
November 10, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Shirin and Kian – a pigeon rescue story – or why it took four hours to travel four blocks home

Guest Post by Melne Murphy

At the onset of the pandemic lockdown in March, someone in Alameda, CA started a series of “porch concerts” to help people cope with the shock of such a lifestyle change. Every Friday at 6, musicians all across the island would gather on their porch or driveway “stages” and play for an appreciative audience of their masked and socially-distanced friends and neighbors. With no options to see live music, this became a very popular event. Since the town is small, one could easily walk or bike around and see all kinds of music. Soon the event unofficially expanded to include weekends, as well, and starting in July, I began to play at these shows (I am a guitarist). On Sunday, September 13, after finishing my gig at 6pm, I loaded my gear into the car to drive the 8-block distance to home.

Halfway there, at the block where I turn, I spied on the corner two obviously not-feral pigeons walking casually on the sidewalk opposite. One white, one dark—mottled grey and white.

Pigeon kids on the loose

I knew they were out of place, and my mind raced to what I should do—I certainly could not just leave them there. I pulled the car over and hopped out with the jar of pigeon food that I keep there in case I see any needy or hungry pij-friends while I’m out and about.

As I approached the two pigeons, I could see that they were just babies. The dark one’s wings were not even fully grown in yet! My mind began to calculate how to capture them, so I threw some food, but unbeknownst to me, they were still too young to recognize the grains and seeds as food. They ignored it, and continued to wander around, pecking at this and that.

Now, how do baby pigeons just happen to be wandering around aimlessly on a street corner? Well, just across the estuary from Alameda in Oakland there is a live poultry mart where people can buy chickens, ducks, and baby King pigeons (e.g. “squab”) for their dinner plate. Unfortunately, people—well-meaning or perhaps those who lost their nerve to go through with the butchery—frequently purchase and then abandon these birds—often in parks or parking lots.

Perhaps they think they are “freeing” the birds to have a happy life in the wild—but instead they are likely dooming them to a much worse death than they would have experienced otherwise. Alameda has an extremely healthy population of cats–both free-roaming pets and feral–raccoons, skunks, opossums, Cooper’s hawks, crows and a plethora of rats. So, abandoning baby pigeons here is pretty much a death sentence for the birds.

What these well-meaning (or otherwise) people don’t realize is that their squab purchase can’t fly (or, even if they can, not well). They are likely still dependent on their parents’ feedings, as well as the fact that they are domestic and unequipped for life in the wild in every way- physiologically, experientially, completely. These birds are more than likely headed toward a grisly death at the claws, beaks and teeth of predators or under the wheel of a passing car.

So, here I am, with the sun low on the horizon, faced with two little baby pigeons that stand almost no chance of surviving the night. The two were obviously friends, as they were sticking close together. As I followed them down the sidewalk, they would scoot away, at times running into the street, where I had to quickly cut them off to shoo them back on the sidewalk for safety. They weren’t frightened of me—just wary. I could get within a couple feet of them. They had to be caught!

I contacted Elizabeth at Palomacy for advice, and we kept in contact via text through this mission.

Not only was catching them a problem, but so was transporting. I had a car full of music gear—and not anything to put birds in—but then I remembered that wildlife rehabilitators at Wild Bird Fund in NYC recommend putting injured birds into a brown paper sack and folding over the top to secure them. The paper sacks are breathable and are a simple and readily available solution to transporting small creatures. And I had some brown paper grocery bags in the car!

The pigeons were now wandering onto the property of the corner house, and I hoped the owner wouldn’t be angry or frightened if they saw that I was hanging around for a long time around their house.

The only thing I had to catch a bird with was the light sweater I was wearing. As the birds wandered up the home’s walkway path, I thought that the walls of the house and its nearby landscaping *might* just offer an advantage to catching them. I tried for the dark one with the stubby wings first. He was an easy catch! I was able to swish the sweater around the front to block his forward motion, and then pounce! I got him! When I unfolded the sweater to get a look at him, he was so young that he was still naked under the wings. I loaded him into one of the paper bags, folded the top and took him to the car. One down, one to go.

Catching the white one proved to not be so simple—this bird could fly. She was now wandering around the front yard looking for her friend. Edged in by the hedge, I thought I had a chance—and missed. She fluttered clumsily and landed in a low bush, wings spread and struggling–it would have been an easy catch, if I could have just gotten there a half second earlier. My fingers touched her feathers just as she fell through the branches to the ground and took off running through the landscaping. I stumbled through the shrubbery trying to get her, missing each time by millimeters. When she got into a clear area, she flew. To the home’s roof. Crap.

Shirin on the roof…

By now it’s getting late into the day, the sun is getting really low, and here sits this bird, 8 feet above me, preening. Texting with Elizabeth, she suggests tempting the white one down from the roof with the sight of her little friend. With trepidation, I go and get him out of the paper bag, and holding tightly, sit down on the edge of the lawn in her view, making sure she can see him, but also making sure he doesn’t escape. She was unmoved, so after about 15 minutes, I decided to get him safely back into the car.

At this point, we discuss waiting until dark and trying to get her with a ladder and net. Elizabeth has put out the call and recruited a fellow local Palomacy person, Caitlin, who was going to bring a pet carrier and try to help me with the catch. My phone is old, and I noticed the battery was running low from all this texting. I couldn’t risk the phone going dead, since communication about the situation was important, so I went back to my car and plugged it in to get a little boost, and then went back to watching the bird.

The new ladder-and-net plan meant I had to knock on the door and ask the homeowner for permission. The elderly couple who lived there were a bit skeptical about the idea, but Mr. & Mrs. came out and had a look at the pigeon, sitting on their gutter, and gave us permission, as long as they were able to supervise and watch us carry out the caper.

And so I sat, and waited and watched, as White happily sat preening in the fading light, watching the crows fly en masse to their rookery. I worried about a late-day hawk picking her off the rooftop for a bedtime snack, and I wondered how we’d ever catch her.

And then she flew! She landed in a small curbside tree. And flew again! SHE LANDED ON THE ROOF OF MY CAR, and stood there, tauntingly, pecking at the dirt on the roof. I approached, opening the door and mentally trying to WILL her to do me a favor and fly INTO my car. So frustrating to stand there, inches from the bird, with no real way to catch her. She was SO close to rescue and safety with her best buddy. Suddenly she flew again, back across the street. This time to the high second-floor roof of the same corner home. No way to reach her there. The light was fading, and I sat on the curb in front of my car, watching her.

Shirin on my car!

Just then, Caitlin drove up, bringing a pet carrier and we commiserated about our seemingly impossible situation. Mr., the homeowner, shuffled out of his house to see what was happening, and forbade access to the upper roof (not like I would have attempted– I am terrified of heights!). He did try to help, though–he went back inside and upstairs, and tried to yell the bird off the roof! But she just sat. It looked more and more like she was settling in for the night.

But then she flew! This time onto a high branch in one of the mature trees that line the street—a good 15′ up. We couldn’t decide how to proceed, or if we should do anything at all. We did try to dislodge her—hopefully prompting her to fly down somewhere accessible—by lobbing some (unused) baby diapers that Caitlin had. Neither of us could toss them high enough, but we did get a pretty good laugh out of the absurdity of the act. We decided to give up for the night and try to find her again tomorrow. It was, by then, getting truly dark, and the bird was likely safe, at least from ground-based predators.

We bade farewell and got in our cars. I transferred Dark into the pet carrier that Caitlin had lent me. She drove off, and I sat there for a few minutes writing a text before leaving for home. Remember that my phone was low on juice and I plugged it into the car? Well, I had forgotten about the phone for at least an hour. Ready to go, I put the key in the ignition and turned it… NOTHING. Crap. The phone had drained the car battery. Arrrggghh! (lesson learned).

I tried it again. No dice. Well, I’m four blocks from home, no big deal. Worst case, I can leave the car here, walk home, come back with a rolling cart and bring my music gear home that way. But I would rather get the car and its contents home tonight. So I opened up my AAA app and requested help. That’s what I pay them for, right? The app says it will take about 20 minutes to find a service truck to assist. OK, no biggie. I sat for 10-15 minutes and checked the AAA app again. They still hadn’t dispatched a truck. Grrr.

Well, if no truck was imminent I figured I would go check on White while I waited. I walked over to the tree she had settled in—and SHE WAS GONE! Crap! I looked around and saw nothing, but suddenly from behind came a fluttering of wings, and she flew back to the lower roof where she’d first sat! She only sat there for about 5 minutes, and then flew to the ground under the streetlamp, just a few feet away! OMG, this was my chance! I now hoped that AAA wasn’t suddenly going to show up.

So I took off my sweater again and slowly approached. She walked toward a hedge that might help deflect her, so I tried to swoop my sweater around her. Fail. Spooked, she flew to a curbside tree across the street.

She really seemed as though she didn’t quite know what to do with herself in the gloom—at this point it was fully dark except for the street lamps. She only alighted briefly in the tree and then flew back across the street to another tree. (SO FRUSTRATING!).

Then, she fluttered from the tree down to the pavement. In the middle of the street. Thankfully, no cars were coming. She walked toward the space between my car and the one in front—and it was pretty dark right there. I decided THIS was the opportunity—before she walked underneath the parked car. I swished my sweater around her front and pounced! As the sweater and my hands enveloped her, she let out a little baby pigeon squeak. She almost wiggled away, but I GOT HER! Shaking with adrenaline, and clutching my prize tightly, I got back in the car, and felt a great relief and triumph. I slowly extracted her from my sweater, and popped her in the carrier with her little friend. I’m sure she felt a bit of relief seeing her buddy after that terrifying incident.


Well, now I just needed to get home! Check AAA. They *STILL* hadn’t gotten me a truck. At this point, I’m thinking of alternative options, since I now needed to get these baby birds home and help them.

I went back to the idea of leaving my car overnight and dealing with it in the morning and just getting the birds and my music gear home with the cart. But before giving up, I thought I should try the car one more time, now that its battery had had a good 30+ minute “rest.” And, OMG, it started! It was a stodgy start, but the engine turned over, and was running! Yay! I cancelled AAA. BUT…still can’t go home yet. I know that after your battery has died, you need to drive around for a while to charge it back up. So I texted my friend Moe to find out how long I needed to drive. He said 15 minutes. So, instead of being able to just drive the four blocks home, I had to drive around for 15 minutes. So I took the “scenic” route (not scenic, really, it was dark!) and drove the 5 miles across the island and back with my new little friends.

I didn’t mind, though, because the birds were SAFE!

When I finally got home, I offered them a drink of water infused with a pinch of salt and sugar—both birds were SO thirsty and thawed some peas. At first they seemed resistant to the peas, but as soon as the first pea crossed their tongue and was swallowed, it opened the floodgates to all the baby pigeon flapping and squeaking glory! I fed each about 10 before letting them rest for the night. And so, I became a pigeon mom.

Safe, exhausted pigeon kids

The next morning came the first actual feeding—I didn’t have any baby bird formula, but I did have a vitamix blender, so I DIY’d it. I took 50% wild dove food (for my outside birds), and 50% Harrison’s Lifetime Bird Food pellets (for my conures), tossed in a handful of peas and whipped up some DIY baby pigeon food. I was suddenly thankful for my annoying habit of saving jars and bottles, because I had a salad dressing bottle that would work great as a feeding bottle. I rubber-banded a stretched nitrile glove over the opening and opened a slit with an X-acto knife. Thus began two weeks of very messy baby feeding. They both took to the bottle well, and I weighed them after each feeding and in the morning to monitor their consumption.

The first days after rescue

The first picture shows all the parts used. A glove, a rubber band, an X-Acto knife, and an empty salad dressing bottle. I took the little insert out of the bottle and enlarged the hole with the X-Acto knife. (and I smoothed any sharp edges with an emery board). then stretched a glove over the top, rubberbanded it tight, and then slit it with the X-Acto blade. I warmed the bottle to approximately 100°, in the sink by putting the bottle in a container, and then running hot tap water over it, and checking the temp with a probe thermometer. (Important Warning: Never microwave or cook formula to be fed to birds! And take care never to crop or tube feed even hot water formula. Crop burns injure & eventually kill far too many human-fed birds.)

Melne’s baby bottle for hand-feeding the fledglings

Cutting a slit into the rubber glove top allows the pigeon child to put her face into the opening as if it were a pigeon parent’s throat

After a week of calling them Dark and White, it was time for names. I had been classmates with a violin-playing Persian woman named Shirin and thought it a lovely name. I decided White (presumed female) would be Shirin, and then searched for an appropriate Persian name for Dark (presumed male). I settled on Kian. Shirin means sweet, and Kian means king.

Still recovering from their ordeal & earning to self-feed

A problem with King pigeons–birds raised for “food”—is they often come with embedded health problems. Why raise a bird to be healthy if it’s not even supposed to live past 4-5 weeks?

Between the two, there was a veritable roller coaster of health issues, veterinary visits and hospitalizations. Shirin’s health seemed especially fragile, with respiratory infection, and the doctor posited that she might be immunosuppressed. Kian, while outwardly healthier looking than his “sister” (I do not actually know if they are related), exhibited yellow urates that indicated liver trouble. Both ended up on a cocktail of medications.

Melne took meticulous care of the babies & kept detailed notes on their meds & weights

But both began to improve—Shirin began to finally put on weight—eventually catching up with her brother. And Kian, always the healthier of the two, was putting his few health issues behind him, as well.

Kian & Shirin on their way to one of many appointments at Medical Center for Birds

Lounge masters

Just a couple weeks after their rescue, they met their future adopter, Jack, who was really taken with the pair. Although he was ready to adopt right then, he had to be patient while the babies weaned and got through their medical issues.

Play time

Melne with babies

It took an additional three weeks, but finally, on October 22, Shirin and Kian went HOME! I miss them, but I know they are safe and loved.

Foster to adopt Jack writes, They are doing great! Little by little Shirin is coming out of their shell and Kian continues to be as bold as ever. They are getting used to the pigeon pants and are starting to fly around the house in them. Their lesions have healed except for one that’s nearly gone on Shirin’s toe. There has been frustrating parts caring for them, but overall it’s been an amazing experience.

Jack welcomes Shirin

Shirin & Kian’s first night at Jack’s

I couldn’t be happier that I was miraculously in the right place at the right time to intervene, get them off the street, and spend six weeks mothering them, loving them and watching them grow into their sweet and beautiful selves. They are a very special pair of birds! I hope they have a very happy and healthy life with their new pigeon-parent, Jack.

What are the chances that someone who knew pigeons and recognized their plight would come across those two birds that night? Almost infinitesimal. And the chances of catching both birds? Better odds, but those odds were still long. A bettin’ man wouldn’t have put two cents on that outcome. But these two birds beat the odds and won the lottery.


Melne developed an interest in pigeons after observing and interacting with a feral flock, which led her to volunteering for Palomacy. She soon welcomed pigeon pets into her home, and now lives with two married Palomacy rescue pigeons, Roy and Shae, and two very naughty rescue green-cheeked conures, Cheeky and Sage. She is a graphic designer, guitarist and songwriter (author of the pigeon-world-famous “W.A.P.” parody starring Kian!). She is a member of the Oakland-based art-punk band Surplus 1980, and also plays casual gigs in a variety of styles ranging from pop and rock to jazz and R&B. She is currently pursuing a B.A. in Jazz Studies at the California Jazz Conservatory.


October 24, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Palomacy’s Worldwide Online Pijama Party!


Party art by Meg Germundson. Click to see Pijama Party t-shirts & merch in our store

Wow! What a party we had!!! Palomacy’s cherished tradition of annual celebration-  Flocktoberfest in 2017, COO-CHELLA in 2018, Mascoorade in 2019- was threatened this year by the pandemic but we, like the pigeons we so admire, adapted and with incredibly generous help from Twitch.TV stars Holly Conrad and Kayla Cline of We Crowing Hens, hosted our first ever worldwide online Pijama Party! It was so fun! Palomacy party goers know how legendary Christiana’s party decor is this year she handmade magical decorations and boxed them up and shipped them to 10 lucky party families! And she created a Pijama Party Host Booklet which is available to download here. As always, Christiana’s touch made our party especially beautiful.

While we really miss getting together in person, it was a huge treat to be able to invite everybody- from all over the world- to join us. And they did! More than 300 people and their birds put on their jammies and snuggled up with their screen to live stream pijama party with our incredible hosts Holly (assisted by Feathers) and Kayla (assisted by Nuggies) and their mod team Jessi and Chris and special guests Jenna, Christiana, Rose, Ashley, Meg, Jill and myself. Our party goers had fun ‘meeting’ some of their faraway Palomacy friends and we all loved the interviews! We had a super fun evening, broadened our horizons into a whole new-to-Palomacy medium (online streaming) and we raised $4681 to help the birds! (That’s the most we’ve ever raised with one of our events!) And if you missed seeing the party live, you can see the whole event recorded at: Palomacy Pijama Party 2020! You can also see our special 20 minute party video created for us by Jenna Close here. Yay!!! Hooray!!!! THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!! See photos below and links to our sponsors and donors plus a link to click to help us win a $500 prize from Purgrain (for liking their Facebook page)! You can order Pijama Party Tshirts & merch in our store. And we’d love your feedback! Please email Elizabeth@PigeonRescue.org with your thoughts.

Holly (with Feathers on her head) & Kayla interviewing Meg & Ashley D (with viewers chat below)

Holly, in her Bev’s Bird Boutique pijamas, partying with us from South Africa

Holly hosting Pijama Party (decorations by Christiana)

Artist & Palomacy supporter Ashley Castaneda ready to Pijama Party!

Eurasian Collared dove Sparkle at the party

Chava & Zac, partying in Fairfield, CA, help birds through both Palomacy & Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue

Sky showing off her Pijama’s by Bev’s Bird Boutique

Sushi & Virgil stayed up late for Pijama Party!

FleaCircusDesigns.com made our party extra special with lots of Poe giveaways!

See McCoy & Cowbell bathing (& lots more!) in our video

Feathers admiring Pijama Party art

Jill with Beep & Elizabeth being interviewed in the time of pandemic

Palomacy supporter Nancy Chiu & Deedo partying with Palomacy from So Cal

Portraits donated by artist & Palomacy supporter Heather Hohlowski

Humane Heart Jewelry Company donated a beautiful selection of handcrafted earrings

Artist Ashley Castaneda donated amazing original works of art

Bev’s Bird Boutique created a whole wardrobe of adorable pijamas for doves & pigeons & donated proceeds to support Palomacy

Author Kathleen Rooney donated a signed copy of her novel Cher Ami and Major Whittlesey

Janie Stapleton Art & Illustration

Peggy Hartlein designed, sewed & donated this amazing quilt in support of Palomacy

Links to Our Very Generous Party Sponsors!

We Crowing Hens

Meg Germundson, Puffology

Jenna Close, Buck the Cubicle Commercial Video & Photography

Email Christiana Reed for her Amazing Decorations, Cards, Tutus, Ornaments & More! (Download her Pijama Party Host Booklet)

Ashley Castaneda, Ducks With Crayons

Bev’s Bird Boutique


Heather Hohlowski, @SketchingInPlace

Humane Heart Jewelry Company

Author Kathleen Rooney

Janie Stapleton Art & Illustration

Purgrain will donate $500 to Palomacy when they reach 1,000 likes on their Facebook page! Click here to help!

Purgrain Sparkling Clean Pigeon Feed!


Thank you so very, very much to all of our volunteers, donors, supporters and guests! Thank you for the incredible gift of such a special night spent together in celebration of rescued pigeons and doves and the people who love them!

Thank you everybirdy! (And special thanks to Meg Germundson for creating our amazing party graphics!)


October 23, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Barry’s Story

Guest Post by Marissa Monaco

Injured racing pigeon in a box

Found grounded with a shattered wing & covered with ants

I was leaving a hotel in San Francisco and noticed a pigeon lying on the ground. The pigeon didn’t move so I ran to my car, grabbed a pair of gloves, asked the hotel receptionist for a box, and upon closer examination, I noticed the bird had an injured wing. I scooped him up and placed him in the box and began to frantically search for wildlife rescues. The humane society took him in and quickly told me he would be put down because he could never fly again. I left in tears but to my surprise, I received a call minutes later explaining the bird had a band on it’s foot indicating it was used for pigeon racing. They asked if I could take the bird to the humane society down the road. Upon dropping the bird off, they explained to me the bird was a mere 5-6 weeks old. The bird, now named Barry, had broken both his ulna and radius during what is believed to be his first training session as a racing pigeon. Once admitted to the SPCA, I was notified Palomacy would rescue Barry if the owner didn’t claim him after the four day holding period. Those were the most stressful four days.

Injured racing pigeon with wing wrap in hospital tank

Barry at Peninsula Humane Society, his shattered wing wrapped

I wanted nothing more than for the owner to release him to Palomacy. I immediately searched for Palomacy’s website and began reading information about racing pigeons, pigeon care, their personalities, and just about anything else one may desire to learn about pigeons. I found happiness in learning that pigeons enjoy looking at themselves in mirrors and they can wear pigeon pants to allow them to spend time outside of their aviary without making a mess. I couldn’t wait until the holding period was up to find out Barry’s fate but then I received a call stating Palomacy rescued him and took him to a vet where he received excellent care.

Injured pigeon racing survivor in transport box on way to vet

Barry, feeling a little stronger, en route PHS to Medical Center for Birds

Youngster Barry hospitalized with a shattered & infected wing

Radiograph showing a shattered pigeon wing

Barry’s radiograph showed his wing was shattered beyond repair

I felt tremendous relief knowing he would finally feel love and safety. I learned his wing was amputated and he would finally have a quality of life with someone who values his beautiful soul and existence. Once I connected with both Jill and Elizabeth through the Palomacy help group on Facebook, I started to receive photo after photo of Barry with every update I could have imagined.

Dove Sparkle & Barry hanging out with Jill

Jill & Barry having fun time

Barry chilling

He was thriving! He made new friends and was as spoiled as can be! I felt tremendous relief after each and every update knowing he was in the best hands. It speaks volumes when someone takes that much time to bring comfort to a perfect stranger.  I watched him heal and as soon as I could, I made a trip to visit him.

Marissa & her friend Barry reunited

Marissa & Barry!

I met a very different bird when I walked in to see him. He wasn’t scared anymore, he wasn’t quiet and still. Barry was lively and playful. His heart was healing and he finally got to be a kid. I held him tight and kissed his head and told him how much I loved him. I knew in that moment everything was going to be okay. I just found out today Barry was placed in what is hopefully his forever home and I couldn’t have imagined a better outcome. Barry may never fly again but it’s evident he isn’t the least bit bothered by the trauma he experienced just weeks prior. He knew he was safe.

Welcome Home, Barry!

Barry & his adopters Carolina & Thiago

Barry is home!

Barry by Heather Hohlowski

My name is Marissa and I live in Humboldt County, CA. I moved from MD/PA to CA in 2015 to attend Humboldt State University where I studied Zoology. I am a huge animal lover so I hope to turn my passion into a career through earning a DVM with a specialty in exotic medicine. I enjoy volunteering with animal shelters and learning all about the animals at the rescue including their care and unique personalities. I spend my free time exploring new places and spending quality time with my guinea pigs.



Editor’s note: Sweet, smart, gentle, curious Barry was bred, used, endangered & abandoned for the “sport” of pigeon racing. Barry’s life didn’t matter. He was used as a disposable piece of equipment. If Barry had made it back to his loft at less than winning speed, he’d have been killed or sold to be used for live target shooting, hunting dog training or falconers (“culled”). If his speed was competitive, he would have been used, raced, again & again, until his luck ran out. Pigeons suffer & die in every race. When Barry was injured & grounded in San Francisco (most likely a hawk or car strike), he was supposed to suffer & die where he fell. (Pigeon racers call that “natural”.) Barry’s worst moment became his best when kind passerby Marissa scooped him up & went to all kinds of trouble to get him help. The staff at Peninsula Humane Society took him in & got him safe & stabilized & then, rather than be euthanized for his injuries, he was transferred to Palomacy. With your help- our incredible volunteers, donors and veterinary partners, we got Barry the life saving treatment & surgery he needed to live! He was badly hurt & infected such that even with his shattered wing amputated, he required a full month of medical care including a second hospitalization to get him through it all. Barry’s vet expenses added up to $4,523*! And while that was a big bill, these injured racing survivors routinely require $1,000 to $2,000 in medical care. (And that’s with our rescue discount.)  No one of us could do all this alone but together, we are saving lives & raising awareness. We want to see pigeon racing banned. That will be the only way to stem this needless suffering for so many. Your support makes all the difference. Adopt. Volunteer. Donate.

Barry thanks you & we do too!

*Wondering how it can cost $4,523 to save a pigeon’s life? Here are Barry’s invoices.



September 13, 2020
by Elizabeth
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How Glory Made the World Right Side Up

Guest Post by Cynthia Harris

Steve & Sindy in the aviary Glory inspired

I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.                                                
John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

This is the story of Glory. Glory came into my husband’s, Steve, and my life in the year of Covid-19, on July 6, 2020, a year we all will remember. July 6th was a notable day. I was discharged from the hospital on July 6th, after spending seven days there, alone, having what seemed like dysentery. Like the upside-down year it is, I was in the hospital for a meat-eaters’ illness, a campylobacter infection of my colon. Campylobacter is bacteria someone gets from eating meat (usually undercooked chicken). I don’t eat meat.  I am a vegan.

On July 6, 2020, Steve also had an upside-down moment.  While picking up the freeway, a white “dove” (aka Glory) found him. Steve and I are Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway volunteers for litter pick, and while we often find “interesting” things among the trash on the freeway, a beautiful white bird is not one of them. Indeed, on July 6th, Steve was doing a particularly unpleasant task — cleaning up an illegal dump of someone’s belongings. Just as he was ready to come home, a white bird walked out of the dead vegetation nearby and made herself at home underneath Steve’s VW Passat. Fascinated at first, Steve took a picture of Glory, who appeared to have no intention of leaving the shade of the car’s underside.

Self-rescuing “dove release” surviving homer pigeon Glory wouldn’t take no for an answer

However, he soon became impatient and took a stick to try and “shoo” the bird out. Glory remained unmoved; she simply positioned herself further under the car. Steve persisted, and Glory eventually walked out from under the car and straight into ongoing traffic. Was it suicide? In retrospect, why couldn’t it have been; she certainly self-rescued. Regardless, Glory’s actions were a loud, “wake up call” to my husband that this white bird was not just a dove passing by, but a creature in search of rescue and help.  Steve stepped out into the freeway and scooped Glory up and put her in a box in his car (one of the advantages of being a litter picker; our cars are always fully equipped for pretty much any eventuality).

There was little fanfare when she arrived home. Steve and I “got it” that Glory needed our help, and we applied ourselves to the task. Water and seed promptly arrived in her box. Glory drank three, pint bell jar lids full of water. Soon, she was housed in a borrowed parrot cage and “locked down” in our spare bedroom, away from our two cats, Mint and Bell. Research then began on this beautiful creature. It wasn’t long before I learned of Palomacy and the wonderful Elizabeth, who told us not only that Glory was a white homer pigeon (and not a dove) but all about rescued, unreleasable pigeons and doves.

Glory- safe!

It is uncanny how the world seemed to right itself, after that – slowly and when we weren’t watching. While we waited for weeks for the proper (double-flight) cage to arrive, we found a fledgling on the freeway, a beautiful red, feral youngster who appeared to have fallen from its freeway home under an underpass. Elizabeth walked us through encouraging the young bird to drink water and explained the need for feral pigeons to remain wild and free, where to take the bird (WildCare in San Rafael), and how to check on it.

Rescued pigeon kids keeping company at WildCare

Steve and I soon met the incredible Jill, who introduced Glory to her now husband, Cy, the bighearted galoot of a King Pigeon with real, lover boy skills.

pHarmony with Cy & Glory

We emergency transported a badly injured baby King pigeon to the Medical Center for Birds in Oakley and suffered through learning that the baby pigeon died shortly after we got him there. Just this week, we brought a second fledgling feral pigeon into WildCare. A young man had fished the fledgling out of the Glen Cove Marina and brought it into a pet shop, where luckily a friend works; and she called us. While the bird is still in ICU, WildCare staff are optimistic it will make a full recovery.

And in the not quite two months from Glory’s self-rescue, Steve and I had an aviary built in our backyard. Cy and Glory now reside in the aviary, and yesterday, Elizabeth and Jill brought ten rescues (five married couples) to create our own flock. Steve and I learned an incredible amount from them and intend to continue learning, rescuing and fostering unreleasable pigeons and doves with Palomacy.

A life-changing aviary

Sindy & Barron

Steve & Jill admiring Dutch

According to Elizabeth, Glory is now Super Glory, for having saved other rescued pigeons. While I may not have been transformed into an adjective as grand as “super,” Glory definitely “righted me” during what is an “upside down” time. Steve says, that his favorite sound is the cooing of a pigeon because it makes him realize that the pigeon is happy, and life is good. For me, all the pigeons, feral and domestic, who have graced my life in the last two months have surrounded me with much needed peace and beauty. It is a slowly felt calm, a “righting” of the soul as love seeps into it to heal the anxiety and fear. It is a lot like falling asleep; it happens slowly and then all at once with one myoclonic jerk, then you awaken renewed.

Rescued King pigeon Sandy loves her basket & being home!

Rescued, adopted, home!



Cynthia A. Harris (“Sindy”)  
Retired attorney and public servant.  Sindy worked most of her career (19 years) as a staff attorney for the Contra Costa Superior Court.  She now commits her time to giving back to her town, Benicia, and to enjoying her life with her new(ish) husband, Steve. She and her husband are Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway volunteers for four stretches (2.5 miles each) of the I-780, which runs through Benicia. Sindy is a Board Member and volunteer for Benicia Tree Foundation. Sindy also volunteers her time for Benicia Main Street, Carquinez Village, Solano Resource Conservation District and now Palomacy.  

August 30, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Stretching Our Wings to Twain Harte

Palomacy needs more aviaries and builders to craft them.

We recently finished a small but monumental aviary in Twain Harte in the Sierras of California.

Jules and Jess Piovarcsik-Diliberto of Earth Healing Sanctuary run a vegan catering business in the Bay Area and live in Twain Harte where they also have a vegan deli. (Some of you may remember the incredible spread they prepared for our Palomacy Flocktoberfest in 2017.) Jules and Jess want to help educate people about the treatment of food animals and run an adoption program for rabbits. We’re thrilled that they are helping pigeons, too!

Way back in August 2019, when we were first exploring the possibilities of partnering to build an aviary on their property, 2.5 hours away from the Bay Area, we knew there would be challenges. That’s a long commute for volunteer builders and we’d be designing our first above-the-snowline aviary. We had a wonderful opportunity, though, with Jules and Jess of the Earth Healing Sanctuary offering to help, providing the site and the promise of forever care. For funding, we submitted a proposal to the TS & KD Glide Foundation requesting $5K and we, Palomacy, would bring the know how and rescued pigeons needing homes.

Our plan was to amend the design of our Palomacy panel aviary plan to handle the snow load, hire a Bay Area builder to pre-assemble all the panels and then, when ready, truck them up to Twain Harte where our volunteers would join Jules and Jess to assemble and install the aviary. We’ve done several, like this one at Ploughshares Nursery in Alameda and it works great!

Pre-built panels delivered to the location

Aviary panels ready to assemble

Aviary installation in process

Opening day at our Ploughshares foster aviary

But not everything went as planned. Our funding grant was approved in December but only for $1K, 20% of the budget. We had no extra funding. We did our best to make up the difference. And then Covid-19 threw all of us for a loop. We needed a new plan. Amazingly, Palomacy volunteer Aileen Paterson, Ellie, heroically rose to meet this daunting Palomacy challenge. Ellie became our aviary designer, our materials researcher and sourcer and lead builder! Our new plan started ramping up in April and our first day of building was in June. The Twain Harte aviary would be a unique design and built from scratch by an all-volunteer crew over several days.

We scaled the aviary down from 8×16 to 6×12. This would have been a very simple build in the Bay Area, but we also needed to incorporate a split shed roof and interior shelter for heavy snow and low temperatures. Ellie drafted the design and created the blueprints. We, Palomacy, the Earth Healing Sanctuary and the TS KD Glide Foundation, shared the $3,300 cost for materials and all the building labor was done by volunteers!

Designed, spec’d & sourced by Ellie!

There were lots of challenges and we could have helped ourselves with more communication and coordination along the way but we all flexed and pitched in and, despite all the bumps and surprises, we are thrilled to have finished the beautiful, safe Earth Healing Sanctuary aviary for rescued pigeons in mid August!

Earth Healing Sanctuary aviary build day #1 volunteers!

7/20/20 Build day #2 volunteers

8/1 Build Day #3 went into late night overtime

Jess (shown) & Jules’ new aviary!

Ta da! Ten rescued pigeons, shown here with Sequoia, moved in to their beautiful, safe new home 8/15!

Lucky rescued pigeons at home! L-R: Lulu, Angel, Angel, Hope, Homer & Ducky

L-R: Kiku, Roya, Joy, Marigold & Ducky

Adopters Jess And Jules Piovarcsik-Diliberto write, The aviary build was a very fun and beautiful project. We truly enjoyed working with you and all the volunteers and learning more about pigeons and aviaries. The aviary has brought together the community as people stop and gaze at the aviary and the beautiful pigeons. Now strangers on social media reach out and ask about the pigeons and it has brought people together.

Project MVP Ellie writes, I am amazed by the qualities everyone (Jules, Jess, Elizabeth, Nath, Darren, Nick, Felipe, Trina and Lee) contributed: problem-solving, flexibility, humor, teamwork, patience, listening, humility, and caring. What a generous flock to be a part of. It cost $3300, took more than 3 days and nearly 300 volunteer hours. It was one of the most difficult and complex constructions I’ve ever worked on and is a story about how we grow and become stronger, individually and as a flock. We learned a lot.

Design: Mechanical 2D drafting to scale in Adobe Illustrator
Floor: ¾ marine plywood, 19 gauge wire, pressure treated Douglas Fir 2×4 framing over asphalt
Framing: Redwood 2×4, 16 and 19 gauge wire, 2×6 joists
Open Roofing: Redwood 2×4, 19 gauge wire
Enclosed Roofing: Metal panels, ½ plywood, 19 gauge wire, 2×6 rafters, 2×4 bracing.
Insulation: ½ plywood exterior and interior
Materials: #9 star-bit SureDrive decking screws (highly recommended), T50 or heavier staples, pan head screws and fenders, various framing fasteners and screws.
Tools: 3 ladders, 2 skillsaws, powerful drills with weird bits, wire cutters, vices (highly recommended), tape measures, pencil and paper, a battery pneumatic staple gun, a table saw, a carpenter’s triangle, masks
Other: delicious vegan lunches, lots of sweat, some blood and tears, and lots of miles.

Forewoman Ellie wrangling all the details

Jules & rescued mama bunny

Felipe & Trina on lunch break

Nath & Ray

Palomacy is incredibly grateful to Jules and Jess for their life-saving partnership, to the TS & KD Glide Foundation for their financial support, to our MVP Ellie who contributed so heroically and to our amazing volunteers Trina, Felipe, Nick, Nath, Darren and Lee without whose labor, talents and kindness, this would not have been possible. And congratulations to Angel, Hope, Lulu, Ducky, Homer, Angel, Joy, Marigold, Roya and Kiku! You are safe, loved and home!


August 14, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Creating the Better Future for Pigeons & Doves

Ruby Doodle recovering from his ordeal (Photo by Shae Irving)

Together we are helping more birds & people than ever! Our growing team responds to urgent calls for help from all over the United States & beyond. Good Samaritan Frankie & volunteer Shae teamed up to rescue a stray Persian High Flyer, lost & lonely, who was hanging around a Santa Rosa car rental until employees realized he needed help & contacted Palomacy. Now Ruby Doodle as he’s called is safe & happy.

Our Bird Care Coordinator Jill worked along with concerned neighbors in Fremont to rescue all 10 abandoned domestic pigeons who were left behind when their coop was torn down & the owner’s house sold. It took a lot of time & coordination to rescue them all.

Jill & the neighbors tried everything to rescue the last of the 10 abandoned pigeons

Palomacy Help Group member Lisa of New York spent many hours over two weeks to rescue a young “dove release” homing pigeon living on borrowed time in the wild. Named Nova, she’s now married to Lisa’s first rescued pigeon Pomme & they will live their lives happy & loved. (Learn how to catch a pigeon or dove in need of rescue.)

Rescues Nova & Pomme, photo by Lisa Caccioppoli

Despite the turbulent times, Palomacy is rescuing & placing pigeons & doves with adopters at a record pace. Your support makes Palomacy’s life-saving possible. Your support is creating the better future for these dear birds through ever increasing awareness & compassion.

And we’re doing something extra special to share all these amazing stories: For the first time ever, Palomacy is creating a 365 page, full color, Bird-A-Day Desk Calendar! You’ll be cheered, comforted & inspired every day of 2021 seeing the beautiful photos & moving stories of so many birds! (We’re also doing our gorgeous Wall Calendar too. Order yours here.)

Palomacy’s 1st 365 page, full color BirdADay desk calendar!

And something else wonderful to look forward to: Palomacy’s Worldwide Online Pijama Party will be held live from 5-8 PT on Saturday 10/24 & you are invited! Lots more exciting info to come- RSVP here.

Thank you! Thank you for all your are doing in so many ways to help close the rescue gap for pigeons & doves. Thank you for creating the better future.


July 15, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Bonus Match: Please Support Palomacy!

July 16th Update: Heartfelt thanks to 38 very generous people who helped us to earn $2,045 in bonus funds (which went really fast), raising altogether, a life-saving $7,995 for the birds!


Starts 6 AM PT & bonus funds go fast!

With your support, we are saving more birds than ever before. Today, right now while the matching funds last, the more you donate, the higher the match with donations of $750 to $1000 earning the maximum 50% bonus. Donations of $500 to $749 earn 30% and donations of $100 to $499 earn 15%. Every donation, large and small, makes a life-saving difference for pigeons and doves like Emily, Miles and Sparkle. Donate


Hawk-surviving Emily hospitalized. Grease on her feathers is from hiding under a car.

Shy Emily is a young “dove release” pigeon, still in the honky changing voice stage, who was severely injured by a hawk. When the Alameda animal control officer texted me photos, I sounded the 911 alarm and a volunteer dropped everything to drive 50 miles in pre-holiday weekend rush hour traffic to get her to Medical Center for Birds before closing. Emily went from rescued to hospitalized in two hours and that saved her life. Despite body cavity-penetrating puncture wounds from the hawk’s talons and a missing chunk of flesh from her back where he started eating her, she is alive and recovering. She’s safe. She gets a second chance because you support our work.


Pigeon racing survivor Miles post surgery at Medical Center for Birds

Big eyed, sweet-tempered Miles is a young survivor of pigeon racing, hatched just this year. Somehow his right wing was shattered leaving him grounded and helpless for a couple of days. He was rescued and taken to Peninsula Humane Society where they started antibiotics for the infection and carefully wrapped his wing to stabilize the broken bones. When his owner failed to claim him, they reached out to Palomacy for the life-saving surgery they knew he needed. And because of your support, we were able to help. Dr. Speer surgically cleaned out the necrotic tissue, realigned the bones and if all goes well, he’ll keep his wing. No matter what, he’s safe now, because you support our work.

Miles’ pre-surgery radiograph


Wild, defensive, unreleasable Sparkle

Wild Eurasian Collared dove fledgling Sparkle broke her wing and was rescued by a kind person who did her best to provide the right care including reaching out to Palomacy for help as Sparkle grew up and grew wild. Unable to fly, Sparkle was unreleasable and needed expert help to live happily in captivity. Wanting only the best for Sparkle, her person surrendered her to our care and adopted two of our tame, domestic doves instead. Sparkle needed surgery to amputate the damaged part of her wing and she required our most specialized care to keep her calm enough to heal despite her skittish temperament. Our Bird Care Coordinator Jill has gone above and beyond to keep Houdini Sparkle’s wing stump bandaged long enough to heal, to ease her anxiety, win her trust and eventually her heart. Sparkle, formerly fearful and lonesome, is now totally in love with Jill. Sparkle’s alive and happy and loved thanks to your support.

Post-surgery Sparkle healing & making new friends

Now that Sparkle trusts & loves Jill, she is happy & living her best life

Jill & Sparkle

Every day, with your incredible support, we are helping birds and the people who love them. Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, your compassion. Thank you for making Palomacy possible.

Please donate now while bonus funds last!

Donate here to boost your impact with bonus match funds.

Thank you!


July 14, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Palomacy’s Worldwide Online Pijama Party!

This year’s Palomacy Party will be our biggest, most accessible ever! We will be partying together online worldwide! In our pijamas! Everybirdy’s invited! Our super special guest host Commander Holly says, “This October, catch an amazing pigeon and dove-filled livestream event with your favorite coo-lebrities! Interviews, panels, giveaways, and more, all to support Palomacy!” Volunteers and party sponsors are invited to contact Elizabeth@PigeonRescue.org for the hook up!

Watch this post for lots of exciting details to come. Yay Palomacy!


June 24, 2020
by Elizabeth
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A Perfect Pair of Pet Pigeons

Married pair of domestic pigeons posing on a shelf

Kit & Iris

Have you ever wished for a magical friend? A special little sprite that just seeing made you smile? What about a special pair of magical friends whose devotion to each other is a joy to witness? That’s Kit & Iris! These two little married pet pigeons are extra cute, gentle, sweet, loving and just all around perfect. It’s crazy that they are available for adoption but they are. (Click here for adoption info.) Pigeon pets are great fun to live with. Our adopters LOVE their birds. Pigeons are very mellow. We call them masters of the leisure arts. They love to lounge around on a sunny window sill (or better yet, their own pet hammock!) and nap like champs.

Two pet pigeons enjoying a sunny windowsill


Bathing, splashing and soaking in their own pigeon-sized bathtub is another favorite pastime that never fails to cheer all lucky enough to see. Pet pigeons pad around the house on their quiet little feeties (as they are officially called) and have an amazing way of fitting themselves into the family. They love “helping” their people (or at least supervising them- micro managers) whether dish washing, video conferencing, marathon streaming TV therapy or whatever.

This most perfect of little pigeon pairs was initially rescued in 2016 (separately), met in foster care and quickly fell in love. Little Roller Kit & tiny Olde English Muffed Tumbler Iris are domestic breeds created to somersault in mid-air (because people think that’s cool). Unfortunately, between the predictable ease with which predators kill them and the risks of rolldown crashes, this terrible “hobby” costs many thousands of pigeons their lives every year.

Kit, a beautiful stormy gray pigeon, was surrendered as a youngster by her breeder to the Oakland Animal Shelter. She was injured and “rescue only”. Her left foot was dying for lack of circulation and, under avian vet supervision, it was allowed to slough off leaving the stump as a peg leg. She gets around fine and appreciates the cushy, VIP, indoorsy life. Iris was lost, grounded and lucky to be rescued alive and taken to the San Jose Animal Care Center where he too was “rescue only”. He’s very handsome in his jet black and snow white with feathery legs and feet (muffs) that make him extra fancy.



Kit and Iris were adopted, beloved and living very happily but due to family illness, had to be returned to Palomacy and so they are once again in search of their home. Their foster mom, who would adopt them if not already full up, writes, “Kit and Iris are happy to socialize with people and with each other. I haven’t seen another pigeon couple so in love. He just adores her and protects her and struts around for her. He’s a very manly pigeon man. He likes to strut and coo at himself in the mirror. He’s very entertaining.”

And this is why we do what we do. This is why we exist. Without Palomacy, without all that you and so many others do to help, Kit and Iris, these two adorable perfect pigeons would have been dead and the world deprived of their very real pigeon magic. As well as the 160 other amazing adoptable birds currently in our foster care and the 122 we’ve already placed this year! Thank you for helping Palomacy help birds! Ready to foster or adopt? We’re here to help make that dream a reality.

July 11th UPDATE:

Yay! Big exciting news for little Kit & Iris! A wonderful family, led by the naturalist passions of 10 year old Isabelle, has welcomed Kit & Iris into their family for foster care & possibly adoption!

Isabelle & Iris

So dear Readers, you may have missed your chance on this perfect pair, but we have lots more just as perfect. Look!


June 12, 2020
by Elizabeth
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Happy Pigeon Appreciation Day!

Custom artwork created & donated by Meg Germundson

Appreciating Pigeons

Pigeons! Of course we Palomacy people appreciate pigeons every day! They grace our world with their gentle customs- nodding and hoo hooing to welcome us, lounging in the sunshine to teach us, loving with their whole hearts come what may. We celebrate these wise, gorgeous, loyal friends with our utmost admiration.

And with your support, Palomacy puts our pigeon appreciation into action every day- rescuing, rehabbing, rehoming!

This year, in recognition of Pigeon Appreciation Day, some extra generous supporters have pledged to double donations up to $5K! Click here to double your donation today.

Rescuer, volunteer, donor and adopter Shae Irving writes, “I value the compassionate, life-saving work Palomacy does every day for so many birds in need. The organization is very often the nation’s first-responder for pigeons and doves, advising people all across the country who unexpectedly encounter a bird who needs help. By tirelessly filling this much-needed role, Palomacy has opened the way to a greater societal understanding that these charming, smart, emotional beings deserve our respect and care.”

Please visit our beautiful Pigeon Appreciation Gallery to download, post and share the love with hashtag #PigeonAppreciationDay

Happy Pigeon Appreciation Day!

Rescued pigeons Tern & Pirate embraced in Liese’s loving arms. Photo by Jill McMurchy


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