Guest Post by Jenna Close

Jenna & Turkey the pigeon, Photo credit Jenna Close
This is Palomacy’s official statement on HPAI / Avian Influenza / Bird Flu as of 1/19/25. We have been getting a lot of questions about this lately and have consulted with trusted avian vets and wildlife rehabbers to provide the following answers.
HPAI – Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza or Bird Fu – is a yearly event in the world now. This year it has spread from water fowl to cows, cats and raptors. Pigeons (and doves) are at very low risk for HPAI, and those few pigeons who have tested positive were not symptomatic and were associated with cow droppings (amongst which the pigeons were feeding) that contained it, which is likely why their tests were positive. Pigeons and doves are not, at this time, a vector for the disease.
Even so, good bio security is recommended. Shoes are the biggest transmitter, so Palomacy recommends a separate pair of shoes for aviary pigeons and doves and that people with house birds remove shoes in the house or switch to a house only pair.
If you are in a waterfowl heavy area, consider covering your entire aviary roof temporarily to keep out droppings from infected birds.
Rescue brand disinfectant is the best cleaning agent to combat HPAI.
At this time, Palomacy is not concerned about HPAI transmission in either pigeons or doves. We have consulted our vets and wildlife rehab experts and they are not concerned either. However, it’s always best to practice good biosecurity, especially now.
Thank you to Jenna Close, founder of Moose’s Flock, avian vet Dr. Athena Gianopoulos. DVM, and WildCare staff, especially Dion Campbell, for the information.

Pigeons balance on a wire (Photo Credit Ingrid Taylar,