
Love animals- don’t exploit them (vegan resources)

Palomacy is against the breeding and exploitation of all animals, not just pigeons and doves. Please, help animals, yourself, others and the planet with a cruelty-free lifestyle and plant-based diet.

Please love animals- don’t eat them

Vegetarianism goes hand in hand with Palomacy’s mission of saving domestic birds that would otherwise be killed. Our organization came into being to save the lives of king pigeons that are bred and raised in captivity, then slaughtered as juveniles to support meat eaters’ demand for squab. We also recognize the suffering that is caused by the dairy and egg industry.

Palomacy as an organization has a long-standing tradition of serving vegan food at our board meetings and fundraising events. Our policy statement is: “Palomacy provides vegan-only fundraising events and official functions. Furthermore, miscellaneous incidental food costs are only eligible for reimbursement from Palomacy’s funds if they are vegan.”

Our public events are a celebration of the compassion that we feel towards the birds we rescue. Education is a large part of our outreach program; we believe that providing vegan food at our events serves as “food for thought” to our guests that might not realize that vegan food can be as appealing as (or more so!) than animal products. Because the food at many of our events is potluck-style, our vegan mandate also provides us a means to educate donors and volunteers about the importance of an animal product-free diet. Palomacy is proud to be a community inspiring transitions to plant-based living.

Cruelty-free Resources Guide

A Guide To Vegan & Cruelty Free Clothes & Fashion

Animal Welfare- a cruelty-free lifestyle

Free from Harm

Vegan.com Making Vegan Easy


FoodIsPower.org Because Your Food Choices Can Change the World

VeganSociety.com How To Go Vegan

VeganRabbit.com Torture & Infanticide: Why Vegans Don’t Eat Dairy


VeganRD.com Thoughts on Being Vegan, A Dietician’s Perspective

LeapingBunny.org Connecting Compassionate Consumers with Cruelty-free Companies

HappyCow.net Find Vegan & Vegetarian Options Near You

Vegan Product Finda

Cruelty-free Beauty Shopping

Have a favorite vegan resource? Please email Elizabeth with your recommendation.


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