
Cross Country Teamwork Saves 25 Lives

On February 15th, while already over capacity with 150 birds in Palomacy’s foster care, I received the sort of email that all rescuers fear: 25 shelter animals in need of immediate rescue. In this instance, it was 25 domestic Homer pigeons surrendered to the San Jose Animal Care Shelter. I was heartsick at the odds against them. We started posting, reaching out, searching for placements for these beautiful, at risk birds.

We were striking out everywhere. Anybody who rescues pigeons is pretty much always full up because there are so many in need and so few helping them. But, on 2/21, we got some great news: animal rescuer PJ McKosky had secured a wonderful aviary home for all of them at Stick House Sanctuary in El Paso, TX! Now the search began for transport. Within days, PJ and fellow rescuers had organized a plan to drive the 25 pigeons 1,200 miles to their new home. They needed to leave very early the morning of Saturday 2/29 so I went to SJACS the night before for the happy task of pulling the 25 incredibly lucky pigeons out of the shelter to start their long freedom ride home.

SJACS had done an amazing job of caring for and housing all the birds indoors (in dog kennels) for two weeks and everybody was in great shape. Shelter staff helped me to box them all up and by 6 PM, we were loaded up and on our way. Their first stop would be an overnight at Palomacy adopter Ranjini’s house.


I was thrilled to see these birds get out alive and start their journey to an amazing, safe forever home. I wasn’t concerned about them roughing it crowded in boxes for the almost two days the trip would take. I knew it wouldn’t be comfortable but pigeons are such good sports! They are amazingly sanguine and resiliency is their super power. They would be fine, I knew. I had envisioned they would sleep in the boxes, safe in the garage, until their transport volunteer Andrew arrived to pick them up at 5 AM the next morning… ,

But instead, Ranjini gave them their own room: VIP accomodations for their freedom night sleep over party! It was awesome!

All these pigeons knew each other, they were one flock that, for a reason we don’t know, wound up displaced and taken in to the animal shelter. They had been housed four and five to a kennel and so this was the first time in two weeks that they were all together again. It was amazing to see how happy they were and how quickly they got busy with the courting and romancing. A couple were ready to start nesting immediately!

And after their fun party and a good night’s sleep, Ranjini caught and boxed them all back up and Andrew picked them up at dawn. They made the trip in 24 hours and all arrived safely at Stick House Sanctuary! We are SO grateful to all those who made this miraculous rescue possible.

Safe, happy and home in their big, beautiful sanctuary aviary

Thank you for helping Palomacy to help so many! And please- adopt, volunteer and donate– so that we can help more.


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