
Palomacy Party! Summer of Dove 10/22/22

Christiana welcomes you to Summer of Dove!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Thank you to everybirdy who helped celebrate pigeons and doves and Palomacy at our Summer of Dove party Saturday 10/22/22 in San Francisco, CA and online too!

There were lots of amazing volunteers and donors working behind and on the scenes, heroically led by Christiana Reed and Aileen Paterson, with extra special contributions including graphic design by Ash O’Connor’s Flea Circus Designs, live acoostic music from Rok Dove Melne and Moe, in-person pigeon whispering by Cheryl Dickinson, a 2022 Aviary Tour video by Jenna Close, virtual pigeon presentation from science writer and naturalist Rosemary Mosco (and donated copies of her book A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching), Zoom expertise provided by Sarah Lemarié, live-streaming by Adrian Zhang, beverages by Josette Maury, amazing donated pigeon pants from The Well Dressed Duck, Flypers from Bev’s Bird Boutique, treasures to raffle including holiday decorations by Christiana, sculptures by Aileen, jewelry from Pigeon Heart Designs and so much more! (Not to mention all the treasures so generously donated for Palomacy’s first online auction! More on that here.)

Aileen co-led with Christiana from inception through pack-out

Ari & Jenna decorated acres of wall

Shae wrangled our merchandise

Faye brought delicious food

Palomacy parties are a rare opportunity for a bunch of us to gather face to face and beak to beak. Our flock is wide spread, not only all across Northern California but everywhere! On this day, we had about 80 human, 40 avian and 1 squirrel people all together in Sports Basement’s big donated community room.

Musicians Moe & Melne

Adrian live-streaming

Heather & Cantaloupe & Kyla & Pidgy

Treasures donated to support Palomacy

Pigeons by Aileen

Dion & Atlas & Pickles

Click this image to launch the video

Valeria & Doc

Beverages genersously provided by Josette & Luis

Hannah & Alberto

Sindy & Jerri & Oreo

Micael & Arcade

Nina & Pidi & Saska

Mercedes & Lorraine

Adoptable doves Argyle & Skye

Sarah producing our live-streaming & Rosemary’s online presentation

Pigeon Whisperer Cheryl

Aileen made sure we had a delicious vegan feast

Joan brought treasures

Lila of Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Resuce brought Squirrel

Jiamao brought her rescues Popcorn & Oreo

“To be honest, before attending this event and knowing about Palomacy I was worried that my love of animals and pigeons would make people think I was an outlier. That is because most of my family and friends do not understand why I see pigeons as pets, friends and family.

I am shy and not very social, what I did not expect was that in this event everyone was kind to me and talked to me about each other’s pigeons, which made me feel relaxed and happy to be with everyone. This event for me is like finding another home or community of mine and letting me know that I am not alone in this journey of saving pigeons and caring for animals. In addition, I also realize that doing all this is not something one person or a few people can do. If more people can learn about pigeons or other animals, then we will have the opportunity to save more lives. Overall, as an animal lover I am honored to have participated in this event and met more animal friendly people.”

Heather & Hamish

Holly & Bailey

Adoptable pigeon Pidgy

Ranjini & José

Riley & Jay: time flies & we grow

Friends new & old

“We are delighted to have as our special guest this year, writer, cartoonist, photographer, nature
lover, and PIGEON lover, Rosemary Mosco. Rosemary makes books and cartoons that connect
people with the natural world. She is the author of the online comic Bird and Moon, and the
author of “A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching”, “Expedition Backyard”, and “The Atlas Obscura
Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid,” among many others. David Sibley has
said The Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching will give “a whole new appreciation of these smart,
savvy, and adaptable birds whose lives are so intertwined with ours.” And I think everyone here
can wholeheartedly agree with this.”

Special guest presentation by Rosemary Mosco

Groovy, comfy dove love fest!

Jill’s in real life & Jill’s aviary video on screen

See our post-party post on Facebook with even more photos!

Raffle time!

A Palomacy party is such an epic volunteer accomplishment! Everything, all the party planning, preparation and production- from venue through promotion, set up, decor, presentations, activities, food and beverages, prizes, bird care and coaching through clean up and pack out and everything between is volunteer-powered! Our flock is so talented and generous and dedicated. Who wants to help create our 2023 gathering?


Patti post-party packing out!

Thank you, Good Night & Til Next Year!


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