On May 19, 2015, Palomacy founder Elizabeth & rescued King pigeon Dylan (bred to be butchered as squab) visited Animal Place Farm Sanctuary’s Rescue Ranch in Vacaville to firm up plans for a long-sought collaboration that will help save the lives of King Pigeons who have evaded the butcher and survived “release” to the streets but face death in Bay Area animal shelters for want of adopters.

Long peaceful drive into the property (10 MPH speed limit)

Watch out for pedestrians


Welcome to Animal Place

This is where Animal Place began

Jan & Dylan (rescued King Pigeon). Jan cares for all of the animals at the Rescue Ranch

Rooster Radio and some of his beautiful ladies (“spent” hens saved from slaughter by AP)

Out of cages, off of wire, free to move, stretch their wings, express their feelings, be themselves

Future site of a life-saving aviary for rescued King pigeons!

Jan & Dylan are ready to make this happen!

Jan & Dylan visiting chickens in the barn nearest where the pigeon aviary will be

The chickens and pigeons will be neighbors

Elizabeth is an Animal Place intern. It was her rescuing of a pigeon (which interrupted a chicken dinner) that inspired her to become vegan.

The pigeon aviary will be in the clearing behind where Jan & Elizabeth are silhouetted

Their covered porch has a very aviary-friendly design!

Jan & Elizabeth- ready to help pigeons!
July 21, 2015 Update
Our Help Build an Aviary for Animal Place crowdfunding campaign is launched! Please click here to see more and help us save more birds!