
Donate an Item for Palomacy’s Online Auction

Palomacy Auction Donation Form

To donate an item for Palomacy's online auction, please complete this form & attach or email photos of the item.

Thank you!

For maximum efficiency, we are asking our donors to hold their donated items until bidding ends & then ship the item(s) directly to the winning bidder(s) who pay shipping. Will this work for you?
For example: she/her, he/him, they/them
For example: Handmade Quilt for Pigeon Lovers!
For example: Cozy quilt featuring Kaffe Fassett Spring 2021 Cool curated fabric collection, with curious homer and fantail pigeons. Quilt is made of 100% cotton (excluding applique adhesive). Handcrafted and machine stitched with love. Quilt measures 65" wide x 71" long. Perfect to wrap up in, cuddle under with a friend, or cover the top of a queen sized bed.
Attach photos &/or logo

Please attach or email photos of the item  (& your logo if any) to Elizabeth@PigeonRescue.org

Please tell us the name we should show for donor, your business name/website & social media names/links (if any) we can include.

Your life-saving donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Elizabeth@PigeonRescue.org. On behalf of our ever-growing family of rescued birds, volunteers, and adopters, thank you for your help!

Thank you again for helping Palomacy help birds!

Rescued Baby King Pigeon Athena Thanks You

Rescued baby King Pigeon Athena


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