
Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

Palomacy — It's Pigeon Diplomacy

Craig Newmark: Our Biggest Supporter!

Craig Newmark with rescued pigeons

Bird lover & philanthropist Craig Newmark visits with Amelio & Pat

I am so happy to tell you that we are the proud and very grateful recipients of a $10,000 grant from the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund!

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Once again (this is the second year that Craig has invested $10K in our work), Craig’s support ensures that we are able to continue this unique effort. Every month, despite the generous support of our donors and our extreme frugality, we teeter on the edge of being in the red. Every bird we help requires a tremendous leap of faith because we never have money in the bank… we struggle with financial insecurity as a constant threat to the work that we do.

And we are doing very important work! We are the only rescue in Northern California dedicated to helping domestic pigeons and doves. We may be the only one in the country! The work that we are doing is so unprecedented that we had to create a new word for it- palomacy.

We struggle every day to keep up with all that needs doing. We care for 100 pigeons and doves in our foster homes; we respond to the constant requests to help at-risk birds in shelters and found as strays; we counsel people with birds on how to care for them, keep them, do right by them… We work to promote awareness about homeless birds; to develop and coordinate adoptions; to provide humane education about these most common and yet completely misunderstood birds; to inspire compassion. And, while doing all of that, we have to fundraise too.

So a grant like this is extremely wonderful news!

Thank you, Craig, for all of your leadership, advocacy and charitable giving in support of so many worthy causes and thank you for including Palomacy among them!

See the start of Craig’s support for pigeon & dove rescue.

Learn more about how Craig is helping people do good work that matters.

Elizabeth, founder of Palomacy & Craig, founder of craigslist & craigconnects

Elizabeth, founder of Palomacy & Craig, founder of craigslist & craigconnects


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