welfare, they have helped find homes for over 61,000 homeless animals and work closely with numerous shelters and pet rescue organizations. We love them for all kinds of reasons and one is their My Mutt Poster Program! When $250 is donated to Palomacy, Pet Food Express will send a professional pet photographer to your home to shoot a My Mutt poster that will then be displayed in their stores!

This is a great opportunity to show off pigeons and doves as pets and a total win-win-win! (Pet Food Express does this free for us because people have donated to support our birds- there is no cost to us!)


My Mutt GuruminaY1_RR_40x60

And here are the amazing photos that I have to choose from for a new My Mutt Poster for Dylan… Which would you choose? (Click on the image to enlarge.)

And here are Lily’s best photos… which would make the best poster? Please help me decide! Add a comment below with your choices.

To learn more about Pet Food Express’ My Mutt Poster Program, click here and to donate to Palomacy, click here.

March 12, 2015 Update

We’ve got lots of beautiful My Mutt posters going up in Pet Food Express stores throughout the Bay Area!

My Mutt Dylan

My Mutts Binky & Nino

My Mutt Shorty

My Mutt London

My Mutts Sophie & Desi

Thank you!


January 17, 2015
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on Palomacy at the Bay Area Pet Expo San Jose, CA

Palomacy at the Bay Area Pet Expo San Jose, CA

A big part of the work we do is outreach. People don’t know that birds are in shelters needing homes, people don’t know that domestic pigeons and doves can’t live wild and need homes, people don’t know what amazing pets these birds are… and so this Saturday a whole bunch of us, volunteers and birds, staffed our booth at the Bay Area Pet Expo in San Jose. Thousands of pet lovers attend this huge, free and fun event and we introduced pigeons to as many as we could. We answered lots of questions, debunked lots of myths and made a lot of new friends for these amazing but often-mistreated birds. Palomacy- it’s pigeon diplomacy!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers!

Left to right: Faye & Shimmy, Elton & Sparkle, Jill & Aurora, Tyler & Opal, Ashish & Valiant, Liese & Pat, Adina & Gemini, Clare, Lisa.


December 22, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on “Domestic Pigeon in Need of Medical Care” (Aries)

“Domestic Pigeon in Need of Medical Care” (Aries)

Aries at SFACC 120914

Aries at SFACC 12/9/14

We were contacted by SFACC shelter staff on December 9th about a “domestic pigeon in need of medical care”. The notes went on to say, “SURRENDERED DUE TO THE FLOCK BEATING UP ON HER. BIRD IS BANDED AND WAS BRED TO BE A RACING PIGEON BUT IS JUST A PET DUE TO HER DEFORMITY. SHE DRAGS HERSELF ON THE FLOOR OF THE COOP. BIRD IS NOT EATING ON ITS OWN.”

The young pigeon, whom we have since named Aries, had suffered a broken ankle. Without treatment, it had become infected, healed improperly and made it impossible for her to walk. One of our foster volunteers, Xavier, rushed to pick her up. She was filthy, emaciated and weak. (The fact that an injured racing pigeon was surrendered to the shelter by her owner rather than killed is atypical. We are grateful for the compassion she was shone.)


Infected, swollen, mishealed broken ankle

Aries emaciated 120914

Emaciated but safe now in loving hands

Aries loves scritches

Aries loves scritches

Dr. Kane examines Aries 121314

Dr. Kane examining Aries

In the two weeks since her intake, thanks to the loving care of her fosters and help from the vets, Aries has made remarkable progress. She’s eating on her own (ravenously), gaining weight and strength, her infection has been knocked out and her pain is under control. Now, instead of being neglected and picked on, she’s getting lots of love and support and she’s soaking it up.

She still can’t walk though and on December 20th she was hospitalized at Medical Center for Birds in preparation for the surgical breaking and resetting of her mishealed ankle.

Aries will have her procedure this afternoon, December 22nd, and will wake up with a newly-broken ankle that is positioned properly and hopefully, with time and care, will heal functionally. (For a similar story, see rescued racer Aurora.)

Please, if you can, make a donation to support the work we do.

Thank you for helping us to help Aries!

Thank you for helping us to help Aries!

December 23, 2014 Update:

Aries’ ankle has been rebroken, repositioned and is supported in a special pigeon-friendly cast. She tolerated the anesthesia and procedure well and is doing great! Here are photos taken yesterday during…

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She’s eating heartily, preening and is already able, with a little help from hobbles and a shoe, to use her legs (rather than her wings) to stand and to walk! Tomorrow, volunteers will pick her up and take back to her foster home to continue her recovery. Here she is today. Thank you so very much for helping us to help this sweet bird!


December 21, 2014
by Elizabeth
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Little Bell’s Big Problem


Bell has torticollis

Bell is a little dove with a big problem. She has torticollis, a neurological movement disorder characterized by a twisted neck and tilted head. (There are many potential causes of torticollis including brain trauma, poisoning, spinal damage, vitamin deficiency, viruses, bacterial infection, tumors, etc.) Bell’s is so profound that the disorientation triggers somersaulting panic attacks which leave her bruised, sore and exhausted and, if uncontrolled, could lead to fatal injury.

Initially we thought she was having seizures but our avian vet helped rule that out. So far, the way we’ve been able to most reliably stop the panic attacks is by keeping a light blanket tented right over her. The super low ‘ceiling’ seems to help by providing enough orientation to stave off the panic.


Her tent keeps the panic attacks away


Exhausted but relieved to have hours fit-free


Bell’s therapeutic set up

When she’s not having fits, she’s self-feeding, preening and responsive to her mate Reed & the people caring for her. (Right now she’s snuggled in one hand while I type this with the other.) Despite her condition, Bell hasn’t given up. Some have suggested we euthanize Bell. If we reach a place where we are unable to offer any hope or relief to her, the mercy of euthanasia will always be available. We don’t need to start there.


Reed keeping Bell company


Reed & Bell

Bell helping me write

Bell helping me write

We only know the back story of Bell & Reed (formerly called Mocha & Latte) in bits and pieces. We know they were originally surrendered to San Francisco Animal Care & Control as part of a flock of 13 pet doves in August, 2012. Their person, Carol, hospitalized in the end stages of ALS, could no longer care for them. We were too full to take them in but we helped the shelter to care for and publicize them. My pet dove Lily and I visited Carol in the hospital to reassure her that we were watching out for them. She returned the kindness by promoting our rescue on her hospital door. She died on September 28th, 2012.


Originally surrendered in 2012


Waiting for adopters


Lily visiting Carol


Carol promoted MickaCoo in the hospital

Some of Carol’s doves were adopted by Kelly (a generous supporter of our work) and they are doing very well and making lots of friends at her store Leftovers.


Kelly adopted four doves


Dove Love

We don’t know about the others except that on December 13th, “Mocha & Latte”, two of the thirteen doves that had been adopted, were returned to the shelter. Their person said he thought one of them, “had brain damage from something the house cleaner sprayed”.


At SFACC 12/13/14


Surrendered again

The following day we were contacted by shelter vet Dr. Anderson seeking rescue for the pair. The twist-headed dove was suffering from severe torticollis and doing backflips with what appeared to be seizures.

We were fortunate to be able to arrange a special foster home for the pair who we renamed Bell & Reed. After two visits to our vets at Medical Center for Birds and lots of trial, error and consideration, we are finding ways to help Bell through her ordeal. She’s on anti-inflammatory pain meds and a broad-spectrum antibiotic and we hope that with time, support, her tent blanket and relief from the terrible fits, she may recover.


Dr. Olsen and Bell


Bell’s sock snuggie worked briefly

Bell relaxes in foster mom Carole's loving hands

Bell relaxes in foster mom’s loving hands

Neurological issues are very slow to heal but, with us, Bell will have all the time she needs. Please make a tax-deductible donation in support of the work we do. Thank you!



March 11, 2015 Update Little Bell’s Big Recovery

February 8, 2016 Update Little Bell’s Big News


December 8, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo (Hatches Palomacy) at Mickaboo Holiday Party 2014

MickaCoo joined with Mickaboo to celebrate at this year’s Holiday Party! We had a wonderful time thanks to Mickaboo’s great event, incredible support from our very hard working volunteers, priceless donated treasures and the amazing company of so many wonderful friends- new and old! Super special thanks to Mickaboo’s Pam Lee for producing the event, to Christiana for leading MickaCoo’s participation, to Jane, Mia, Cole and Josette for donating and volunteering and to Vinny for sharing his photographs. Palomacy is honored to continue what MickaCoo started. We are looking forward to an exciting new year. We wish you all a joyous holiday season.


December 6, 2014
by Elizabeth
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MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue Announces Our New Name

Dear Partners, Friends and Supporters,

I am pleased to announce the newest chapter in MickaCoo’s continuing development.  As many of you know, our little rescue organization began under the wing of Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue, who generously shared their wealth of experience with us, providing database services, allowing us to operate under their nonprofit designation, and much more.  We will be forever grateful for this support and will always think of Mickaboo as our big sister parrot rescue.

When we “fledged” and joined up with Community Initiatives as our fiscal sponsor, we maintained the MickaCoo name in recognition of the fact that we had begun to establish a strong identity in the communities we serve.  We have operated as MickaCoo Pigeon and Dove Rescue for seven years now, and feel we are ready to choose a name that defines our focus and describes the work that we do.

Effective January 1st, 2015, MickaCoo Pigeon and Dove Rescue will become Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Adoptions.  We are beginning our transition immediately and expect that it will take a couple of months before we can fully retire the MickaCoo name.  Our mission remains the same-

We save homeless domestic pigeons and doves in the San Francisco Bay Area from being killed. We provide guidance, referrals, education, foster care, avian vet treatment and adoption services. Thanks to the support of our many volunteers, donors and partners, we have saved the lives of more than 600 birds since we began in 2007 and helped countless others.

We will be rebranding our outreach materials and renaming our social media sites (details to follow). Our website address remains www.PigeonRescue.org

Please visit What Is Palomacy? for more information and view our special video announcing the change here.

Thank you in advance for your support as we complete this transition and continue to grow.

Kindest Regards,
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Clare Malone Prichard, Advisory Committee Chair

Palomacy Logo Final

Our new logo generously created by Heather Hohlowski



December 6, 2014
by Elizabeth
Comments Off on What Is Palomacy?

What Is Palomacy?

Palomacy is pigeon diplomacy.

When we started doing this rescue work in 2007, it was because there was a strange and deadly gap in the animal welfare network. Shelters got in domestic (unreleasable) pigeons every week but, instead of providing them with the care and service that all the other shelter animals received, they were for the most part ignored until they were euthanized. Even in the best shelters, even in the ultra animal-friendly San Francisco Bay Area.



Pigeons in shelters need homes too

If they had any injury or illness, no matter how minor, they were euthanized rather than given vet care.

While other animals were named and photographed and promoted on the adopt-a-pet websites, the pigeons were not. No one even knew they were in need of homes and not surprisingly, they didn’t get adopted.

And while all the other animals brought to the shelters- the dogs and cats, rabbits and parrots, rodents and reptiles, wildlife and farmed animals- had at least one rescue dedicated to trying to save them, the pigeons did not.


This gap is especially strange when you consider not only how closely connected humans and pigeons have been throughout our history but how common they are. Humans have been breeding and using pigeons, as meat and messengers, for sport, hobby and ceremony, for thousands of years. Pigeons were the first domesticated bird.


First century BCE Mosaic of Scene with Egyptian Columbarium for Breeding Pigeons, Photo from Biblical Archaeology Review

Right here in the Bay Area, there are lots of pigeon racing clubs, fanciers and hobbyists breeding thousands of domestic birds they fly the wild skies every year. But no one was rescuing the pigeons who predictably get lost or injured yet lucky enough to make it to a shelter.

And all of this is made even more surprising by how smart, gentle, charming and wonderful pigeons are as companions. They are easy to help! They don’t bite. They’re not destructive. They’re quiet and calm and make wonderful pets. They are domestic and unable to live in the wild.

When we started rescuing and rehoming these domestic pigeons and doves, we had to begin bridging this strange and fatal gap. We had to do something that wasn’t being done. We have a name for this work we do: We call it palomacy.


Susan Gilbert & her adopted pet Little Cloud making new friends for pigeons. Photo by Megan Wolfe

We believe that everyone deserves compassion, everyone deserves a chance. We advocate for pigeons and doves- all of them- wild, feral and domestic– every day of the year. We know that pigeons are a gateway to compassion. While most of the thousands of people we meet may never see another domestic pigeon, all will encounter the feral Rock Pigeons who are somehow able to live their gentle lives on our mean streets. We speak up for those birds, we debunk the myths, we inspire compassion. Pigeons don’t spread disease. Petting a dog or cat or eating meat are greater risks to your health than pigeons are. Those pigeons foraging for crumbs on our sidewalks are highly intelligent; they remember and recognize faces; they mate for life; they can fly 55 mph. They deserve compassion- as we all do.


Domestic Blanco & unreleasable feral Bean had an amazing romance

Palomacy is pigeon diplomacy. And while our name is changing from MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue to Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions, our mission stays the same. We save homeless domestic pigeons and doves in the San Francisco Bay Area from being killed. We provide guidance, referrals, education, foster care, avian vet treatment and adoption services. Thanks to the support of our many volunteers, donors and partners, we have saved the lives of more than 600 birds since we began in 2007 and helped countless others. 

To learn more about Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions, please visit our About page.

See the video announcing our new name.

Thank you for all of your support and compassion. We are looking forward to helping many more birds and the people who love them in the coming year.


Elizabeth Young, founder & director Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions



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