
Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

Palomacy — It's Pigeon Diplomacy

Palomacy’s 2024 Calendars & Contest

Scroll down to see the images chosen for our 2024 wall calendars!

Order your calendars here!

We love our rescued and adopted pigeons and doves every day, 365 days a year (366 in 2024). And we love honoring your birds in our Palomacy calendars, shared all over the world! Your support for this special fundraiser helps birds every day.

It’s your support that makes it possible for us to rescue so many displaced, injured & ill birds: hawk-struck King pigeon Freedom, PMV survivor Willy, beloved and profoundly missed youngsters Crouton & Sprout (RIP), concussed and near death Paige, timed out shelter rescues Nilla and Graham and literally hundreds more. It’s your support that enables us to help so many birds & people on so many levels: responding to more than 1,000 online coaching & referral requests every month; providing foster homes to 240 birds; screening & assisting adopters for hundreds of placements; producing our unique rescue-centric website for more than 2,000 visitors daily… & so much more.

Thank you to our 221 participants- entrants & voters- who raised $7,358 & blew us away with 395 incredible images!

Presenting Palomacy’s 2024 Wall & Desk Calendars!



Extra special thanks to our Top Ten calendar contest fundraisers! (Click their photos to see stories.)

#10 Chase by Melanie, Palantine IL $195

#9 Mirando by Natalie, Chicago IL $200

#8 Ollie by Adrienne, San Jose CA $210

#7 Sizzle by Nath, San Leandro CA $215

#6 Speck by Louise, London, England $220

#5 Princess Snowflake by Tim, Pacifica CA $230

#4 Santino & Jose by Ranjini, Santa Clara CA $250

#3 Tikki by Cole, Las Vegas NV $310

#2 Baku by Vicki, Calgary AB Canada $456

#1 Moose by Jenna, Oceanside CA $520 

Congratulations to the entrants selected to be featured in the 2024 Palomacy Wall Calendar!

While we want the calendar to brighten walls with beautiful and striking photos, we also look for entries that tell a story.

These images showcase a diverse representation of birds the Palomacy community helps and interacts with: from the feral pigeons we inhabit a shared space with to the abandoned, injured, and lost pigeons and doves that have found a home with us.

Winning entries weave thoughtful, interesting stories that add depth and personality to who the bird or birds featured are. Whether it’s through the photo or the accompanying story, they communicate something about pigeons and doves emotionally. This may be their quirks as individuals, the hardships they’ve overcome, or their relationships with others, both bird and human.

Thank you for sharing this piece of your lives with us, and we look forward to amplifying your voice to Palomacy supporters across the globe.

2024 Calendar Cover: Plover by Adrienne, San Jose CA

January: Moose by Jenna, Oceanside CA

February: The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes by Shae, Fairfax CA

March: Pancake by Sonya, Albany NY

April: Eggo by Cynthia, San Francisco CA

May: Voodoo by Ash, Eucalyptus Hills CA

June: Pomelo & Puffles by Adrienne, San Jose CA

July: Ender by Avia, Miami FL

August: Santino & Josè by Ranjini, Santa Clara CA

September: All but Two of the Flock, by Stassia, Grass Lake MI

October: Pickles by Dion, San Francisco CA

November: Polly by Ari, Stephentown NY

December: My Aviary in the Winter by Sindy, Jacksonville OR


Thank you to each & every one of you- rescuers, adopters, fosters, volunteers, photographers, artists, voters, donors & advocates! Together we are changing the course of the future for these amazing birds, from abuse to appreciation, from exploitation to adoption.

Thank You!

2024 Palomacy Calendars can be ordered here & will be shipping by 11/15/23.

And extra super special thanks to our calendar producers- super volunteers, Heather Hohlowski & Julian Zhang, for so generously investing many, many hours of their precious time & their incredible & diverse talents into this project, with such grace & patience throughout, all to help the birds. We could never afford their paid work & are blown away by the enormity of their volunteer contributions, here & all throughout Palomacy’s efforts. We are truly grateful, Heather & Julian.


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