Jenna & Turkey the pigeon, Photo credit Jenna Close
This is Palomacy’s official statement on HPAI / Avian Influenza / Bird Flu as of 1/19/25. We have been getting a lot of questions about this lately and have consulted with trusted avian vets and wildlife rehabbers to provide the following answers.
HPAI – Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza or Bird Fu – is a yearly event in the world now. This year it has spread from water fowl to cows, cats and raptors. Pigeons (and doves) are at very low risk for HPAI, and those few pigeons who have tested positive were not symptomatic and were associated with cow droppings (amongst which the pigeons were feeding) that contained it, which is likely why their tests were positive. Pigeons and doves are not, at this time, a vector for the disease.
Even so, good bio security is recommended. Shoes are the biggest transmitter, so Palomacy recommends a separate pair of shoes for aviary pigeons and doves and that people with house birds remove shoes in the house or switch to a house only pair.
If you are in a waterfowl heavy area, consider covering your entire aviary roof temporarily to keep out droppings from infected birds.
At this time, Palomacy is not concerned about HPAI transmission in either pigeons or doves. We have consulted our vets and wildlife rehab experts and they are not concerned either. However, it’s always best to practice good biosecurity, especially now.
Thank you to Jenna Close, founder of Moose’s Flock, avian vet Dr. Athena Gianopoulos. DVM, and WildCare staff, especially Dion Campbell, for the information.
Pigeons balance on a wire (Photo Credit Ingrid Taylar,
January 19, 2025
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Craig Newmark Is a Pigeon Guy
Palomacy visited Craig and his wife, Eileen, to thank them for their recent donation. We had fun being bird nerds together and he and Eileen got their annual pigeon snuggles in. We so appreciate the support they provide our feathered friends. Nessie (blind homer), Marjoram (available for adoption) and Belinay (hospice pigeon) provided the snuggles.
Craig admires fancy Old Dutch Capuchin pigeon Marjoram while blind Homer Nessie lap naps
Craig & Mrs. Newmark chatting with blind Homer pigeons Nessie
L to R: Pigeon Heroes Craig, Mrs. Newmark & Jill with pigeons Belinay, Nessie & Marjoram
January 19, 2025
Craig Newmark is many things: the founder of craigslist, an “accidental entrepreneur,” a self-proclaimed old-school nerd, a full-time philanthropist and a life-long lover of pigeons. He named his favorite neighborhood pigeon Ghost Faced Killer. (Good one!)
Palomacy, with Craig’s very generous support, saves hundreds of pigeons and doves through hands-on rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming in Northern California. We leverage our expertise, resources, and connections to help thousands more out-of-area birds, both nationally and internationally, every year. We save lives directly and by raising awareness and compassion for these birds, who have been overlooked and underserved for too long. Together with an increasing number of fellow rescues and advocates, we are reversing the unfair stigma against pigeons and showing the world they deserve our respect and protection.
Palomacy is profoundly honored and grateful to receive our largest donation ever- a grant for $30,000- from our biggest supporter, Craig Newmark Philanthropies.
Thank you, Craig, for all you are doing “to support and connect people and drive broad civic engagement… to advance grassroots organizations that are effective and getting stuff done” and to help pigeons.
January 13, 2025
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Elizabeth’s Leave of Absence
I’m writing to let you know that I’m taking a three-month leave of absence beginning January 20, 2025.
I’ve been trying for quite a while to find the right words to express how incredibly grateful I am to the amazing Palomacy community. You all have given me so much hope and faith throughout these past 17 years. We live in a hard world that often feels heartless- except within this kind, compassionate, generous family that we have created together. You all are truly the best of the best.
Though I’ll be taking a break from bird rescue, Palomacy will continue thanks to our many flock members working their miracles every day.
Jill (McMurchy) Shepard will be Acting Executive Director and taking over many of my responsibilities in addition to her role as Care Director. Please support her as enthusiastically as you always do (and maybe even a little more). Our Board Treasurer Jenna Close will provide extra support on the financial and organizational administration side of things. Rose Lalla Jensen is the Administrator and Lead Moderator for our online Palomacy Help Group. Dion Campbell is our Phone Line Lead (415 851-5948). Heather Hohlowski will be publishing your stories and articles to our website, blog and newsletter. Board member Aileen (Ellie) Paterson will manage our GlobalGiving reports and appeals. And there are over 100 more dedicated volunteers helping to do everything- all the rescuing, fostering, aviary cleaning, rehoming, care coaching, supporting, publicizing, posting, fundraising and advocating for our precious birds!
Together you are every day making the world-changing, life-saving difference for pigeons and doves that they said couldn’t be done.
I thank you with all my heart for carrying on while I take a break.
Your amazing support- as volunteers, adopters, donors- makes a profound life and death difference for so many birds! Here’s the story of one of them.
Foster volunteer Nicole writes, “A local animal hero and veterinarian reached out to Palomacy looking for a spot for a splay-legged feral pigeon child. I picked him up and brought him back to work with me. By the time my shift was over, my boss had named the little pigeon “Guy Fieri” because of his golden baby fuzzy feather threads that looked like Guy’s frosted tips.”
Baby Guy’s first day with Palomacy
Splay legs, a condition where a bird’s legs develop abnormally outward, often due to nest conditions or nutritional deficiencies, can sometimes be corrected with hobbles and time. But Guy’s hobbling didn’t work due to his too-loose joints and his vet team recommended we let him finish growing, then bring him back to discuss potential surgical options. Foster mom Nicole was charged with continuing to provide optimal nutrition and soft comfy furnishings to ensure his best quality of life.
In those months, Guy grew out of his frosted tips, pair-bonded to Nicole, made friends with and charmed a handful of Palomacy volunteers, and became buddies with a bunch of his fellow foster birds, including a massive orphaned baby king pigeon named Pogo, who adores him. (See Guy’s video.)
Guy & Pogo
Guy hangs out with the other birds in the house and in the aviary (with supervision) and freely flies from one soft bed to another or to whichever humans are around. He is known to follow Nicole when she leaves the room, hovering right behind while she walks around until she stops and catches the little bird flying right at her face.
Now that Guy is all grown up, his vets have declared him ready. They are optimistic that a surgery that fuses each of his two stifles (femorotibiotarsal luxation repair) will get him up on his feet, the life-changing surgery that will fix his legs so that he can stand up, walk, and strut his stuff.
It’s your amazing support that allows Palomacy to save birds like Guy and so many others. Thanks to you all (with extra special thanks to our 61 foster volunteers), Palomacy has provided foster care for 270 rescued pigeons and doves in homes and aviaries every day of this year (and placed 122 in forever homes). We don’t have a shelter or sanctuary, so it is this foster network that is the heart and soul of Palomacy’s work.
This screenshot shows 1/3 of our fostered birds
With your support, Palomacy also operates a pigeon and dove rescue and adoption helpline (415 851-5948). Every day our expert volunteers respond to calls and texts from all over the country helping people to rescue birds, to find rehabbers and vets, to get answers to their care questions and worries; more than 14,000 interactions this year.
And our online Help Group serves even more birds! This is the fastest best place to get help for pigeons and doves. It is an incredible ever-growing mutual aid community, led and moderated by 20 of Palomacy’s most knowledgeable volunteers, where 37,000 active members convene to help each other help birds. It is a 24/7/365 lifeline for pigeons and doves and people trying to help them.
Palomacy depends on your support for everything we do. The number of requests for help keep increasing, and so do the costs. The year is nearly finished and we still need to raise $28,000 to cover our expenses (including Guy’s surgery). If you can, please donate today. You can donate online via credit card, PayPal or Venmo, you can send a check to Palomacy at PO Box 24585, SF, CA 94124, you can donate stock by emailing Any which way you give helps Palomacy to help these birds.
They are all special guys.
Special Guy
December 30, 2024 UPDATED For the Special Guys
Your Support Makes the Difference
Guy Says Hi!
Thanks to you, we have raised $6,266 towards
our year-end goal of $28,000!
I know how daunting raising $21,734 more is.
The good news is that there are so many pigeon & dove lovers supporting this effort!
Three thousand Palomacy friends are reading this right now… Sixty-five of you have already contributed to this final 2024 ask.
Guy’s splay-leg correcting surgery has been post-poned for two weeks to ensure world reknowned avian veterinarian Dr. Brian Speer himself will do his operation. (See Guy’s video.) In the meantime, Guy is getting even more mature and strong and confident, soaking up all the loving care his foster family lavishes on him.
Guy coming in hot!
You know how amazing these birds are and how much they need our help.
With only two days left in the year to raise $21,734, now is the time. If you can, please donate today.
◦Safeway Manager calls Jill: “There’s a pigeon running wild in the parking lot!”
Jill texts kiersten: “Hey. Domestic pigeon at Safeway Livermore needs rescuing. Can you help?”
kiersten tells her team she’s going out for an extended lunch meeting and heads to a busy Safeway parking lot
Introducing the artful dodger
First Attempt
– kiersten arrives armed with a cage, a large towel, seed, and a growling stomach;
– The agile, artful dodger was a black and white German Owl Pigeon with a two-week Safeway Evasion Course under his plumage. Two hours in, “The Little” continues to evade capture, darting under cars and around shoppers exiting the store; eventually, it flew around the building and disappeared;
– The Little won the round, and Safeway shoppers aged me a few years, but this wasn’t over.
Too many people were trying to help, causing it to fly off and return repeatedly. I needed another pidge person with me since scurrying under parked cars in a busy shopping center was his skill.
Shoppers and the Safeway Manager were educated about Palomacy’s mission, so Attempt 1 wasn’t a complete wingfu.
Lessons of the day:
Add a net to your kit, bring a flask, a friend, an abundance of patience, and always keep the Elizabeth mantra in the forefront of your mind: YOU ARE AMBASSADORS OF TRICKLE-UP COMPASSION, so…
Lowe and behold, it’s a funny looking bird in the rafters
Here birdie birdie birdie
– Lowe’s employees point out the funny-looking bird in the rafters near the lumber entrance. Here birdie birdie birdie…nope, he stretches and takes off toward Safeway; we pack up the gear, jump in the van, and head for Safeway;
– Safeway shoppers gather as the puddle jumping begins
– Back-and-forth negotiations ensue for more than an hour between Lowe’s and Safeway parking lots with a non-caffeinated friend as he flits and flirts;
– Is this Mission Impossible? Will I be one friend short after this? Come on, you scruffy, scrappy little weasel, aren’t you hungry!
Q: How do you coax a funny-looking little pigeon into a cage who moved more like a bull?
A: Take a swig, towels up, string in hand, cage door set, seed trail laid, SUCCESS!
No more greasy water or dodging cars, carts, and feet
– Next, a warm home, spa music, a degreasing bath, food, clean water, and a health check for Punky, and Birthday Margaritas for kiersten.
Punky rests safely in cage looking out onto foliage
Punky is very tired and a little cleaner
His feathers still have greasy remnants of the parking lot
Punky’s Air-BnB for the night
The next day, Punky was picked up and transported a couple of hours away to Jillville for intake. I already had a flock of four and was getting ready to embark on a cross-country trip, so I could not foster him, but he left indelible marks on me: parking-lot grease from his feathers and others on my heart, so weeks later, I told Jill I would be interested in adopting him upon my cross-country return, only to learn a month later that he coupled with a scrappy she-bird at Jillville, “Shrimp” is her name. She is a very small roller with no problem wrangling Punky’s spit-fire, and they adore each other.
This one little bird touched more than 50 humans in a day, got me out of bed before 7 a.m. in the rain, no less, and his antics resulted in educating the public further and providing a safe home for two more pidges instead of one.
The newlyweds arrive at Pooville
Honeymooning at the shore
Punky and Shrimp in new digs
Spa day
No more parking lots
The Littles: Shrimp and Punky
kiersten incognito from social media Paparazzi
This community is truly incredible; it’s a rare coalition, and together, we are far-reaching.
I could share thousands of stories of birds and their humans, but I’ll leave that to the Palomacy calendars and Facebook group. When we extend a helping hand to a pigeon or dove in need, we spark ripples of change that reach far beyond one life, inspiring hope and humanity in ways we might never fully see, and sometimes, we show up on social media wearing our PJs and looking insane in random parking lots.
This is a story about Cosmo, he’s a king pigeon that I found near my office. I decided to go feed the pigeons by the beach during my lunch break and I was enjoying my time when I noticed a white pigeon emerge from the rocks. He seemed extremely unsure. He was dirty and frail. I knew something was off when all the pigeons took off due to being scared and he kinda just waddled away. When I got closer, it didn’t seem like he could fly so I picked him up. He was extremely scared but calmed down when I put him in the car with the heater. He was timid and seemed extremely confused. I brought him to my mom’s house because I needed to go back to work. I had an old parrot cage to park him in for a while until I finished my work. I texted my little brother (he’s 15) that there was a pigeon in his bedroom and asked if he could check on him when getting home. He happily accepted and when he came home he asked what he should do next. I told him the bird needs a bath, so he gave the bird a bath in the sink. He came out looking so clean.
My little sister (age 10) came in after a while and helped dry the bird. That’s when my brother noticed the wound where the bird’s armpit was, covered in feathers it was semi hidden but the hole was the size of a quarter.
I asked him if he could gently clean up all the seeds and gunk stuck to his open wound and to let him rest after the cleaning. I came home about two hours later to find my sister snuggled up with Cosmo in a chair.
I then took him to my house in Castro Valley and got him situated in a small bird cage. I didn’t want him moving too much so the cage was pretty small. He rested for the night and by morning I checked on him. He was relaxing and he was probably exhausted. I went to work and when I came back I washed him with dawn dish soap and really cleaned out the wound. I knew he wouldn’t last much longer because of the crop tear so I called the pigeon rescue Palomacy. I’ve known about this rescue since I was 11 and I’m now 19. I love pigeons with all my heart and I knew they would help. They explained that the crop tear was very extensive and needed surgery ASAP and they set me up with an appointment at an avian bird vet they said would be able to help him. Me and my boyfriend drove an hour and a half to Medical Center for Birds and dropped Cosmo off. Palomacy’s donors made his $1,265 medical care possible.
They said its a crop tear in an awkward spot but they could fix it, they also said he had an ulcer in his eye. They told me Palomacy’s Care Director Jill would be the person of contact and she’d be in touch with me. After three or four days with no info, I got a text from Jill and she said “I didn’t know Cosmo was a baby!” I won’t lie, I started tearing up learning he was ok.
Jill said she took him home. He had some pain meds and eye drops that needed to be given to him twice a day. I came to Jill’s house and she showed me what to do. Her life seemed so beautiful. I took Cosmo home and got him situated in a temporary medium size cage as his stitches needed to heal.
When he started getting his energy back you could really see the fire in him. Though he’s still nervous about people and hands, I completely understand. He freely flys around my house now and follows me and watches me cook (from a safe distance). He’s an amazing companion and his favorite place to rest is on top of the ceiling fan. (It’s never turned on dont worry). His story is definitely something amazing and I’m glad I could give this bird a good home.
Hi I’m Jazmine Hernandez. I’m 19 years old and have always been fond of birds since my childhood. I love all animals and will always do my best to save them all. Small or big they deserve a chance!
November 18, 2024
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Pigeon on a Shelf Holiday Auction 2024
Palomacy volunteer Heather Hamilton writes, First, I want to express heartfelt gratitude on behalf of myself, Palomacy, and each and every bird whose life was saved and enriched by the work of Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Adoptions. Palomacy’s life-saving organization is sustained by supporters like you, and we cannot thank you enough for supporting our mission caring for pigeons and doves.
Today, I am reaching out to you, once again, sincerely asking you to consider donating another treasure (or two!) for our upcoming online auction fundraiser, Pigeon on a Shelf. Bidding starts Friday December 6 at 12:00 noon PST and runs through Friday December 13 at 6 pm PST.
Please use this link to add your item to the catalog (or go to Donate Item in the auction menu at ). As we receive your Donate Item forms, we’ll be adding descriptions and photos to the auction website until the bidding starts on December 6. Bidders will be able to view your item(s) in the auction catalog before the bidding begins.
Please note, for efficiency, we ask our donors to hold on to their donated treasure(s) until the winning bid is declared on 12/13, and then ship directly to the winning bidder (with labels from Palomacy and postage paid by the winning bidder).
Our summer auction held in honor of National Pigeon Appreciation Day raised $7,785.26, thanks to 74 donated treasures from our amazing donors (YOU!) Our fundraising goal for Palomacy’s Pigeon on a Shelf Holiday Auction 2024 is to raise $7,786! The money we raise through this auction, like all the donations we receive, goes directly to the pigeons and doves we serve.
For any questions related to donations, please contact me at heather.m.hamilton19@gmail.comor by phone at (415) 595-1837.
With Sincere Appreciation,
Heather, Palomacy Volunteer
November 18, 2024
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Bluesky & Leroy Jenkins
On 11/8/24, I received this message:
Good morning. I recently joined Bluesky which is a very welcoming and kind version of Twitter, similar to how Twitter works. I saw several animal rescues over at Bluesky and thought of Palomacy. Just thought you might like to check it out to get more exposure for the rescue. Believe it or not, 10 years ago this week I emailed you the first time for help with a self-rescuing pigeon that I named Leroy Jenkins. He is doing wonderfully well and still delights us everyday. Cathy
I loved getting an update on Leroy (see his original story here) and have signed Palomacy up for Bluesky ( Thank you, Cathy and Leroy!
Leroy Jenkins
Cathy Webb lives in North Texas with her very tolerant husband who immediately fell in love with Leroy and a shelter dog named Bailey. She has had birds all of my life but Leroy is their first pigeon.
October 30, 2024
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Palomacy’s 2025 Calendar is Here!
Palomacy 2025 Calendar Cover Photo: Will Feral by Adrienne
Palomacy is honored to present our 2025 Wall Calendar! Much has changed since the first issue was published in 2013 – our name from MickaCoo to Palomacy; our team has tripled in size from one to three; the birds showcased and the photographers contributing have changed over the years; our look has shifted from colorful to elegant; the graphic design from primitive to sophisticated; but our cause has never wavered- to inspire life-saving help for pigeons and doves.
MickaCoo 2013 Calendar Cover Photo: Yuzu by Elizabeth Y
2015 Palomacy Calendar Pages
Palomacy 2020 Calendar Cover by JZ
Is there anyone out there (besides me) who has all 13 years? What an epic collection of beauty and understanding! Such a huge flock of beloved bird faces photographed and their stories shared, celebrated, honored. But that’s enough looking back, here’s to the future. Palomacy wishes you and yours a truly wonderful 2025.
Congratulations to the photographers whose images were selected, with great difficulty, from among 336 submissions.
January: Sardine & Valentino by Adrienne
February: Mariposa by NJ
March: Turkey by Jenna
April: Breeze & Mackenzie by Elizabeth
May: Macaroni by Ruth
June: Pickles by Dion
July: Rango by Cynthia
August: FP by Robert
September: Lewis by Lauren
October: Abby by Heather
November: Rigor Mortis by Kathryn
December: Heihei by Adrienne
Thank you all for helping us to help birds every day of the year. Palomacy can’t save birds without you! Your support in so many ways- entering our yearly photo contest and buying and sharing our annual calendars; volunteering for outreaches, aviary care, transport, rescues, fostering, data management, story writing and so much more, contributes to every life we save. Our Phone Team assists hundreds of callers every month. Our Facebook Help Group will assist more than 35K members this year alone. Our fosters have 260 rescued birds in their care today and our adopters, stretching all the way back to our start in 2007, have provided safe, loving forever homes for thousands of pigeons and doves who otherwise would have died. Your support absolutely makes the critical difference.
And special thanks to our brilliant calendar volunteers Heather Hohlowski and JZ and to me.
You can order your 2025 Calendars, both this 12 page Wall version and the 365 day Virtual subscription here.
October 11, 2024
by Elizabeth Comments Off on Pigeons Deserve Better! Trust me. I fed one.
Pigeons: we know them, but do we love them? Historically, yes. Currently, no. In the 21st century, pigeons are colloquially referred to as “the rats of the sky,” “trash birds” and, most fondly, “damn nuisances.” Sitting on a park bench in the heart of Rome this summer, I found myself unable to look away from the small, gray birds that sat mere feet away from me, ruffling their feathers in the rain and looking for their next snack.
I once heard that Rome was one of the dirtiest cities in the world, and I was inclined to agree as I wandered; it didn’t strike me as odd that its most frequent fliers, the birds in front of me, littered the streets — dirty city, dirty birds. Feeling particularly emotional and somewhat romantic in the light August mist, I couldn’t help but wonder how the useful carrier pigeon was reduced to what we know them as today: filthy little aves.
Exploited for centuries for their magnetoreception — their ability to sense earth’s magnetic field — pigeons were once treasured as couriers. They were used to deliver messages and warnings on battlefields, and they soon became representative of increasing globalization as early as 3,000 B.C.E.
Pigeons were used in both World Wars to aid communicative efforts; they were taken to one side of a battlefield and then released back to their home coop on the opposite side, delivering potentially life-saving news. Their efforts earned them the unyielding admiration. And, captured in paintings throughout the years, most notably by Picasso, pigeons were once thought to be symbols of peace, tranquility and unity.
In an interview with The Michigan Daily, Elizabeth Young, director of the “Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions” rehabilitation center, detailed the way pigeons exist in the modern world.
“(Pigeons are) victims of their own success.” Young said. “(Pigeons) have managed to survive in our human world. And even though they are always on the verge of starvation, they’re repopulating, you know, they’re hardy.”
Because of their resilience, pigeons became nuisances once society no longer had use for them. It wasn’t that a singular pigeon committed some horrible, unforgivable act against a human and we never forgave them. No, it’s that in the wake of our advancement as a species, we left pigeons behind.
Much of the contempt that we feel towards pigeons has come from the idea that they are dirty. We see them walking the city streets, click-clacking their way through life with their dull coats and beady eyes, and we call them vectors for disease — an idea that has become entrenched in our cultural consciousness.
The last time someone contracted a fatal disease from a pigeon was in December of 2023. The disease, pigeon avian paramyxovirus-1, is a viral infection that is typically spread by pigeons to pigeons. It is unlikely that humans can contract this specific strain of paramyxovirus, but when they do, it typically causes, at most, mild conjuctivitis. In this case, though, a 2-year-old toddler suffered fatal neurological symptoms, continuing to reinforce the idea of the malevolent pigeon. However, according to the volunteered-based rescue organization, Greenwich Wildlife Network, what we conveniently leave out is that other diseases, such as salmonella and psittacosis are only spread by pigeons, or any wild bird, roughly 0.2% of the time — meaning that 99.8% of salmonella and psittacosis outbreaks are not pigeon-related in origin. And, believe it or not, pigeons are oftentimes not carriers of avian influenza, or otherwise known as the infamous “bird flu.”
I wanted to know more about the true nature of pigeons, and not just what the zeitgeist has claimed to be universally correct. I joined a Facebook group titled “The Michigan Pigeon Club” and searched for answers there. I yearned to know how pigeons got such a bad reputation, and I wanted to know why we hated them so much. What better place to learn the answers to these pressing questions than from the pigeon enthusiasts of my state? Pigeons really couldn’t be all that bad, could they? I mean, if you look at them from the right angles, sometimes they might even be cute.
I got an overwhelming amount of responses, and more than half of them directed me to Stassia Fulmer, the owner of Stassia’s Pigeon Pants Shop. Before I even begin to unpack Stassia’s take on pigeon pants, it’s worth mentioning that she is the go-to pigeon rescue and rehabilitation expert in eastern Michigan. To answer my questions, I took a trip out to Jackson to see her pigeons, and hear what she had to say about these birds.
Fulmer’s pigeons sit and fly in their pen in Jackson Monday, Sept. 30. Riley Nieboer/Daily.
Upon my arrival, Fulmer brought me straight back to her pigeon pen, which was carefully constructed to ward off potential predators. There had to have been at least 15 pigeons in there. She had named them all. Between holding Midge, one of her birds, and explaining how she got to be the foremost pigeon rescuer on the east side, I realized that I really didn’t know anything about pigeons at all. With the birds flapping about the enclosure and cooing their way into my heart, I listened as Fulmer told me about her first pigeon, Fran.
“So my first pigeon, Fran, she became bonded to me to the point where she would cuddle me. She was like a dog,” Fulmer said. “When I came home, she was excited to see me, to follow me around everywhere. She had a little nest next to me in my bed, … but that’s not abnormal, actually.”
I could not believe my ears. Pigeons … as pets? When I think of what a typical pet looks like, I picture my own cat, curled up in my lap or dozing in the mid-afternoon sun. One typically thinks of a furry, mammalian companion as the best and most customary pet, but I knew that Fulmer’s love for her birds was real, and that these critters loved her right back, just like any good pet would.
Throughout our interview, Fulmer apologized continuously about the state of the pigeons’ feathers, explaining how a couple of her birds were a little under the weather (pigeon feathers can dull when they don’t feel well, apparently). I marveled at her affectionate fussing. I, personally, had never seen a pigeon look better, but Fulmer cooed nonetheless.
You hear stories about people rescuing the underdog shelter animal: the mangy, skinny dog or the feline missing an ear. You don’t often hear about rescuing the real underdog, or should I say underbird: pigeons. Historically, this species has been through hell and back, but there I stood, watching a pigeon, against all odds, cuddle with a woman who had given it a chance.
I felt all of my biases against the birds slip away; I wanted to cuddle with a pigeon now. I almost asked her where I might acquire one of these guys. Which, actually, isn’t all that hard to do.
White pigeons, sometimes indistinguishable from doves, are released and then rescued quite often in the Ann Arbor area, Fulmer told me. She explained that a lot of the rescues she gets notified of are birds that were used for ceremonial purposes on wedding days. Unfortunately, the newly betrothed typically don’t think about the fact that they’re releasing domesticated animals, like trained pigeons, into the wild — unable to survive.
Fulmer’s pigeons sit upon wooden boxes in their pen in Jackson Monday, Sept. 30. Riley Nieboer/Daily.
One of Fulmer’s pigeons sits on a makeshift branch in the pigeon pen in Jackson Monday, Sept. 30. Riley Nieboer/Daily.
In light of these malpractices, Fulmer told me about her own efforts to keep pigeons safe and happy while I crouched down to feed the bravest of her flock who dared to nibble from my palm.
“I’ve rehomed several pigeons in our area. Someone finds one and they’re like, ‘I don’t know what to do with it.’ I’ll take it off your hands and I will help you get it to the next home. I’ve done that several times,” Fulmer said.
Fran, Fulmer’s first rescue pigeon, was actually a wedding release. According to Palomacy, the “dove release” industry is surprisingly harmful. Even under the best circumstances, these trained doves and pigeons are hurt, lost and killed. Not many, if any at all, will survive.
Carelessly releasing these domesticated feathered friends has created the need for pigeon rescue groups. Dedicated individuals like Fulmer and her one-woman show, and rescue nonprofits like Palomacy, are constantly working towards educating the population and breaking down stereotypes that perpetuate pigeon vileness.