
Call of the Doves

Rescued Ringneck doves Idyll & Garfunkel, photo by volunteer Liese Hunter

Friends, you’re used to hearing from us about the incredible pigeons we rescue & rehome. Well, we also help so many doves! They are a smaller portion of our caseload & their public image is happily positive so they don’t require the same level of full court press our rescued pigeons do but they still need help – ours & yours! We’ve got more than 50 adorable, adoptable doves in urgent need of homes. We’re full up & can’t help more doves without more help from our fosters & adopters. Our top priority is for a dove aviary- either for fostered or adopted birds. We need indoor homes for doves too! We urgently need more homes for doves in the San Francisco Bay Area & we’ll help you help the doves! Please Email Elizabeth@pigeonrescue.org for info.

Lovely dovely aviary resident

Ringneck doves (Streptopelia risoria) are small, vivacious, expressive, sweet, vocal friends who thrive either indoors or outside in a safe, predator & rodent-proof aviary. We call them singers & swingers! A dove aviary fits easily in most backyards. An enclosure that is 6′ long by 4′ wide makes an ideal home for up to 10 Ringneck doves. Of course with aviaries, the bigger, the better & not just for the birds, but for people as well who will soon find it is their new favorite hangout. An 8′ x 6′ aviary will accomodate space for your seat too! And doves make wonderful indoor companions. One or two will enjoy a flight cage (at least 32″ wide by 32″ high & 21″ deep) & daily safe out-of-cage time in the house to hang out with you. They love to sing, sunbathe, nest-build & eat their veggies. Read Adrienne Ruork’s Doves: Birds of Chaos, Pixies in Disguise for all the insider info & start your conversation about fostering or adopting with our online application.

Palomacy’s Care Director Jill’s 6′ x 8′ foster dove aviary

You could be dove-happy like this too!

Indoor doves

Doves eat their veggies!

Related Links
What’s the Difference Between Pigeons & Doves?
How to Create an Aviary
How to Choose a Cage
Doves as Pets
Available for Fostering & Adopting
Apply to Foster or Adopt
Doves: Birds of Chaos, Pixies in Disguise


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