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2014 Year of the Pigeon!

2014 Year of the Pigeon logo

You can well imagine how excited we were to receive this E-mail:

Hello MickaCoo!Pigeon Monologues is planning a year-long campaign to make 2014 “The Year of the Pigeon” to spread awareness and raise funds for pigeon, rescue, care and rehabilitation. Our goal is to literally “feed those who feed the pigeons.”To kickstart the campaign we will be offering a special t-shirt for sale online and locally, which after covering costs and free shipping we expect to raise around $4 per shirt for our chosen non-profit organization. We will be adding to this fundraising effort by earmarking proceeds from sales of “The Pigeon Monologues” book via a store on our Facebook page – we think this will produce an additional $4–$5 per unit for our chosen non-profit. All in all, we think this will help make 2014 a great year for Pigeons.We’ve done a bit of research and think that MickaCoo would be a wonderful benefactor for the funds we raise. We hope that you would be interested in participating in this effort. We would be proud to aid your efforts to protect and save the lives of these very special birds. Please let us know – we look forward to hearing from you!

Pigeon Monologues

Of course we said Yes!  Check it out! http://feedthepigeons.us/


And when I asked how this fine idea came about, Warren Church, author of The Pigeon Monologues, had this to say:

It all started with observing pigeons in public squares when I travelled, taking pictures of them, admiring their unique abilities… and the fact that they survive or thrive at the courtesy of their environment. It was strange but I felt a certain connection with them (which is why we post on Facebook as Feral Rock Dove) – which led to jotting things in my notebook about what they might be thinking or saying. After a while I had a lot of photographs and a lot of notebooks – so friends encouraged me to create the book. In a way it was my tribute to these great birds… and after the book we’d seen some “Do Not Feed the Pigeons” signs while traveling, and when we got back we talked about how pathetic that is, and just the overall negative “brand” that pigeons have, and we thought it would be fun to try to counter that with a movement – declaring 2014 the Year of the Pigeon, and getting human signs – people with shirts – out there with a “feed the pigeons” statement felt right. We knew there were a lot of people out there who cared for pigeons, rescuing them , and we hit on ‘feeding those who feed the pigeons’ as our mantra. We made a short list of these places, and MickaCoo was easily at the top of that list – and we would love for this to become a larger movement and support other pigeon rescue organizations around the world. 
Indeed! I can think of quite a lot who would wholeheartedly agree! We are definitely going to make 2014 Year of the Pigeon!


Pigeon Love by Ingrid Taylar

Pigeon Love by Ingrid Taylar


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