Craig & Marjoram (Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Newmark)
February 10, 2025 Update:
Palomacy visited Craig and his wife, Eileen, to thank them for their recent donation. We had fun being bird nerds together and he and Eileen got their annual pigeon snuggles in. We so appreciate the support they provide our feathered friends. Nessie (blind homer), Marjoram (available for adoption) and Belinay (hospice pigeon) provided the snuggles.

Craig admires fancy Old Dutch Capuchin pigeon Marjoram while blind Homer Nessie lap naps

Craig & Mrs. Newmark chatting with blind Homer pigeons Nessie

L to R: Pigeon Heroes Craig, Mrs. Newmark & Jill with pigeons Belinay, Nessie & Marjoram
January 19, 2025
Craig Newmark is many things: the founder of craigslist, an “accidental entrepreneur,” a self-proclaimed old-school nerd, a full-time philanthropist and a life-long lover of pigeons. He named his favorite neighborhood pigeon Ghost Faced Killer. (Good one!)
Palomacy, with Craig’s very generous support, saves hundreds of pigeons and doves through hands-on rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming in Northern California. We leverage our expertise, resources, and connections to help thousands more out-of-area birds, both nationally and internationally, every year. We save lives directly and by raising awareness and compassion for these birds, who have been overlooked and underserved for too long. Together with an increasing number of fellow rescues and advocates, we are reversing the unfair stigma against pigeons and showing the world they deserve our respect and protection.
Palomacy is profoundly honored and grateful to receive our largest donation ever- a grant for $30,000- from our biggest supporter, Craig Newmark Philanthropies.
Thank you, Craig, for all you are doing “to support and connect people and drive broad civic engagement… to advance grassroots organizations that are effective and getting stuff done” and to help pigeons.