Application to foster or adopt (CH/FL)If you are human, leave this field blank.Application to Foster or Adopt (CH/FL)* indicates response requiredFirst Name: *Last Name: *Email: *U.S. Applicants OnlyFoster/Adoption available in Continental United States only.Address *City *State *Zipcode *Primary Phone: *Secondary Phone:Emergency Contact: Name & Phone Number *Is this the address where the birds will be located?YesNoIf no, please provide address where bird will be located.Name of Foster/Adopter seeking approval:(Note: fosters/adopters must be 18 or over)Date of birth: *Number of other residents in the home:List names and relationships of residents (include age if under 18)Are you interested in DOVES, PIGEONS, BOTH or OTHER?Please tell us why you would like to foster or adoptDo you want to FOSTER or ADOPT?FosterAdoptFoster to AdoptAre you aware that pigeons and doves have a 10-20 year lifespan?YesNoWho will be the bird's primary caretaker?Who will be the bird's secondary caretaker? (in case of illness, travel, etc). List age if under 18.Now much time per day do you expect to be caring for the bird(s)?How often do you travel?RarelyA couple times a yearFrequentlyType of dwelling:HouseApartmentCondoOtherDo you rent or own?RentOwnIf you rent, do you have your landlord's consent to have a bird?YesNoLandlord's name and phone number:Do you, or does anyone in your household smoke?YesNoIf yes, would you be able to provide a smoke-free environment for a foster or adopted bird?YesNoAre you aware that birds are very sensitive to and require protection from fumes and airborne toxins such as Teflon vapors, cleaning products, paint fumes, etc?YesNoHave you ever had birds?YesNoIf yes, what kind, how many of each & where are they now?What other animals do you have? (Be specific.)Have you ever sold or given away or otherwise rehomed a bird?YesNoIf yes, why?How many and what kinds of birds would you like to foster or adopt?If a bird needs supportive care (isolation from other birds, indoors, access to a heating pad, possible supplement feeding) while recovering from an illness or injury, can you provide it?YesNoWhere would the birds that you foster or adopt live, INSIDE or OUTDOORS or BOTH?IndoorsOutdoorsBothIf INSIDE, please describe the cage/enclosure, its dimensions, location in the house and number of hours the birds will spend in the cage each day, and how many days you can provide safe out-time for the birds?Are you aware that indoor birds require special lighting or natural sunlight unfiltered by glass for their health and well being?YesNoAre you aware that pigeons & doves can wear diapers while indoors?YesNoWould you like more information on that?YesNoIf your fostered/adopted birds will live OUTDOORS:Do you already have an aviary/coop/loft?YesNoIf yes, what are its dimensions?How many birds currently live in it, and what types?What is the maximum number of birds you'd keep in it?Is this enclosure predator and rodent-proof?YesNoDo you have any other questions about enclosures?Because there are so many pigeons and doves in need of homes, we ask that fosters and adopters not allow their birds to breed. Is that agreeable to you?YesNoWould you be willing to provide updates on and pictures of the birds that you foster or adopt?YesNoWould you be willing to permit an inspection and post-placement follow-up visit to your premises by a rescue representative?YesNoUnder what circumstances would you NOT wish to keep the bird?MovingNew JobAllergiesDivorce/SeparationLoud/NoisyDoesn\'t get along with other petsNew BabyBiting/Aggressive to pets or humansBird Develops serious illnessBird prefers one person more than anotherNone. I will keep the birds under all circumstances.Other:Which of these characteristics are important to you? *Please rate these characteristics as important or not important to you. Important Not ImportantAge Breed Color Gender Health/Special needs Size TempermentDo you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding your application to foster or adopt Palomacy birds?Please email photos of bird cages, aviaries, or enclosures Please email photos to showing where the birds would live and any additional enclosures housing birds you already have.Submit your application (please click only once)