
Lights & Siren Rescue for Patter

Patter was near death when rescued

When Palomacy Care Director Jill got the late night text about a “very malnourished pigeon” found lying unmoving in a yard, she knew rescue was urgent. When she saw the failing bird’s photo, she immediately grabbed her keys and went to pick her up, “lights and sirens” as we call it. Little Patter was so weak, dehydrated and emaciated, weighing only half of what she should, that Jill feared, even with the subcutaneous fluids, tiny re-feeding meal of watery formula and supportive padded bedding she provided, that she might not survive the night. Patter did! And she is recovering.

Patter feeling slightly better thanks to Jill’s emergency care

Patter, unable to find food, had starved almost to death

As Patter began to recover, she was able to start self-feeding (supplemented at night by Jill’s tube-feeding)

Patter gradually gaining weight (her normal weight will be almost 300  grams)

Patter feeling better!

With time & loving support, Patter has recovered enough to transfer outdoors to join a gentle flock in Jill’s foster aviary

Being lost and unequipped to survive on her own had pushed the little domestic bird to the very edge of life. Thankfully her rescue came just in time. She is steadily gaining weight and strength and still has a ways to go. Thanks to your support, we have the honor of giving dear little Patter all the love and support she needs on the way to finding her forever home.

Patter thanks you & so do we


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