

Event Information

  • Wed

    Bonus Match GlobalGiving Donations Earn +30%!

    9 AM PT (Sharp!)

    Only Online at GlobalGiving for Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions

    GlobalGiving Bonus Match Please Donate

    Starting at 9 AM PT on Wednesday 9/21, donations made to Palomacy through GlobalGiving will earn a +30% Bonus Match (!!!) until funds run out (in minutes). Please mark your calendars now & set your reminder alarm!

    This Bonus Day, GlobalGiving is matching donations up to $1,000 per donor at 30%! They’re offering a $1,000 bonus award for the project with most individual donors and another for the most money raised. Matching begins at 9 am PST and lasts until funds run out (which happens very fast)! Night owls: There is also an earlier bonus match opportunity at 3 AM PT if that’s when you’re available!



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